前段时间我发现一个我倾慕已久的域名被人抢注了,注册人是国内的一个臭名昭著的抢注公司,就打电话过去,问多少钱能买下。人家回复我:480元/5年。每年不到100元,这个价格实在不算贵,也就是比正常价格贵不到1倍。但我没有买下,因为用不着。 昨天我又给某域名的抢注者写信,很快就接到了回信,如下: Hi,
Thank you for your email. Please note that my price USD 440 is not negotiable. Since some company are considering for this price now.
--fyi-- Price is getting higher. It could be double/triple soon. Just according to unbalance between supply-and-demand.
Only if you decide your mind, let me know with your www.escrow.com account.
My www.escrow.com account is
Since domain name is not "Goods", trading of "Domain name" is very safe & simple. 硬着头皮看完这鸟语,看来这个老外向我索要440美元,大约3500元人民币。这个价格足够colaever.com维护50年! 看来老外比国人黑多了!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-12 3:16:17编辑过]