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楼主 1#
jessica210 发表于 04-9-30 19:56:48 | 只看该作者 |正序浏览 阅读模式
Facts ty$?#e These are facts straight from the mouth of J.K. Rowling, and were gathered from numerous online chats with her. Everything here is confirmed. "< ©哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 -- 哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 Harry Potter Adorer club  }M~ Random facts about the book R,ZaAw The sixth book is yet to be titled,只确定了书名and don't believe anything otherwise. 不要相信其他的传闻 [8j By the ends of books 6 and 7 "you'll have all the back story you'll need"到第六七本结束,你会知道所有你想知道的背后故事, says JK Rowling, and a prequel will not be necessary ls3B There will be a new Minister of Magic, no more Mr. Fudge. |c10 We will find out what happened to Hagrid's half brother Grawp.我们会发现什么发生在海格的兄弟Grawp(不是亲兄弟)身上 He will be a bit more controllable in book 6. 他在哈六中起者重要作用 F The Dursleys are in the next book, but Harry's stay with them will be the shortest yet. In book 5 he stayed for 4 weeks, so we know his stay will be less than 4 weeks. 8s Cho Chang will not be a romantic interest of Harry in Book 6, 秋不会是哈利的浪漫搭档however there will be a "little romance" for Harry says JK.但是会给哈利带来一丁点的浪漫 "X'i In books 6 and 7 we will find out exactly why JK killed off Sirius. 6Ew\ Harry becomes even more powerful in book 6. 哈利会变得更有势力 F In books 6 and 7 we will find out why Dumbledore trusts Snape.在67里会发现为什么邓不利多器重斯内普 H We will find out what happened to Wormtail AKA Peter Pettigrew dQ! More about the animosity between Snape and Sirius will be revealed in the last 2 books. Fl3R JK has said that giving away the form of Snape's boggart and patronus says too much. We'll definitely find out what Snape's worst fear is, and it'll be important. }=Td Hermione and Draco will NOT end up together in book 6 or 7. L# We will find out what exactly Dudley saw when he looked at the dementors.我们会知道达利看到摄魂怪是到底说了什么 fR The reason Voldemort and Harry both didn't die when Voldemort tried to kill Harry, will be revealed. 伏杀哈利时他们两个都没死的原因会被揭晓 4MAW&/ We will see more of Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, now that Lucius is busy. K%= We'll learn more about Harry's scar in the last 2 books. 会知道更多关于哈利的疤 w Moaning Myrtle will make an appearance again, as will Tonks. 7i More about Voldemort's birth will be revealed, thus helping us understand why he is so evil. yR9'T Muggles begin to notice "more and more odd" occurrences in book 6, says JK. {>=X/: The wizarding world is really at war in the sixth book. 魔法世界在第六部会卷入战争 bn\oLz Harry will tell his dearest friends about the prophesy after it sinks in to him. aif We will learn more about Harry's relatives, including his grandparents (though JK says they aren't really important to the story) x We will find out what happened to Sirius's motorbike. ~*fX5 Book 6 will be shorter than the 5th book (or at least JK's 99% sure, but will not swear on her children's lives) anb There will be no "new" nationalities of children at Hogwarts. Hogwarts is a British school, and JK says that adding foreigners for the sake of it is not in her plans. {XBT^ Harry's parents' profession will be a big part of the plot. @}C Something HUGE will be revealed about Lily Potter. 一些关于lily的重要的事会揭发 aIS;/ ©哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 -- 哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 Harry Potter Adorer club  $f@[LH ©哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 -- 哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 Harry Potter Adorer club  YWSD|R ©哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 -- 哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 Harry Potter Adorer club   I9 偶的英语水平不好,只能翻成这样,原网址http://www.mugglenet.com/books/booksix/facts.shtml 2%q ©哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 -- 哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 Harry Potter Adorer club  h7 ©哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 -- 哈利·波特崇拜者俱乐部 Harry Potter Adorer club  [_SCQZ 还有有关于哈利,罗恩的一些最终归属,自己去看吧,好长的,偶就不贴了http://www.mugglenet.com/books/hpcouples.shtml`Z!k*c
马扎 4#
谁能帮帮我门 发表于 13-4-5 07:13:52 | 只看该作者
板凳 3#
大手冰冰凉 发表于 12-5-7 18:59:27 | 只看该作者
知道了 不错~~~  
沙发 2#
多比 发表于 04-9-30 20:09:41 | 只看该作者
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