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could this be love

热度 2已有 418 次阅读09-9-26 09:26 |

could this be love
victoria acosta
woke up this morning,
just sat in my bed,
8 a.m first thing in my head,
is a certain someone,
who's always on my mind,
he treats me like a lady in everyway,
he smiles and warms me through up the day,
should i tell him i love you,
wish i knew what to say!
could this be love that i feel,
so strong, so deep and so real,
if i lost you would i ever heal,
could this be love that i feel?
could this be love that i feel,
so strong, so deep and so real,
if i lost you would i ever heal,
could this be love that i feel?
the way he looks,
so deep in my eyes,
our hearts are so warm,
i just wanna cry,
then he's so hardworking,
he wants to be someone.
should i tell him that i love you,
what if he doesn't say it too,
i'm getting so nervous,
what should i do
could this be love that i feel,
so strong, so deep and so real,
if i lost you would i ever heal,
could this be love that i feel?
could this be love that i feel,
so strong, so deep and so real,
if i lost you would i ever heal,
could this be love that i feel?
will it be my turn,
two hearts beating together as one,
no more loneliness,
only love, laughter and fun
could this be love that i feel,
so strong, so deep and so real,
if i lost you, would i ever heal,
could this be love that i feel?
could this be love that i feel,
so strong, so deep and so real,
if i lost you would i ever heal,
could this be love that i feel?
could this be love that i feel?







发表评论 评论 (4 个评论)

回复 破坏精灵 09-9-26 12:45
回复 cherry 09-9-26 12:58
破坏精灵: 现在不是刚分居?她不是说还爱他?
回复 破坏精灵 09-9-26 13:00
cherry: 是啊~结婚结的太早了,也太草率了,哎……
回复 cherry 09-9-26 13:04
破坏精灵: 那个男人好醜的。。。配不上艾薇兒呢

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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