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-James Nachtwey- 著名战地摄影师

楼主 1#
AK47 发表于 05-7-11 20:43:35 | 只看该作者 |倒序浏览 阅读模式
""I have been a witness, and these pictures are

my testimony. The events I have recorded should

not be forgotten and must not be repeated.""

-James Nachtwey-

Afghanistan, 1996 - Mourning a brother killed by a Taliban rocket.

Afghanistan, 1996 - The game of Buzkashi was brought to the country by Genghis Khan.

Afghanistan, 1996 - Land mine victims learned to walk on prosthetic legs at ICRC clinic.

Afghanistan, 1996 - Ruins of Kabul from civil war.

Zimbabwe, 2000 - In a tuberculosis ward where the great majority of the patients suffer from AIDS.

South Africa, 2000 - Grandmother cared for young girl affected by HIV.

South Africa, 2000 - Care giver comforted an AIDS sufferer.

Northern Ireland, 1981 - Truck hijacked by Catholic demonstrators during the hunger strike of Bobby Sands.

Nicaragua, 1984 - Contra mortally wounded in jungle warfare.

Afghanistan, 1986 - Mujahedin praying while on an operation against the Soviet army.

Guatemala, 1983 - Clergy traveled in military helicopters to the mass of Pope John Paul II in the war zone.

El Salvador, 1984 - Army evacuated wounded soldiers from village football field.

Nicaragua, 1984 - Relic of civil war became a monument in a park.

Romania, 1990 - An orphanage for "" incurables"".

Romania, 1990 - An orphan in an institution for ""incurables> "".

Bosnia, 1993 - Ethnic cleansing in Mostar. Croat militiaman fires on his Moslem neighbors.

Bosnia, 1993 - Wounded soldier.

Bosnia, 1993 - Mourning a soldier killed in the civil war.

Bosnia, 1993 - Mourning a soldier killed by Serbs and buried in what was once a football field.

South Africa, 1992 - Xhosa young men in rite of passage.

South Africa, 1992 - Soweto children soar on a trampoline.

Sudan, 1993 - Famine victim in a feeding center.

Somalia, 1992 - Child starved by famine, a man-made weapon of mass extermination.

Sudan, 1993 - Famine victim about to receive water in a feeding center.

Somalia, 1992 - Famine victim sewn into burial shroud.

Somalia, 1992 - Lifting a dead son to carry him to a mass grave during the famine.

Kosovo, 1999 - Tearing a poster of Milosevic.

Albania, 1999 - Kosovar deportees meeting in a refugee camp.

Kosovo, 1999 - Deportees returned during harvest time.

Kosovo, 1999 - Ruins of Djacovica, destroyed by Serbs.

Kosovo, 1999 - Imprint of a man killed by Serbs.

East Germany, 1990 - Pollution from a coke factory.

Czechoslovakia, 1990 - Heavy metals contaminated the air of an aluminum factory.

Alabama, 1994 - Prisoner on the chain gang.

Alabama, 1994 - Prisoner on the chain gang.

Alabama, 1994 - Punishment post on the chain gang.

Pakistan, 2001 - A rehab center for heroin addicts.

Pakistan 2001 - Heroin addicts.

Rwanda, 1994 - Survivor of Hutu death camp.

Zaire, 1994 - Hutu refugees were struck by cholera and buried in mass graves.

India, 1993 - Untouchables working in a brick factory.

India, 1993 - Untouchables haul a boatload of sand up the Ganges.

Chechnya, 1996 - Ruins of central Grozny.

Chechnya, 1996 - Chechen rebel fighting along the front line against the Russian army.

Chechnya, 1996 - No man' s land between Russian army and Chechen rebels in Grozny.

Chechnya, 1995 - Pallbearers came for a woman' s husband, who was killed by the Russian army.

West Bank, 2000 - Palestinians fighting the Israeli army.

West Bank, 2002 - Mourning the dead in Jenin refugee camp.

West Bank, 2002 - Digging out the ruins of a shop in Jenin refugee camp.

Indonesia, 1998 - Jubilation at announcement of Suharto' s resignation.

Indonesia, 1998 - A beggar washed his children in a polluted canal.

Indonesia, 1998 - A homeless child slept off a drug high on the streets of Jakarta.

New York, 2001 - Collapse of south tower of World Trade Center.

New York, 2001 - Searching for survivors.

New York, 2001 - Ruins of World Trade Center.

New York, 2001 - Ground Zero.


沙发 2#
蛐蛐 发表于 05-7-12 20:09:59 | 只看该作者



板凳 3#
雨言 发表于 05-7-12 21:02:44 | 只看该作者
马扎 4#
可乐无限 发表于 05-7-12 22:59:36 | 只看该作者
草席 5#
蝴蝶子 发表于 05-7-13 10:52:58 | 只看该作者



地板 6#
米妮 发表于 12-1-8 16:57:19 | 只看该作者
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核桃夹子了 发表于 13-4-5 17:06:31 | 只看该作者
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