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可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:30:08 | 只看该作者 |倒序浏览 阅读模式

《疯狂主妇》第一季(Desperate Housewives Season 1)剧本


Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.01 - Pilot


Guest stars

"Mrs. Martha Huber" - Christine Estabrook

"Tom Scavo" - Doug Savant

"Danielle Van De Kamp" - Joy Lauren

"Andrew Van De Kamp" - Shawn Pyfrom

"Preston Scavo" - Brent Kinsman

"Porter Scavo" - Shane Kinsman

"Parker Scavo" - Zane Huett

"Wendy" - Sherica Durdley

"Natalie Klein" - Nike Doukas

"Waiter" - Heath McCall

"Elderly Lady" - Kay Wade

"Tanaka Party Waiter" - Edward Zoellner

Written by: Marc Cherry & Charles Pratt, Jr.

Directed by: Charles McDougall


Overview of a nice, upscale neighborhood. Cars are driving by, people are taking walks and pushing baby carriages while saying hello to each other.

Focus on house where a woman steps outside, carrying a basket of flowers. Her voice is the one in the voiceover.

"My name is Mary Alice Young. When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. Normally, there is never anything newsworthy about my life. But that all changed last Thursday."

As she talks, we see snippets of what she's describing.

"Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. I made breakfast for my family. I performed my chores. I completed my projects. I ran my errands. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life. Until it gleamed with perfection. That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet and retrieve a revolver that had never been used."

Mary Alice holds the gun to her head and pulls the trigger. The gun goes off and in the reflection of a mirror, Mary Alice falls to the floor.


A woman reaches down into a pile of red, blood-like liquid, dips her finger into it, and raises it to her lips to taste it, then turns to look out her window when she hears the shot. The voiceover continues.

"My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs. Martha Huber, who had been startled by a strange popping sound. Her curiosity aroused, Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced."

Mrs. Huber goes to her hallway closet and removes a blender that has a label on it reading "Property of Mary Alice Young"

She leaves her house and hurries over next door.

"After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she borrowed six months before."

Mrs. Huber goes to the front door and rings the bell, waits, then rings it again. She then goes around the house and peeks through a window. Seeing the body on the floor, she screams and rushes back to her house to call 911.

"It's my neighbor. I think she's been shot. There's blood everywhere! Yes, you've got to send an ambulance. You've got to send one right now!"

She hangs up.

"And for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy. But only for a moment."

Mrs. Huber turns to look at the blender with its label firmly attached.

"And if there's one thing Mrs. Huber was known for..."

Mrs. Huber tears off the label on the blender.

"...it was her ability to look on the bright side."

She puts the blender back in the closet.


Many people go to Mary Alice Young's house, dressed solemnly.

"I was laid to rest on Monday. After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects. And as people do in these situations, they brought food. Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken."

Lynette, caring a large platter of chicken, looks drawn and tired.

"Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. Of course, she didn't cook much while she was climbing up the corporate ladder."

Flashback to Lynette in a boardroom, giving a presentation to a group of people.

"She didn't have the time. But when her doctor announced Lynette was pregnant..."

Flashback to Lynette in her doctor's office, getting the ultrasound. Lynette is grinning, obviously excited.

"...her husband, Tom, had an idea. 'Why not quit your job? Kids do better with stay at home moms. It would be so much less stressful.'"

Lynette hesitantly nods her agreement at him, her smile gone.

Present time, Lynette continues walking down the sidewalk, holding the chicken platter and pushing a stroller. As she walks, her other three children, all little boys, two of whom are twins, walk in front of the stroller, the twins pushing each other as they walk.

"But this was not the case. In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic, she was now forced to get her fried chicken from a fast food restaurant. Lynette would have appreciated the irony if she had stopped to think about it."

Lynette tries to break up her children's fight as it gets more physical. She kneels down in front of them, angry.

"Listen to me. You are going to behave today. I will not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood. And, just so you know how serious I am..." [she pulls a piece of paper out of her jacket].

One of her boys asks, "What's that?"

Lynette: "Santa's cell phone number."

Twin: "How'd you get that?"

Lynette: "I know someone who knows someone who knows an elf. And if any of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas. Are you willing to risk that?"

They shake their heads no.

She straights up. "All right, let's get this over with."

The camera pans to a Hispanic man in a suit, standing outside of a beautiful house. He turns to watch his gorgeous wife hurry down the steps to meet him.

"Gabrielle Solis, who lives down the block, brought a spicy paella."

Flashback to Gabrielle when she was younger, walking down the runway as a fashion model.

"Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men."

Flashback to a restaurant, where Gabrielle and the man are having dinner.

"Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date. Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes. But she soon discovered that this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal."

Present time, where Gabrielle joins Carlos as he waits for her.

"Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot. However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler."

Carlos and Gabrielle walk down the street. Carlos tells Gabrielle that if she talks with Mason at the wake, she's to casually mention to him how much he paid for her necklace.

Gabrielle retorts "Why don't I just pin the receipt to my chest?"

Carlos explains that Mason let him know how much he had paid for his wife's convertible. He tells her to just work it into the conversation. Gabrielle says she can't just work it in.

Carlos: "Why not? At the Donahue party, everyone was talking mutual funds and you found a way to mention you slept with half of the Yankee outfielders."

Gabrielle: "I'm telling you, it came up in the context of the conversation."

Carlos: "Hey! People are starting to stare. Can you keep your voice down?"

Gabrielle: "Absolutely. Wouldn't want people to think we're not happy."


The door to the Young's house opens to show a well-groomed woman standing outside with her husband, son, and daughter. She's holding two baskets full of baked goods.

"Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. Bree was known for her cooking, and for making her own clothes, and for doing her own gardening, and for re-upholstering her own furniture. Yes, Bree's many talents were known throughout the neighborhood. And everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother. Everyone, that is, except her own family."

Bree walks in, with her husband and children following behind her.

She goes up to Paul and Zachary Young to offer her condolences. They tell her that she didn't need to go through so much trouble, and she says that it was no trouble at all.

She explains that one of the baskets is for the guests and the other is just for Paul and Zachary and those are "breakfast type things." As she talks, her family silently looks at each other. She hands Paul and Zachary the muffins and reminds them that she will need the baskets back. Behind her, her husband briefly closes his eyes.


A woman leaves her house with her teenage daughter. She's carrying a casserole dish with aluminum foil covering it. The foil comes off the dish and the woman has to grab it before it flies away.

"Susan Mayer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese. Her husband Carl, always teased her, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook, and she rarely made it well. It was too salty the night she and Carl moved into their house. It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Carl's shirt. She burned it the night Carl told her he was leaving her for his secretary."

Flashback to Carl leaving the house with suitcases as Susan and her daughter sit at the kitchen table, a macaroni and cheese dinner in front of them. Susan begins to cry. Her daughter leans over and pats her mother's arm.

In present time, Susan and her daughter leave their house and begin walking towards the Young's house.

"A year had passed since the divorce. Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life, even one who would make fun of her cooking."

As they walk, Susan's daughter asks, "Mom, why would someone kill themselves?"

Susan: "Well, sometimes people are so unhappy, they think that's the only way they can solve their problems. "

Julie: "But Mrs. Young always seemed happy."

Susan: "Yeah. But sometimes, people pretend to be one way on the outside, when they're totally different on the inside."

Julie: "Oh, you mean like how dad's girlfriend is always smiling and says nice things, but deep down, you just know she's a bitch? "

Susan: "I don't like that word, Julie. But yeah, that's a great example."

They reach the house and go inside. Susan puts the macaroni and cheese on the table with the other food. She heads to the kitchen where the other three women are sitting. They say hello. Susan looks at Mary Alice's chair and then picks up the coffee to pour herself a cup.

Flashback to when all five of the women were drinking coffee together at that table when Susan's husband left her.

Mary Alice: "So what did Carl say when you confronted him?"

Susan: "You'll love this. He said, it doesn't mean anything. It was just sex."

The women all scoff. She continues. "And then he got this Zen look on his face and said, you know, Susan, most men live lives of quiet desperation."

Lynette: "Please tell me you punched him."

Susan: "No, I said, really? And what do most women lead? Lives of noisy fulfillment?"

The women offer support.

Susan: "I mean, of all people, did he have to bang his secretary? I had that woman over for brunch."

Gabrielle: "It's like my grandmother always said. An erect penis doesn't have a conscious."

Lynette: "Even limp ones aren't all that ethical."

Bree joins in, saying that that's the reason she joined the NRA.

"When Rex started going to those medical conferences, I wanted it in the back of his mind that he had a loving wife at home with a loaded Smith & Wesson."

They laugh.

Mary Alice asks Lynette if she's worried about her husband, since he's always away on business. Lynette says that he's gotten her pregnant three times in four years. "I wish he was having sex with someone else."

They ask Susan if he'll stop seeing the woman and she says she doesn't know.

Susan: "I just don't know how I'm going to survive this."

Mary Alice: "Listen to me. We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are."

Susan puts her hand on Mary Alice's.

In present time, Bree interrupts Susan's memories, saying that Paul wants them to come over on Friday to go through Mary Alice's closet and pack up her things, as he can't face doing it himself. Susan agrees. Bree asks if she's okay. Susan tells her "I'm just so angry. If Mary Alice was having problems, she should have come to us. She should have let us help her."

Gabrielle asks what problems she could have had. "She was healthy, had a great home, a nice family. Her life was - "

Lynette interrupts. "Our life." They're all quiet.

Gabrielle says that if Mary Alice had been having problems, they would have known, because she only lives 50 feet away. Susan tells her, "Gabby, the woman killed herself. Something must have been going on."

Off to the side, unbeknownst to the women, Paul Young listens to their conversation, grim-faced. He takes a sip of his drink.


Later, at the buffet, Susan comes up to a man putting some macaroni and cheese on his plate. She tells him not to eat it. He asks her why. She replies with "I made it, trust me." He starts to take a bite and she stops him. "Hey, hey, do you have a death wish?" He answers with "No, I just refuse to believe that anybody can screw up macaroni and cheese."

He puts some in his mouth and Susan looks apologetic as she holds up her hands as though to say that she warned him.

He starts to chew, then stops.

"Oh my god. How did you - it tastes like it's burnt and undercooked."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

She takes a napkin and has him spit the food into it.

He thanks her, then introduces himself as Mike Delfino. He says that he's renting the Sims house. She introduces herself and he says that he heard about her from Mrs. Huber, and that he heard that she illustrates children's books.

"Yeah, I'm very big with the under five set."

She laughs at her own joke and he chuckles. She asks what he does and he tells her that he's a plumber. "So if you ever have a clog.. or something" They smile and she looks away. She looks at the mac and cheese. "Now that everybody's seen that I've brought something, I should probably just throw this out." She picks up the mac and cheese as he watches her.

Across the room, Julie looks on, interested.

She walks away and he watches her go. She turns around as she walks, and he smiles at her. She smiles back.

Mrs. Huber finds Lynette as she's breast feeding her infant. Lynette tells her child "Ease up, little vampire."

Mrs. Huber says that she's been looking for her. "Are you aware of what your sons are doing?"

Her boys are swimming in the Young's swimming pool. Lynette comes rushing down to the pool. Looking around at everybody, she then leans down. "What are you doing? We are at a wake!"

Her boys say that she told them they could go in the pool. She clarifies that she told them they could go by the pool. She asks if they have their swimsuits on. They say that they put them on before they left. Lynette's furious. "You three planned this?" She picks up their clothing and tells them to get out. They refuse. She tells them "I am your mother. You have to do as I say." They tell her that she can't stop them from swimming.

Lynette looks around and sees everybody watching her. She then looks at her boys, who have their arms crossed as they glare at her.

She makes a decision and hands her baby to the priest. She then wades into the pool, fully clothed. They start to swim away, but she grabs them anyway. Susan, watching from the side, looks embarrassed for her.

Lynette drags her children out, takes back her baby, and tells Paul that they have to leave. "Once again, I am so sorry for your loss."

She leaves with her children.

"Lynette shouldn't have been so concerned about my husband. He had other things on his mind. Things below the surface."

Paul looks down in the depths of the pool.


"The morning after my funeral, my friends and neighbors quietly went back to their busy, busy lives."

Lynette's children are throwing cereal everywhere while she tries to calm them.

"While some did their cooking, and some did their cleaning..."

Bree cleans toilet, furiously.

"...and some did their yoga..."

Gabrielle quietly does yoga on her front porch.

"...others did their homework."

A soccer ball is kicked over Mike Delfino's house into his backyard.

The doorbell rings at Mike's house. Julie is shown to have rung it. Mike answers the door as his dog barks and Mike bends down to hold onto its collar.

"Hi. I'm Julie. I kicked my soccer ball into your backyard."

"Okay, well, let's go around and go get it."

He walks outside with her, telling his dog to stay.


Later that day, Julie, tossing the soccer ball in her hands, talks to her mom.

"His wife died a year ago. He wanted to stay in L.A., but there were too many memories. He's renting for tax purposes, but he hopes to buy a place real soon."

Susan tells her daughter that she can't believe she went over there. Julie replies that she saw them flirting at the wake.

"You're obviously into each other. Now that you know he's single, you can ask him out."

Susan says that she likes him, but she doesn't know if she's ready to start dating again. Julie says that she needs to get out there. She asks her mom, "how long has it been since you've had sex?"

Susan stops what she's doing and looks at her daughter.

"Are you mad that I asked you that?"

"No, I'm just trying to remember. I don't want to talk to you about my love life anymore. It weirds me out."

Julie says that she wouldn't have said anything, except that she heard her dad's girlfriend ask if Susan has dated anyone since the divorce and "dad said he doubted it. And then they both laughed." Susan stares at her daughter, silent and shocked.


Susan walks determinedly down the street to Mike's house. In her hands, she carries a small house plant. When she reaches his place, she rings the bell.

He opens the door.

"Hey, Susan."

"Hi, Mike. I brought you a house warming gift."

She says that she should have come by earlier. He says that she's the first in the neighborhood to stop by. She's happily surprised. "Really!"

"Susan knew she was lucky. An eligible bachelor had moved onto Wisteria Lane and she was the first to find out. But she also know that good news... "

Edie Britt calls out, Hello there! as she comes up to join Susan and Mike on the porch.

"...travels quickly. Edie Britt was the most predatory divorcee in a 5-block radius."

Scenes of Edie are shown as she seduces a plumber, then a tennis instructor, and then a priest.

"Her conquests were numerous. Varied. And legendary."

Edie has a covered dish in her hands as she bounds up the porch, says hi to Susan, and then introduces herself to Mike. Susan watches as they shake hands.

"Susan had met the enemy and she was a slut."

Mike takes the food and thanks her.

"What's this?"

"Sausage putinesca. Just something I threw together."

Susan gives her a knowing look. Mike thanks her.

"That's great. I'd invite you both in, but I was sort of in the middle of something."

They both protest that it's no problem, they had to go anyway.

"And just like that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun."

The two woman walk away together, with Mike watching them while still holding the housewarming gifts.

"For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly."

Edie turns around to face Mike. "Oh, Mike! I heard you're a plumber?"

"But she was reminded that when it came to men..."

Edit continues. "Do you think you could stop by later tonight and take a look at my pipes?"

"...women don't fight fair."

Mike answers her. "Sure."

Susan sighs. She and Edie continue walking.

Edie: "Bye, Susan."

Susan: "Hmm."

They separate.


At Gabrielle and Carlos's house, Gabrielle is shouting that Carlos can't order her around. She tells him that she's not going.

Carlos: "It's business. Tanaka expects everyone to bring their wives."

Gabrielle: "Every time I'm around that man, he tries to grab my ass."

Carlos: "I made over $200,000 with him last week. If he wants to grab your ass, you let him."

He walks away from her, out of the house.

He sees the 16-year-old gardener, John, and calls his name. John is startled and cuts his finger. Carlos asks him why a bush is still there, since John was supposed to get rid of it last week. John says he didn't have time. Carlos says that he doesn't want to hear any more excuses. Just get rid of it.

Gabrielle comes out of the house and tells Carlos that she hates the way that he talks to her. He replies with "and I really hate that I spent $50,000 on a diamond necklace that you couldn't live without. But I've learned to deal with it. So, can I tell Tanaka we'll be there tomorrow night?"

Before answering him, Gabrielle turns to John and tells him that they have bandages in the kitchen. He goes inside.

Gabrielle tells Carlos that she'll go, but "I'm keeping my back pressed against the wall the entire time." Carlos backs away, smiling as he walks. "See? Now this is what a marriage is all about. Compromise."

In the kitchen, John puts on a band-aid. Gabrielle asks him if his finger is okay. He says yes, it was just a small cut. She asks to look at it. She holds his finger up to her eye level and then kisses the band-aid that's wrapped around it. Then she starts licking his finger, and before long, they start kissing each other.

John backs away after a couple of seconds, telling her "I really like it when we hook up, but I just gotta get my work done. I can't afford to lose this...job, and..."

He watches as she takes off her shirt and leans back seductively on a table in the kitchen.

She tells him that the table she's sitting on is hand carved and it's imported from Italy.

Gabrielle: "It cost him $23,000."

John [chuckles] "So you wanna do it on the table this time?"

Gabrielle: "Absolutely."

She pulls off his shirt and they lean back together onto the table, kissing.


Dinner time at Bree's house.

Aside from some soft classical music in the background, the only sound is the clinking of silverware on the plates. Danielle and Andrew are picking at the food. Danielle asks her why they can't ever have normal soup. Bree smiles and responds "Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil puree." Danielle asks if they can't, just once, have a soup that somebody's heard of, like french onion, or navy bean.

Bree: "First of all, your father can't eat onions. He's deathly allergic."

She looks at her husband, who's slowly eating, his eyes averted.

Bree: "And I won't even dignify your navy bean suggestion." [She turns to Andrew] "So, how's the osso buco?"

Andrew: "It's okay."

Bree: "It's okay? Andrew, I spent three hours cooking this meal. How do you think it makes me feel when you say it's okay in that sullen tone?"

Andrew: "Who asked you to spend three hours on dinner?"

Bree [shocked]: "Excuse me?"

Her husband looks down at his plate.

Andrew: "Tim Harper's mom gets home from work, pops open a can of pork and beans, and boom, they're eating. Everyone's happy."

Bree: "You'd rather I serve pork and beans?"

Danielle turns to her brother. "Apologize now, I am begging you."

Andrew: "I'm saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? Can't we just have food?

Bree: "Are you doing drugs?"

Andrew: "What?"

Bree: "Change in behavior is one of the warning signs and you have been fresh as paint over the last six months. That would explain why you're always locked in the bathroom."

Danielle: "Trust me, that is not what he is doing."

Andrew: "Shut up."

He tells his mom that he doesn't have a problem and that she acts like she's running for mayor of Stepford. Bree looks to Rex for support.

"Rex. Seeing that you're the head of this household, I would really appreciate you saying something."

"Pass the salt."


At a grocery store.

"Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion. Indignation."

Lynette is on the phone to Tom's voice mail while shopping. She says in her message that it's the fifth time she's left a message and he still hasn't called her back.

"Well, you must be having a lot of fun on your business trip. I can only imagine. Well, guess what, the kids and I want to have some fun, too, so unless you call me back by noon, we are getting on a plane and joining you."

As she's talking, the twins grab a cart and race off. Her third boy watches them go and tries to get Lynette's attention. Lynette tells him "Not now, Mommy's threatening Daddy." Suddenly, she notices that the twins are gone.

They're walking down an aisle, throwing tons of food into the cart.

Lynette goes off searching for them and runs into Natalie Kline, a well-dressed woman. Lynette mutters "crap" when Natalie recognizes her, but then smiles at her. They make small talk. Lynette asks how the firm is doing, and Natalie tells her that everyone misses her. "We all say that if you hadn't quit, you'd be running the place by now. So. How's domestic life? Don't you just love being a mom?"

"And there it was. The question that Lynette always dreaded."

Lynette: "Well, to be honest..."

"For those who asked it, only one answer was acceptable. So Lynette responded as she always did. She lied."

Lynette: "It's the best job I've ever had."

Behind her, near the check out lanes, her boys run the cart into an older woman, who trips and falls down. Lynette closes her eyes.


Outside of Gabrielle and Carlos's bedroom, a school bus goes by. John and Gabrielle are in bed, with Gabrielle smoking. John asks her why she married Carlos.

Gabrielle: "Well, he promised to give me everything I've ever wanted."

John: "And did he?"

Gabrielle: "Yes."

John: "So why aren't you happy?"

Gabrielle: "I wanted all the wrong things."

John: "So do you love him?"

Gabrielle: "Yes."

John: "Then why are we here? Why are we doing this?"

Gabrielle: "Because I don't want to wake up one morning with a sudden urge to blow my brains out."

John: "Hmm. Hey, can I have a drag?"

Gabrielle: "Absolutely not. You're much too young to smoke."

They kiss.


That night, Susan fluffs her hair and checks her outfit while looking in a mirror. She asks Julie "How would you feel about me using your child support payments for plastic surgery?"

Julie, working at the dinner table on a school project with popsicle sticks, tells her mom that she looks fine. Susan tells her "If you would cut back to two meals per day, I could get the chemical peel."

Julie tells her not to be nervous, she's just asking him out to dinner.

Susan stops primping and goes over to where her daughter's working.

Susan: "So, is that your project for school? You know, when I was in fifth grade, I made the White House out of sugar cubes."

Julie: "Stop stalling and go. Before Mike figures out he can do better."

Susan: "Tell me again why I fought for custody for you."

Julie: "You were using me to hurt dad."

Susan: "Oh, that's right."

She kisses the top of Julie's head and walks out, groaning.


At Mike's house, she knocks on his door. He answers, wearing jeans and a tight T-shirt, holding a beer.

Susan: "Are you busy?"

Mike: "No, not at all. What's up?"

Susan: "Well, I just, uh, was wondering, if there was any chance that you, uh, I was just wanting to ask if -"

Suddenly, Edie comes to the door.

Susan: "Edie!"

Edie: "Hey, there, Susan."

Susan: "What are you -"

Edie: "I was making ambrosia. And I made too much, so I thought I'd bring some over to Mike. What's going on?"

Mike: "Susan was just going to ask me something."

He raises his eyebrows at her.

Susan: "I have a clog."

Mike: "Excuse me?"

Susan: "And you're a plumber, right?"

Mike: "Yeah."

Susan: "The clog's in the pipe."

Mike: "Yeah, That's usually where they are."

Susan: "Well, I've got one."

Mike: "Well, let me go get my tools."

Susan: "Now? You want to come over now? You have company."

Edie: "I don't mind."

She smirks at Susan.

Mike tells Susan "Just give me two minutes. I'll be right over." He walks back into the house and Edie closes the door in Susan's face. Susan turns and runs back to her house.


Susan and Julie frantically stuff hair into the drain. Julie says it's not enough to clog the drain. Susan grabs some peanut butter and cooking oil to pour down the drain. "And these olives." Julie says that it's not working.

The doorbell rings, and through the kitchen window, Susan can see Mike, who smiles at her.

Susan asks "How am I going to stop up this sink?" She turns to Julie, who turns to face her, and together they turn to look at Julie's popsicle project sitting on the kitchen table.


Later, Mike is on his back in the kitchen, fixing the pipe, with Susan watching him.

Mike: "Well, here's your problem. Looks like somebody stuffed a bunch of popsicle sticks down here."

Susan: "I've told Julie a million times not to play in the kitchen. Kids, you know?"She catches sight of her daughter on the stairs, who glares at her. When Mike turns his attention back to the pipes, she shrugs her shoulders and looks apologetically at Julie.


At a family restaurant, Bree and her family get their order taken. Andrew says that the restaurant has video games. He asks if they can play until their food gets there. Bree tells him that it's family time. Rex interrupts her and tells them that they can play. The kids leave.

Bree: "I know you think that I'm angry about coming here, but I'm not. You and the kids wanted a change of pace and some fun. I get it."

Rex: "I want a divorce. I just can't live in this, this detergent commercial anymore."

She stares at him, shocked.

The waiter comes over and tells them that the salad bar is over there and they can help themselves. Bree composes herself and takes Rex's salad plate. She tells him that she'll get his salad. As she gets up, he asks her, "Bree, did you hear me?" She goes to the salad bar, and begins putting salad and toppings on the plate automatically.

Mrs. Huber comes up to her. "Bree Van De Kamp!" Bree turns to face her. "Oh! Hello, Mrs. Huber." Mrs. Huber says that they didn't get a chance to talk at the wake. How is Bree doing?

Bree stares blankly into the salad bar as she adds more toppings.

"Bree longed to share the truth of her husband's painful betrayal, but sadly for Bree, admitting defeat was not an option."

Bree turns back to Mrs. Huber. "Everything is great. Just great."

She arrives back at the table. "I got you the honey mustard dressing. The ranch looked just a little bit suspect." Resigned, he begins eating. She watches him as he chews.

Rex: "Bree, are we gonna talk about what I said?"

Bree: "If you think that I'm gonna discuss the dissolution of my marriage in a place where the restrooms are labeled Chicks and Dudes, you're out of your mind."

Suddenly, Rex clutches at his throat. "What's in this?" She tells him that it's salad. He asks her "With onions?" For a minute, she doesn't say anything, but just stares at him. He starts to get up from the booth.

Rex: "You put onions in my salad!"

Bree: "No, I didn't!"

He falls to the ground, knocking the table cloth with the plates on it over. Bree suddenly remembers. "Oh, wait!"


Late at night, at the Young house

Zachary Young, who was sleeping in his bed, suddenly sits up straight. He can hear a noise and he gets out of bed to look out his window. He goes outside and walks towards the sound.

"The sound that awakened my son was something he'd heard only once before, many years ago, when he was quite young. But he recognized it instantly."

He reaches the pool, where the water had been drained out of it. Paul Young is using a rock pick to cut through the dirt and rock at the bottom.

"It was the sound of a family secret."

Paul looks up and sees Zachary, then goes back to work.


"Seven days after my funeral, life at Wisteria Lane finally returned to normal. Which, for some of my friends, was unfortunate."

Lynette is feeding her baby, who flings food at her.

A twin runs in, shouting that their dad is home. They climb all over him as he walks in. Lynette gets up, happy to see him. She says that she wasn't expecting to see him. He says that he has to go back in the morning, but that she sounded "a little frazzled" so he came home.

The kids ask him for presents, and he gives them a football. He makes them promise that they will go outside and practice throwing for 20 minutes. They promise and then run out. He throws the football to them.

As they play, Tom and Lynette go into the bedroom, kissing. Lynette protests, saying that she's exhausted, looks terrible, and she's covered in peaches. He tells her that he's gotta have her. He starts fumbling with his pants.

She lies back on the pillows, tired.

Lynette: "Well, is it okay if I just lie here?"

Tom: "Absolutely."

He takes off his jacket. They kiss.

She tells him that she was having trouble with swelling, so the doctor took her off of the pill, and he needs to use a condom.

Tom: "Condom? What's the big deal? Let's risk it."

Lynette: "Let's risk it?"

Tom: "Yeah."

She punches him, and he falls off of her to the side.


In the hospital, Rex is in a hospital bed with Bree sitting by his bedside.

Rex: "I can't believe you tried to kill me."

Bree: "Yes, well, I feel badly about that. I told you, Mrs. Huber came over, and I got distracted. It was a mistake."

Rex: "Since when do you make mistakes?"

Bree: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Rex: "It means that I'm sick of you being so damn perfect all the time. You're this plastic suburban housewife..."

Bree looks stunned as he talks.

Rex: "...with her pearls and her spatula who says things like "We owe the Hendersons a dinner." Where's the woman I fell in love with? Who used to burn the toast and drink milk out of the carton? And laugh. I need her. Not this cold perfect thing you've become."

Bree gets up and takes a vase of flowers into the bathroom, explaining that they need water.

In the bathroom, she quickly adjusts the flowers and then turns on the faucet. Then she begins to cry..

"Bree sobbed quietly in the restroom for five minutes. But her husband never knew. Because when Bree finally emerged, she was perfect."


Carlos kneels down to look at the grass on the lawn as Gabrielle rushes out of the house in an evening gown. He asks her if John was there today. She says yes. He says that the lawn hadn't been mowed, and he's had it with John; he's gonna get a real gardener. She asks him why.

Carlos: "Are you deaf? I just said he's not doing his job."

Gabrielle: "It's dark. You just can't see that the lawn has been mowed."

Carlos: "It hasn't been. Feel this grass."

Gabrielle: "I'm not feeling the grass. Let's just get going."

She walks off and Carlos looks at the grass again.

At the party, they walk into the group of people mingling outside. He sees Tanaka, and tells her that it's "time for me to go into my dance." She wishes him luck and kisses him. He walks off.

She frantically looks around. She grabs a waiter and points out Carlos. She tells the waiter to make sure that he has a drink in his hand all night long. She takes some money and gives it to the waiter. The waiter smiles and goes off to follow Carlos.

Gabrielle rushes off and drives back home. She reaches her house, gets out of the car, and pulls out the lawn mower, still in her evening gown. She starts the mower and begins mowing the lawn.

Later, once she's finished, she returns to the party and looks for Carlos. He's where she left him, still with Tanaka, and the waiter is handing him a drink. She breathes a sigh of relief and rubs a hand through her hair, where she finds a leaf behind her ear. Gasping, she pulls it out and drops it to the ground, looking around to make sure nobody noticed.


The next morning, at Carlos and Gabrielle's house, Carlos walks outside. He walks through the lawn, then stops, looks down, and kneels, feeling the grass. Shaking his head, he gets back up and walks to his car.

Gabrielle is up on the balcony and she breathes a sigh of relief as she watches him.


At the grocery store, Susan is shopping. She gets stopped by Mrs. Huber, who says that she's not feeling well, that her stomach is upset.

Mrs. Huber: "I had the worst macaroni and cheese at the wake. It's been running through me ever since. And I need to be at my best. Edie Britt's son is spending the night tonight."

Susan: "He's spending the night?"

Mrs. Huber: "Apparently, Edie is having a gentleman friend over for dinner and I think she plans on entertaining into the wee hours. If you know what I mean."

She turns back to the medicines as Susan rushes off, without her cart. Mrs. Huber doesn't notice as she continues talking to Susan. "Oh, here's some antacid. Have you ever tried this?" She looks up and Susan is gone.


Susan is pacing in her kitchen.

Susan: "I can't believe it. This can't be happening. Mike can't like Edie better than me, He just can't!"

Julie: "You don't know what's going on. Maybe they're just having dinner."

Susan just stares at her.

Julie continues. "You're right. They're doing it."


Susan walks to Edie's house, a measuring cup in her hand. She sees a car parked in front, and she goes up to the house and knocks on the door. She calls out Edie's name, then goes around the back of the house. "Edie?" She tries a door and it's unlocked, so she calls out softly, "Hello? Anyone home?" She goes inside, calling out, "Edie? are you here? I need to borrow sugar."

She walks into the living room, where clothing is thrown haphazardly on the floor. Candles are lit, and music is playing. Susan picks up Edie's bra, which is lying on the couch, and hears sounds of lovemaking from upstairs.

"And just like that, the possibility Susan had clung to, the maybe of Mike Delfino was gone forever."

Susan sits on the couch, the measuring cup dropping, forgotten, onto the floor.

"And despite the precariousness of her situation..."

Susan dejected, throws Edie's bra behind her, where it hits a candle, knocking it against the curtains.

"...Susan took a moment to mourn her loss."

Susan takes a chocolate from an open container on the coffee table and eats it. Behind her, the curtains burst into flames.

After a minute, she smells the flames, and turns around, confused.

When she sees the flames, she jumps up and tries waving her arms at it, but the fire is too big. She runs to the coffee table, grabs some glasses of wine, and throws them onto the fire. The fire just roars bigger. Holding the wine glasses, she takes a pair of jeans and tries snuffing it out with them, but instead, the jeans catch on fire.

"It didn't take Susan long to realize this was not her night."

She throws the burning jeans onto the coffee table, where the items on the table begin burning. Susan doesn't know what to do and just stands there, shocked.

Edie calls down, "Is someone down there?"

Her smoke detector goes off, and Susan runs off, leaving behind the measuring cup on the floor.

Edie shouts, "My God, that's smoke!"

Susan makes it outside and runs across the lawn to escape.


The firefighters spray water on the house, which is completely engulfed in flames.

Edie rushes around the ambulance, sees her house, and is devastated.

Mrs. Huber, off camera, begins talking to a neighbor. "It's her own fault. I've got no sympathy for her. Apparently, she left some candles unattended in the den. The paramedics said she was lucky. She could have been killed."

Susan walks up to Gabrielle, Lynette, and Bree, who are standing behind police tape, watching the fire. Lynette tells Gabrielle that Edie had been having sex with some guy when the fire started. Gabrielle asks what happened to the guy. Lynette tells her: "He got smoke inhalation. He's at the hospital."

Susan is visibly upset. Bree asks if she's all right. Susan says that she feels really bad for Edie. Gabrielle says that she shouldn't feel bad for Edie.

Gabrielle: "She's a strong lady."

Lynette: "Absolutely. She'll get through this. She'll find a way to survive."

Bree: "We all do."

She turns and leaves, and the rest, minus Susan, follow. Susan walks to a police car and leans against it, looking at the fire.

A man walks up to her. It's Mike, who asks Susan "Wow. What happened?" Susan, seeing Mike, is thrilled. "Mike!"

"And suddenly, there he was, like a phoenix rising from the ashes."

Susan: "I thought you were - Uh, where were you?"

Mike: "I just got back from the movies. So, Edie had a fire, huh?"

Susan looks much happier: "Yeah. Yeah, but she's fine now. Everything's fine now."

"And just like that, Susan was happy. Life was suddenly full of possibilities."

Susan and Mike watch the fire together.


With the fire still blazing in the background, Mike heads home.

"Not to mention, a few unexpected surprises."

Mike picks up the phone and dials a number. "Hey, it's me. No, I have nothing yet. But don't worry. I'm definitely getting closer."

He reaches into his jeans, pulls out a gun, and places it next to the phone.


The next day, at the Young's house, the four women finish cleaning out Mary Alice's items.

Susan brings out some champagne, for a toast.

"The next day, my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings, and what was left of my life."

Susan makes a toast. "All right, ladies, lift 'em up. To Mary Alice. Good friend and neighbor. Wherever you are, we hope you've found peace."

They all say her name, clink glasses, and drink.

Lynette tells them they should get on the road. Gabrielle reaches into a box with Mary Alice's clothing, asking them if they've seen it. She pulls out some clothing, and an envelope falls out of the box onto the sidewalk. She tells the other woman that Mary Alice always told her she was a size 6, when her clothing is instead a size 8. She laughs. "Guess we found the skeleton in her closet."

"Not quite, Gabrielle. Not quite."

Bree sees the letter on the ground and picks it up. Gabrielle asks her what it is. "It's a letter addressed to Mary Alice."

Gabrielle takes it from her.

"How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so casually."

Gabrielle opens the envelope. Lynette asks her what she's doing. Gabrielle says that it was open. "What's the big deal?" They all shrug, and Gabrielle opens the letter that was inside. She and Lynette read it, then pass it to Susan and Bree.

 The letter reads: "I know what you did. It makes me sick. I'm going to tell."

Susan: "What does this mean?"

Lynette: "I don't know, but check out the postmark."

Bree: "Oh my god, she got it the day she died."

Gabrielle: "Do you think this is why she..."

"I am so sorry girls. I never wanted you to be burdened with this."

Susan: "Oh, Mary Alice, what did you do?"

They stand there, looking at each other solemnly.

~ The End ~

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-26 9:44:42编辑过]
沙发 2#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:32:56 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.02 - Ah, But Underneath
Voice over, spoken by Mary Alice Young.

"An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory. But our sight. Ah. Our sight expands. And we can suddenly see the world we left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead can also be seen by the living. If they only take the time to look."
Pan over a cemetery, focusing in on Mary Alice Young's grave, which reads:
Mary Alice Young
11*18*65 - 9*26*04
Beloved Wife and Mother


Gabrielle is lying in water, with her eyes closed.
"Like my friend, Gabrielle. I should have seen how unhappy she was. But I didn't."
Flash to scenes of Gabrielle with Carlos giving her gifts as Mary Alice speaks.

"I only saw her clothes from Paris. And her platinum jewelry. And her brand-new diamond watch. Had I looked closer, I would have seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman. Desperately in search of a life vest. Luckily for her,"
Gabrielle comes out of the water and we see she's sitting in a bathtub. Sharing it, in fact, with John, the gardener, who she leans forward to kiss.

"She found one. Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. But now, she was about to discover just how exciting her life could be.” Carlos’s car pulls into the driveway. John and Gabrielle kiss as they towel off. Carlos slams the car door. Gabrielle hears it and runs to the window to look. As Carlos gets out of the car and gets the mail from the mailbox, she grabs John and they rush downstairs, grabbing clothing off of the floor as they do so.
Carlos sees the gardening tools on the lawn and looks around as he walks up to the house. Gabrielle tells John to climb out the window and as he does so, she pushes him. He falls, leaving behind the towel he had wrapped around him.
Gabrielle grabs the towel he had left behind and quickly puts her hair up with it. Carlos walks inside.

Gabrielle: "Hi, honey, you're home early."
Carlos: "My meeting got cancelled." He glances over at her. "You just took a shower this morning."
Gabrielle notices John's jeans still lying on the couch. She saunters casually over to them and puts a pillow on top of them as she tells Carlos that she just finished a workout.

Carlos: "Where's John?"
Gabrielle: "John?"
Carlos: "Yeah, that's his truck out front."
"Gabrielle was panicked. She knew if her husband discovered her secret, she would feel the full force of his wrath.” Suddenly, from outside, John says, "Hey, Mr. Solis!"

Gabrielle and Carlos turn to the window and see John from the waist up, clothed, trimming the hedge. Carlos tells him to work on the fichus and John tells him that he will. Before turning away to continue trimming the hedge, he looks at Gabrielle with a slight smile.

"But she was quickly reminded that what Carlos couldn't see, couldn't hurt her."
From the outside, we see John standing on a ladder, trimming the hedges...naked from the waist down.


The four women are at Susan's house.
"The peaceful facade of Wisteria Lane had recently been shattered. 
First by my suicide. And then by the discovery of a note among my belongings that suspected a suspicious reason for my desperate act. My friends gathered to discuss its implications." Susan picks up the note from the kitchen table. "I think we should give it to Paul."
Gabrielle takes it from her. "He's still mourning, Susan. He'll probably freak out."
Susan: "It doesn't matter. She was his wife. He deserves to have all the facts."
Bree: "Well, we could do it gently. We could tell him about it over coffee and pastry."
Lynette: "That'll be fun. 'Paul, we have proof your wife killed herself over some deep, dark, secret. Another bear claw?'"
Gabrielle: "We could always call the police."
Lynette: "Maybe it's just some sort of sick joke."
Bree: "Well, if it was a joke, it was in very poor taste."
Susan: "No, this was serious. I know it was. We gotta find out what was going on."
Lynette: "Let's say we do. There's a chance we're not gonna like what we find."
Susan: Well, isn't it worse to be in the dark? Imagining she did all of these horrible things?
Bree: "It's the age-old question, isn't it? How much do we really want to know about our neighbors?"


At the Young's house, there's a giant hole in the middle of the pool.
"My friends were right to be concerned. They knew that every family has its secrets. And as my son and husband could have told them, you need to think carefully before digging them. up."
Zack stands by the edge of the hole, looking into it, and then turns to look at the darkened house. Inside the house, the husband carries a large chest into a dimly lit room, where he sets it down on a table and rubs his hands on top of it.


The women come out of Susan's house.

"After talking for hours, my friends still hadn't agreed on what to do with the note. So, they decided to talk about it in the morning after a g good night's rest."The women part ways. "But no one could fall asleep that night.” Each woman is shown lying in bed, wide awake.

"They each kept thinking of my suicide. And how terribly alone I must have felt. You see, loneliness was something my friends understood all too well."
Bree gets out of bed and goes downstairs to where Rex is sleeping on the couch. When she reaches him, she coughs politely and he rolls over, telling her that he's up. She smiles and sits down on the edge of the pull out bed. "Good. I have a question for you." He rolls his eyes, then pulls off the covers to sit next to her. "Okay."

Bree: "Do you remember when you proposed?"
Rex: "For God's sake."
Bree: "We sat on Skyline Drive and drank a bottle of apple wine and when we finished it, you turned to me and you said, 'If you marry me, Bree Mason, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.' And even though I was engaged to Ty Grant, and even though my father didn't like you, I said yes."
Rex: "That was a long time ago."
Bree: "You are going to cancel the meeting with that divorce lawyer and we are going to find ourselves a marriage counselor."
Rex: "Bree!"
Bree: "You promised."
They look at each other.
He nods. "All right."
"Good. I'm gonna go, uh, make myself some warm milk." She gets up and walks to the kitchen, stopping halfway to turn around and look at him. "Would you like something to drink?" As he gets up from the bed, he mutters, "Anything but apple wine."


At Susan's house, she takes a glass and fills it with tap water. As she drinks, she looks out her front window.
"Susan awoke that night alone and parched. And as she gazed out her window, she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her thirst."
Outside, Mike Delfino is walking slowly down the sidewalk with his dog. Susan sighs.

Julie: "Dear Diary. Mike doesn't even know I'm alive."
Susan: "Shut up."
Julie: "If you want to date him, you're gonna have to ask him out.'
Susan: "I keep hoping he'll ask me out."
Julie: "How's that going?"
Susan: "Shouldn't you be making brownies for your nerdy friends?"
Julie: "I can't find the measuring cup. Have you seen it?"
Susan: "The measuring cup?" [she flashes back to when she dropped it on 
[Edie's floor.]
Julie: "Yeah."
Susan: "Hmm." [swf back to Susan trying to put out Edie's fire with the jeans, and then running out of the house, past the measuring cup on the floor, then flashback to the fire engulfing Edie's house.] I, uh, well, it's gotta be here somewhere. Just keep looking."

Carlos walks into the bedroom, where Gabrielle is lying on the bed with her eyes closed. He walks into the closet and begins taking off his tie.

Carlos: "I know you're awake."
Gabrielle: "I know you're a jerk."
Carlos: "Dinner with Tanaka ran long. I'm sorry.
Gabrielle: "You know, Carlos, I didn't marry you so I could have dinner by myself 6 times a week. You know how bored I was today. I came this close to actually cleaning the house.
Carlos: "Don't be that way. I got you a gift."
Gabrielle: "Nope. No, no, no, no. You're not gonna buy your way out of this one.
Carlos: "It's a good gift." He tosses a red jewelry box in front of her.
She opens it. "Is that white gold?"
Carlos: "Yeah. Put it on." He kisses her shoulder. "And then make love to me."
Gabrielle: "I'm not in the mood. But, we could stay up and talk."
He laughs. "When a man buys a woman expensive jewelry, there are many things he may want in return. For future reference, conversation aren’t one of them."

She throws the jewelry box at him, hitting him on the back. He turns around. "Hey, that was a joke."
She gets out of bed. "Yeah, right." 
She starts to stalk past him, and he grabs her.
Carlos: "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Gabrielle: "Let go of me."
Carlos: "You've been acting like a nightmare for a month."
Gabrielle: "Stop!"
Carlos: "What's wrong?"
She keeps struggling and he holds on to her. "I can't fix it unless you tell me."
She breaks his hold and sits down. "It's not exciting anymore, Carlos."
Carlos: "So what am I supposed to do?"
Gabrielle: "I don’t know. Be the way you used to be. Surprise me. take my breath away."
Carlos: "Okay."
She looks at him with her eyebrows raised and he reiterates: "Okay!"


The next morning, Susan, in a robe and slippers takes the garbage out to the curb, yawning. As she's bent over, pushing the garbage bag into the can, Mike, who's walking his dog nearby, looks over at her. "Hey, Susan." Susan hears him and freezes, still bent over.

Susan: "Mike!"
Mike: "What's wrong?"
Susan: "I didn't realize anybody was going to be out here. I just sort of rolled out of bed."
Mike: "I'm sure you look fine."
She moans quietly and quickly touches her face and hair before straightening up to look at him. Bongo starts barking at her and Mike starts trying to calm him down. Julie, inside, hears the commotion and looks outside the window as she eats cereal.

Mike: "Sorry. He scares easy."
Susan: "No, it, it, it's fine. I get it."
Mike: "I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll see you later."
He starts to turn. She steels herself and as he leaves, she bursts out, "Did you want to have dinner with me?"
He turns around. "Just the two of us?
Susan: "Well, and Julie. Uh, it's a thing we do when somebody new moves into the neighborhood, we invite them over for a home-cooked meal. It's sort of a tradition."
Mike: "I thought you said you were a lousy cook."
Susan: "Well, I order take-out."
Mike: "Oh. You invite them over for home-cooking and you give 'me takeout."
Susan: "Yeah, it's, it's, uh, it's sort of a new tradition. I'm working out the kinks."
He laughs. "I'll tell you what. How 'bout I cook. And you guys come over to my place?"
Susan: "Oh! Great."
Mike: "Friday night at six?"
Susan: "I'll be there."
He starts to go and Susan smiles, happy. She leans down to look at Bongo. "Bye, Bongo." He barks, scaring her. Julie watches, interested. Susan runs into the house and calls for Julie. "Mike Delfino just invited us to dinner Friday night."
Julie: "He did? Cool!"
Susan: "But only I'm going. Because you're going to come down with something semi-serious that requires bed rest. And fluids."She runs upstairs.
"Julie was glad Susan was rekindling her love life. Of course, she was unaware of her mother's recent track record with fire."


In Edie's burnt house, Edie and Mrs. Huber are going through the rubble.

Edie: "It's all gone. Everything my ex-husband worked for all those years. Gone."
Mrs. Huber:” Don’t worry about clothing. I already started a collection from people from the neighborhood."
Edie: "What? I don't want to wear other people's old crap."
Mrs. Huber: "Edie, you can be homeless or you can be ungracious. You really can't afford to be both." She sighs. "That reminds me. My insurance check still hasn't come yet. Can I stay with you for a few more weeks?"
Edie: "Of course! What kind of Christian would I be if I denied shelter to a friend in need?" She spies the burnt measuring cup Susan had dropped on the floor. "Oh, look! Here's something we can salvage. your measuring cup. We can just scrape off the burnt part and it'll look good as new."
Edie: "that's not my cup. Mine was plastic."
Mrs: Huber: "Well, how did it get in here?"
Edie: "I dunno. Who cares?" She gets up and walks away. Mrs. Huber looks at the cup, interested.
Mrs. Huber: "Now, would you put that down and start looking for jewelry?"
Mrs. Huber stands up, but slowly rubs the measuring cup, as she thinks.
"Dr. Albert Goldfine was the most accomplished marriage counselor in the city. He had dealt with problems ranging from substance abuse, to infidelity, to domestic violence. Yes, Dr. Goldfine thought he had seen it all. And then, he met the Van De Kamps." A knock on Dr. Goldfine's office door causes him to get up and answer it. Bree and Rex are standing there. Bree smiles and introduces herself and Rex to Dr. Goldfine.

Bree: "And I brought you some homemade potpourri." She hands it to him and walks inside.
Rex is left behind with the doctor. "The answer is yes. You're about to make a fortune off us."


Lynette is driving down the street as her children jump up and down and scream and ignore her as she yells at them to buckle up. A motorcycle cop sees them and follows them, putting on his siren to pull her over. Lynette sees him and mutters, "Oh, crap." Once pulled over, the cop walks up to her and looks inside the car, asking for license and registration.

When Lynette hands them over, he asks her, "Ma'am, you know why I pulled you over?"
Lynette: "I have a theory."
Cop: "Kids are jumping up and down. They should be sitting, wearing their seat belts."
Lynette: "I yelled at them. They never listen to me. It's very frustrating."
Cop: "Well, you have to find a way to control them. After all, that's your job."
He walks over to his motorcycle, leaving Lynette and the kids.
"Though he'd been a policeman for six years, Office Hayes had never found himself in a truly dangerous situation. Then again, he had never before told a woman how to raise her children."
Lynette gets out of the car, slamming the door. Officer Hayes looks up.
Lynette: "Are you saying I'm a bad mother?"
Cop: "Ma'am you need to get back in your car, please."
Lynette starts walking towards him slowly.
Lynette: "I have no help. My husband is always away on business."
Cop: "I'm gonna have to ask you to step back now." He reaches for the gun on his belt. Lynette ignores him. "My baby-sitter joined the witness relocation program. I haven't slept through the night in six years. And for you to stand there and judge me."
She reaches him, breathing hard. He looks at her kids, who are making faces at him through the back window of the mini van.
Cop: "Okay. I'm not gonna give you a ticket. I'm gonna let you off with a warning."
Lynette: "I accept your apology."
She takes her license and registration from him and walks off. When she gets in the car, her kids start yelling again. She starts the car and the officer calls after her, "Buckle up!"


A woman gets into a car and drives off. Gabrielle, wearing a short black dress, leopard-skin shoes and scarf and sunglasses, steps out of her car and walks up to the house where the car left from. She rings the doorbell and John answers.
John: "Mrs. Solis!"
Gabrielle: "Hello, Jonathan."
Inside, he shows her his room, apologizing for the mess.

John: "You just missed my mom. On Friday's, she coaches my little sister's soccer team."
Gabrielle: "Ah, yes. I heard that." She picks up a plate from the bed that has a partially eaten sandwich on it and places it on his TV. "Uh, John, we need to talk about what happened the other day."
John: "Mr. Solis isn't starting to catch on, is he?"
Gabrielle: "No, no. He doesn't have a clue, God love him. It's just, I was thinking that when you come over to garden, you might actually have to garden."
John: "Great. You're breaking up with me. In my own bedroom."
Gabrielle: "No, no. I'm not dumping you. Lately, you've been the only thing keeping me going. It's just we can't do it at my house anymore."
John: "Oh. So, then, where do you want to do it?"
Gabrielle: "Well, uh, what time does your mom get back from soccer practice?"
John: "Mrs. Solis."

She clears off a space next to her on the bed. "Better hurry. We don't have a lot of time."
He takes off his shirt and joins her on the bed, kissing her. When he starts to kiss her neck, she looks over to his nightstand, where she sees a photo of him as a young boy, posing for a Little League picture. She frowns and puts the picture face down on the nightstand.


At the marriage counselor's office, Bree is talking about her children. "And so, there's just the four of us. My oldest son, Andrew, is 16. Danielle is 15, and..." she looks down to rummage through her purse. Dr. Goldfine interrupts her, "I don't need to see pictures. Bree, you've spent most of the hour engaging in small talk."
Bree: "Oh, have I?
Dr. Goldfine: "Yes. Rex has been very vocal about his issues. Don't you want to discuss your feelings about your marriage?" She sighs. "Um. Doc-" Rex interrupts. "This is the thing you gotta know about Bree. She doesn't like to talk about her feelings. To be honest, it's hard to know if she has any." Bree looks at him, shocked.

He continues. "Does she feel anger, rage, ecstasy? Who knows? She's always pleasant. And I can't tell you how annoying that is." As he talks, Bree looks at Dr. Goldfine, who absent-mindedly plays with a loose button in his jacket. Bree focuses on the button, tuning out Rex. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a miniature sewing kit. Dr. Goldfine gets her attention again. She focuses in on him. "I'm sorry."
Dr. Goldfine: "Would you like to respond to what Rex just said?"
Bree: "Oh, um..."
Dr. Goldfine: "Is there some truth there? Do you use housework as a way to disengage emotionally?"
Bree: "Of course not!" She puts the kit back in her purse.


In John's bedroom, John is lying on his back on his bed, wearing only his boxers. Gabrielle is finishing up getting dressed.
John: "Ah. This is great. I got tons of homework tonight. It's so easy to concentrate after sex."
Gabrielle: "Well, I'm glad I could help. Education is very important."
John: "Oh, I've got something for you."
He gets up and goes over to a shelf, where he has a single rose in a glass. He brings it over to her.

John: "I was gonna give it to you next time I mowed your lawn, but since you're here."
Gabrielle: "Oh, it's a rose!"
John: "It's not just any rose. Look at the petals. There aren't any flaws. It's perfect."
Gabrielle: "Oh, John."
John: "Just like you."

"The truth hit her like a thunderbolt."
John: "I spent days looking for just the right one. Finally found it."
"For John, this was no longer just a meaningless little affair.  Gabrielle could now clearly see he was falling in love with her."
Gabrielle: "It's just beautiful."
They smile and she tells him that she has to go. As she leaves, he calls out a goodbye to her.


Mike gets out of his truck, carrying grocery bags. Susan comes running across his lawn.
Susan: "What are we having?"
Mike: "Uh, well, I talked to Julie, and she suggested rib eye steaks."
Susan takes one of the bags from him and he thanks her. "Said that's your favorite."
Susan: "Oh, yeah. I love my steak."
They start up his porch and Edie, in her convertible, pulls up, honking at them. "Hi, Mike! Susan."
Mike goes back down the steps to Edie. Susan stays for a minute longer on the porch. "Edie."

Mike: "Hey, I'm sorry about your house. How you holding up?"
Edie: "All right, I guess. Oh! Is somebody having a party?" She gets out of her car.
Mike: "No, Susan is just throwing me one of her traditional welcome to the neighborhood dinners. Only I'm cooking. And having it at my house."
Edie: "Traditional. I didn't get one."
Mike: "Oh, it's sort of a new tradition."
Edie: "Well, it won't be anything fancy. Just a little home cooking."
Mike: "Mm, that sounds so good."
She leans over to look inside the bags that Mike is holding.Susan smiles, but stays behind.

"Susan suddenly had an awful feeling in the pit of stomach."
Edie: "I've been having nothing but fast food lately."
"As if she was watching an accident in slow motion. She knew it would happen, but was powerless to stop it."

Mike turns around and gives Susan a look.
Susan: "Edie, would you like to join us for dinner?"
Edie: "Oh, that's so sweet. No. I don't want to intrude. Three's a crowd."
Mike: "No, it's not like that. I mean, Susan's bringing Julie."
Susan: "It's not like that. The more the merrier."
Edie: "Well, this'll be fun."
Mike: "Tomorrow night. We'll eat at six." He turns and heads back up to the house.
Edie: "Great. Oh, and Susan?"
Susan: "Yeah?"
Edie: "This will make up for the dinner you never threw for me."
Susan: "Right."
Edie waves and drives off. Mike comes back to where Susan is. "Should I have told her we were having steak? She's not like, a vegetarian or something, is she?"

Susan mutters, "Oh, no, no. Edie's definitely a carnivore."


On Lynette's porch, Mrs. Huber watches Edie drive away. Lynette comes out of her house with a box of clothing in her arms. "Here's what I pulled for Edie. I should warn you that most of the clothes in there aren't that stylish."

"Oh, don't worry about it." She starts going through the box. "Edie's a beggar now, which means she can't be a chooser. Of course, we don't have to add salt to the wound." She pulls out one article of clothing and hands it back to Lynette.

Lynette: "Listen, I was just getting dinner ready."
Mrs. Huber: "Say no more. I'll get out of your hair." She turns to leave.
Lynette: "No, no." Lynette turns to go back inside the house.
Mrs. Huber: "By the way, was that you I saw getting pulled over by a policeman?"
Lynette: "Yeah, the boys were acting up in the car. I couldn't get them to sit down."
Mrs. Huber: "Young boys can be so willful."
Lynette: "I try everything. I scream. I threaten. I reason. I beg. Nothing works. I don't know if it's because they're too young and they don't understand or they're just getting some perverse joy out of testing me."
Mrs. Huber: "My mother used to have the worst time with me in the car. So one time when I was acting up, she stopped and left me on the side of the road and she drove off."
Lynette: "You're kidding."
Mrs. Huber: "Oh, she came back immediately. But I never misbehaved in the car again. You should try that."
Lynette: "Mrs. Huber, I could never leave my kids by the side of the road."
Mrs. Huber: "When it comes to discipline, sometimes you must be creative. My mother knew that. Smart lady. Of course, she's in a home now. And her mind has just turned to mush."
Lynette: "Well, like I said, I should go back and get dinner ready."
Mrs. Huber: "Oh, right! Well, good bye."
Lynette: "Good bye."
As Mrs. Huber leaves, she sees Susan walking back to her house and calls to her.

Mrs. Huber: "Susan! Have you been able to find old clothes for Edie?  She has nothing to wear."
Susan: "I thought that was the look she was going for."
Mrs. Huber: "Oh, Susan. Edie may be trash, but she's still a human being."
Mrs. Huber walks off. Susan sees Zack watering the lawn. She takes the letter Mary Alice received out of her pocket and looks at it, then walks up to Zack, asking if his dad is home. "I need to talk to him."
In the garage, Paul has wrapped the chest in plastic and is duct taping it shut. The garage door opens and Susan walks in.

Susan: "Hey, Paul. I hope I'm not interrupting."
Paul: "Actually, I was getting ready to go somewhere."
Susan: "I just wanted to come by and say hello. You know, see how you guys are doing."
Paul: "We're trying to move on. It's been pretty tough."
Susan: "I can imagine. Not knowing why Mary Alice - "
Paul: "Why what?" He picks up the chest and begins walking away with it.
Susan: "Why she did it. Oh!" Paul drops the chest and Susan bends down to help him. "Here, let me help you."
Paul: "I got it, I got it."
He puts it in the back of his car.

Susan: "Sorry if I upset you."
Paul: "Can I be frank?"
Susan: "Of course."
Paul: "I don't care what her reasons were. Maybe she was depressed. Maybe she was bored. It doesn't matter. She abandoned her husband and her son. And I'll never forgive her."
He gets in the car and drives off, leaving Susan. A little while later, it's nighttime.

"As I watched Susan, I couldn't help feeling sorry for her. She wanted so much to know why I did it."
Susan puts the letter in a box in her house.
"Why I killed myself."
Paul has reached his destination. He opens up the trunk and takes the chest out.

"It's not enough to want the truth. You must know where to look for it. And the truth is elusive because it knows where to hide."Paul carries the chest over to a railing on a bridge and throws it over, where it lands in a body of water, slowly sinking out of sight.


Julie is at home. Mrs. Huber knocks on the door. Mrs. Huber: "Hello, Julie. I talked to your mom about donating some clothes for Edie."
Julie: "She's at Mrs. Van De Kamp's, but I'll see if she left some stuff upstairs."
She goes upstairs, leaving the door open. Mrs. Huber walks in and starts rifling through the grocery bags on the kitchen table. She takes out some perfume and sprays it on herself. Then she sees a new measuring cup, identical in make to the burnt one she had found at Edie's. Holding it, she stares off into space, thinking. Julie comes back downstairs, sees Mrs. Huber holding the measuring cup, nd looks suspicious.

Mrs. Huber: "Oh, Julie! I was just admiring your new measuring cup."
Julie takes it from Mrs. Huber. "Yeah, we lost ours."
Mrs. Huber: "Really."
Julie: "So I couldn't find the clothes. I'm sorry.
Mrs. Huber: "That's okay.
Julie: "If you want me to keep looking."
Mrs. Huber: "No. You've done more than enough. Truly." She leaves.
Julie stands there, looking confused.


Bree is in Dr. Goldfine's waiting room. Dr. Goldfine comes out of his office.
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree. Rex just called. He won't be able to meet you here today. Apparently, there was an emergency at the hospital."
Bree: "Oh. Well, I wish he had called me." She gets up, ready to leave.
Dr. Goldfine: "He suggested perhaps you'd like to meet with me by yourself. You've been very quiet in our joint sessions."
Bree focuses in on the button still hanging loosely from Dr. Goldfine's jacket.

Bree: "What? Oh, oh, oh no thank you. I have some things that I need to do today."
Dr. Goldfine: "Are you sure?"
Bree: "Uh, yeah. I'm sure."
Dr. Goldfine: "Okay."
He goes in his office. Bree starts to leave, but is hesitant, as though she's trying to make a decision about something. Finally, she strides purposefully back to Dr. Goldfine's door and knocks on it. When she enters, she says, "Dr. Goldfine, there is something you can do for me."
Dr. Goldfine: "What's that?"
Bree: "Take off your coat." She closes the door behind her.
Susan and Gabrielle walk into Gabrielle's house, laden down with shopping bags.

Gabrielle: "So now you're taking Julie on your dinner date with Mike?"
Susan: "Yeah, well, if Edie's gonna be there, I'm gonna need emotional support."
Gabrielle: "I can't believe she wormed her way into in. How did you let her do that?"
Susan: "I don't know. I was gonna take her out at the knees, but it all happened so fast."
Gabrielle: "Well, you know what you need to do. You need to get there early, spend a little bit of time with Mike before the little barracuda gets there."
Susan: "That's a good idea. Edie will get there at 5:45 which means her breasts will arrive at 5:30, so I should shoot for five."
Gabrielle: "Atta girl. I'm just gonna take these upstairs." She starts collecting her packages.
Susan clutches her shopping bag. "I'm gonna keep my one little bag and go home."

As she heads toward the door, she sees the rose that John gave Gabrielle on the front hall table.
Susan: "That is a beautiful rose. Where did you get it?"
Gabrielle: "Oh, John gave it to me." Gabrielle freezes after saying that.
Susan: "John? Your gardener? He gave you a rose?"
Gabrielle: "Yes. I am having some new bushes planted outside and he gave me that as a color palette."
Susan: "Oh! Okay."
She shrugs and turns to leave. "Sure is beautiful, isn't it?" She leaves.

Gabrielle stares at the rose. "Yes, it is."


In Dr. Goldfine's office, he watches Bree sew the button back onto his jacket.
Dr. Goldfine: "I'm sure Freud would not approve of this."
Bree: "Oh, who cares what he thinks. I took psychology in college. We learned all about Freud. A miserable human being."
Dr. Goldfine: "What makes you say that?"
Bree: "Well, think about it. He grew up in the late 1800s. There were no appliances back then. His mother had to do everything by hand, just backbreaking work from sunup to sundown, not to mention the countless other sacrifices she probably had to make to take care of her family. And what does he do? He grows up and becomes famous, peddling a theory that the problems of most adults can be traced back to something awful their mother has done. She must have felt so betrayed. He saw how hard she worked. He saw what she did for him. Did he even ever think to say thank you? I doubt it."
She finishes up the coat and puts it on him. "There you go."

Dr. Goldfine: "Just so you know, many of Freud's theories have been discredited."
Bree: "Good."

In the car, Lynette's children are misbehaving again. She pleads with them to tell them to sit down and how they'll be in trouble if they don't sit down in the seats. The boys become quiet, but only to whisper in each other's ears. After the whispering they all turn to look at her, grinning.
"For the first time, Lynette could see that this was not the innocent play of children. She was being challenged. So, she decided it was time to get creative.” She pulls over and opens the car door. "Out. Can't behave, you heard me. You cannot ride. You. Out. Move it."

She closes the door and gets back in, looking back at her kids once before driving off. The kids watch her. "Where is she going?"
She pulls around a corner and stops the car. She looks at her watch and then looks at her baby in the car seat next to her. "Mommy's a genius." After a few minutes, she backtracks and goes to pick up the boys. They're gone.
Shocked, she stops the car and tells her baby that "mommy will be right back." She rushes out to where she left them, calling for them. A woman comes out of the house where Lynette is running on the lawn.
"Porter! Preston! Parker! If you're hiding, you've gotta stop now, because mommy doesn't think it's funny."

Lynette: "Oh! Excuse me, I'm sorry, I'm looking for my boys. Three boys with red hair. Have you seen them?"
Lady: "Yeah. I also saw you drive away and leave them."
Lynette: "I know. I was just trying to scare them into behaving. Did you see where they went?"
Lady: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're in my kitchen."
Lynette: "Oh!"
Lady: "Listen, it seems to me like you have some anger management issues."
Lynette: "I have four kids under the age of six. I absolutely have anger management issues."
She goes to walk past the woman, but the woman stops her.
Lady: "Yeah, well, I think you need to talk to somebody because abandoning your children is--"
Lynette: "I didn't abandon them. I came back!"
Lady: "I'm just saying...it's not normal."
Lynette: "Yeah, well, my kids aren't normal. And now I don't have time for this lady. So--" she starts to go past the woman again, who stops her again. "Boys! Get out here."
Lady: "No, I don't think they should go anywhere until you calm down."
The boys show up at the door, holding cookies. Lynette sees them and tells them to get in the car. One of the twins tells her that they have cookies.

Lynette: "Well, bring them. We're leaving."
Lady: "No, no, no, stay put."
Lynette: "I don't think so." As she tries to go past the woman, the woman grabs her arm.
Lady: "Listen, lady, you and I are gonna have a little talk."
Twin: "Leave my mommy alone!"
Lynette: "Let go of me! What's the matter with you?"
The twins bite her and push her over.

Lynette: "Run, boys, run!"
They all get into the car.
The lady gets up. "You get back here!"
Lynette: "Boys, you're gonna need to put on your---" the boys have already put on their seat belts.
Lynette looks surprised, but proud. As the car drives off, the lady calls out, "Get back or I'm gonna call social services!"


Gabrielle is sitting on the staircase, staring happily at the rose on the table. A horn honks. She looks out the window and her jaw drops. She goes outside. "Oh my God." Carlos is standing next to a convertible with a big red ribbon on it.

Gabrielle: "Carlos, what have you done?"
Carlos: "I saw it when I drove by the dealership. I thought, Gabrielle would look so beautiful in this."
Gabrielle: "Carlos!" She shoves him playfully.
Carlos: "It cost me an arm and a leg. It's got GPS navigation, 200 wattstereo system, rear parking sensor..."
Gabrielle: "It's beautiful!"
Carlos: "So? Did I take your breath away?"
Gabrielle: "Absolutely!"
Carlos: "Is it the best gift you've ever gotten?"

"Gabrielle could see what this gesture had cost Carlos so she responded the only way she knew how."She kisses him and jumps up on him, wrapping her legs around him as they kiss.

Across the street, John is raking a neighbor's lawn. He sees the car, Carlos, and Gabrielle, and watches them, looking sad and hurt.
"She had a feeling the truth would have been lost on her husband anyway. After all, it's the rare man who understands the value of a single, perfect rose."


Susan walks up the pathway to Mike's house. When she gets on the porch, Bongo, who was sleeping there, starts barking. She pushes the doorbell. Mike opens it.
Mike: "Susan!"
Susan: "I hope you don't mind. I thought I'd come by early and help you set up."
Mike: "Oh. Um."
Edie comes out of the kitchen. "Hey, Susan. Don't worry. Mike and I have everything under control."
Susan: "Oh."
Bongo barks.

Mike: "Bongo! I don't know why he barks at you."
Edie: "I wouldn't take it personally. Dogs are very sensitive."
She walks over to Bongo and starts petting him and talking to him. "In the distance, Susan thought she heard a bell ring.” Susan looks at Mike, who's watching Edie and Bongo with a smile on his
"Round one had started."


Rex and Bree are at Dr. Goldfine's office.
Rex: "Look, all I'm saying is that this whole 'it takes two to mess up a marriage' theory is bull. The problems that we have are because of her."
Bree: "That is not true, Rex."
Rex: "All right, fine. What have I been doing for the past 20 years that has been so awful?"
Dr. Goldfine looks down at his jacket as he fingers the newly repaired button.
Rex: "You're not saying anything because I've been a great husband and it kills you to admit that."
Dr. Goldfine: "Rex, I'm curious. Do you ever acknowledge the benefits of living with Bree?"
Rex: "Huh?"
Dr. Goldfine: "By your own admission, your home is always clean, your clothes are always freshly pressed, sounds like a wonderful cook.  Despite her flaws, do you ever remember to say thank you?
Rex: "Thank you."
Dr. Goldfine: "Yes."
Bree looks satisfied.


At Mike's house, Mike, Susan, Julie, and Edie are finishing up their meal. Bongo puts his paws on the table and begins licking some of the gravy off of Edie's plate. Mike tells Bongo to get off the table and Edie pushes Bongo down.

Mike turns to Susan. "So, who's the guy that lives across from Mrs. Huber, again?"
Susan: "That's Mr. Mullin. And just so you know, if he invites you in, you have to meet all of his pets."
Mike: "That's okay. I love animals."
Susan: "He's a taxidermist."
Mike: "Oh. Thanks for the warning."
They laugh.

Edie: "Isn't Mr. Mullin's brother your divorce attorney?"
Susan: "Uh, yes. yes, he was."
Edie: "Can I say something?"
Susan gestures that she should go ahead.
Edie: "In my heart, I still believe that you and Carl are going to get back together."
Mike: "Really?"
Edie: "Oh, yeah. I've never seen two people more in love. I'm mean, she's never going to find that kind of chemistry with another man. Never!"

"It was everything Susan could do to keep a smile on her face. Round two was under way and she was already taking a beating."
Julie: "You know what, Mrs. Britt?"
"What Edie hadn't counted on,"
Julie: "Do you know who I always liked?"
"Was that Susan had someone else in her corner."
Julie: "Mr. Roswell, your fourth husband. “
Edie: "Oh, he was my second husband. I've only been married twice.
She glances at Mike, who smiles.
Julie: "Twice? You weren't married to the guy with all the tattoos that they took away in handcuffs?"
Susan: "No, Julie, she wasn't married to Javier. That was just one of her special friends." She laughs. "I think we should change the subject. You know, unless you want to keep talking about it."
Bongo puts his paws on the table again to lick off of Edie's plate.
Edie stands up, telling them that she wants to show them what she taught Bongo earlier. She holds some food in the air, and Bongo gets on his hind legs to beg for it.
"Susan was furious with Edie for using a dog to ingratiate herself with its owner. She was also furious with Mike for not seeing through this blatant maneuver."
Susan stands up and started clearing the table, telling them that she was going to get the desserts.
"But most of all, she was furious with herself for not having thought of it first."
In the kitchen, she puts the plates down and looks off in the direction of the dining room, where Mike is commenting that he can barely get Bongo to sit.
Susan sees the gravy dish and picks it up. In the dining room, Mike says that he's never seen Bongo walk on two legs. Edie replies that he knows who to come to.
In the kitchen, Susan makes a decision. She puts down the gravy and then dabs her fingers in it. She rubs some on the back of her hand and some more behind her ear.
She carries the dessert out. When she's done passing it out, she backs away to where Bongo is, offering her hand for him to sniff. He starts licking her, and she makes a happy sound, drawing Mike's attention to her.

Mike: "Oh, look at that. Looks like Bongo's finally warming up to Susan."
Susan kneels down and Bongo starts licking her around her ear. "We just got off on the wrong foot. We're best buddies now."
Mike and Julie smile at Susan while Edie watches, stone-faced.
Suddenly, Bongo starts choking.
Susan: "Bongo, are you okay?"
Edie: "What's wrong with him?"
Mike: "I don’t know. I've never heard him make that sound."
He rushes to Bongo's side.
Julie gestures to Susan, pointing to her own ear. Susan puts her hand up to feel for her earrings. One is gone.
Mike notices the same time Susan does and they look at the dog. Mike carries Bongo out to his car, telling Edie and Susan to call the vet. Edie calls out that they will, and to not worry, that she'll stay
and clean up everything.

Susan: "Is there anything I can do?"
Mike: "No."
He drives off.


At the vet, Mike paces back and forth. Susan comes in.

Susan: "Hey."
Mike: "Hey."
Susan: "How's Bongo doing?"
Mike: "I'm just waiting to see if they have to operate."
Susan: "Oh, God. [she pulls a large dog bone out of her purse.] Uh, I, I stopped and I got this. I am just so sorry for this."
Mike: "I'm really sorry that I snapped at you. I was just so worried."
Susan: "Oh, no. It's okay."
The vet comes out of the back room.

Vet: "Good news. We won't have to do surgery."
Susan: "Oh, that's great!"
Vet: "And we gave Bongo something to help pass the earring. When he does, would you like us to retrieve it for you?"
Susan: "Ah, I'm gonna say no."
Vet: "Okay. You should be able to take him home in about an hour."
He goes back into the back.

Mike and Susan turn away from the front desk.

Susan: "Wow. you must be so relieved."
Mike: "I'm sorry. I was just really worried."
Susan: "Well, it was your dog. I get it."
Mike: "Actually, it was my wife's dog. One of the last things she said to me in the hospital before she died was to be sure I looked after him. I promised her I would."
"And just like that, Susan could suddenly see something she'd never seen before."
Mike: "He, uh, meant so much to her."
"Mike Delfino was still in love with his late wife."
Mike: "And if something had happened, I would have felt like I had failed her. I know that sounds stupid, but, I--"
"And she knew right then that neither she nor Edie would be laying claim to his heart anytime soon."
Susan: "No, it doesn't. Not at all."

"So, she decided for now, she could settle for just being his friend.” Susan took the dog bone and handed it over to Mike. "This is for you. Well, for Bongo. Give it to him.


At Mike's house, Edie finishes up cleaning. She takes oil and vinegar and places them in a cupboard. Hidden behind a different cupboard, next to where Edie had put the oil and vinegar lies money, maps, and detailed information and pictures about the people who live on Wisteria Lane.
"Yes. As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled. The mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see.” The chest that Paul had thrown in the water pops up suddenly, bobbing gently.

~ The End ~

板凳 3#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:33:42 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.03 - Pretty Little Picture

"Tom Scavo" - Doug Savant
"Dr. Goldfine" - Sam Lloyd
"Karl Mayer" - Richard Burgi
"Brandi" - Anne Dudek
"Ashley Bukowski" - Emily Christine
"Mrs. Bukowski" - Nealla Gordon
"Yao Lin" - Lucille Soong
"Preston Scavo" - Brent Kinsman
"Porter Scavo" - Shane Kinsman
"Parker Scavo" - Zane Huett
"Newscaster" - Keith Pillow
Written by: Oliver Goldstick
Directed by: Arlene Sanford



Deceased Mary Alice lies peacefully in a wooden box. Slowly, the cover is pulled up over her body, eventually covering her head. Her name is printed on a small plaque on the box.

As she begins her voice over, a knob is turned in the room she's lying in and the box carrying her body is slowly brought toward crematorium flames as she's cremated.

"After I died, I began to surrender the parts of myself that were no longer necessary. My desires, beliefs, ambitions, doubts, every trace of my humanity was discarded. I discovered when moving through eternity, it helps to travel lightly. In fact, I held onto only one thing. My memory. It抯 astonishing to look back on the world I left behind. I remember it all, every single detail."


Bree's House
Bree is shown lying wide awake in her bed, alone. She looks at her nightstand clock, which shows a time just after 5:30 in the morning.

"Like my friend, Bree Van de Kamp. I remember the easy confidence of her smile..."
Flashback to a small party Bree has, as she brings out a tray of appetizers.

"...the gentle elegance of her hand..."

Flashback to Bree purposely lighting a dish on fire, as her guests exclaim in admiration.

"...the refined warmth of her voice."
Flashback to Bree and Rex smiling and saying good night to the Youngs as they leave the Van De Kamp house.

"But what I remember most about Bree..."
Flashback to Bree closing the door behind Paul and Mary Alice and turning to Rex, who's walking away from her.

Bree: "Rex? Wasn't that a -"

"...was the look of fear in her eyes. Bree had started to realize her world was unraveling, and for a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable."
Bree gets out of bed and hurries downstairs to where Rex is sleeping on the couch.

Bree: "Rex, Rex, you need to get up!"
Rex: "It抯 not even light out."
Bree turns on a light and starts stripping the bed, even as Rex lies there.

Bree: "Please hurry! If the kids see you sleeping down here, they're going to start asking questions."
Rex: "Let 'em ask, I don't care anymore."
Bree: "Well, I care. They don't need to be burdened with our marital problems, and while we're working things out, the least we can do is try to keep up appearances."
Rex: "Oh yeah. Appearances. I keep forgetting about appearances."
Bree: "Oh, Rex, you look so tired."
Rex: "Ah, I didn't sleep. This damn thing is so uncomfortable."
Bree: "Well, why don't you move back upstairs and sleep in our bed?"
Rex: "We're in marriage counseling, Bree. I think that would confuse things."
Bree: "It抯 just...I miss you."
Rex: "I know you do. Of course, if I don't start getting some sleep pretty soon, I'll be forced to move back upstairs out of sheer exhaustion."
 He climbs the stairs, leaving Bree alone. She waits until he's gone, then reaches into a drawer and removes a pair of pliers. She lifts up the mattress off from the sleeper sofa Rex had been sleeping in, and, using the pliers, cuts some of the wiring on the bed, bending the wires up so that they poke into the mattress.

"Yes, Bree was afraid of many things. But if there was one thing she wasn't afraid of, it was a challenge."




"The day on Wisteria Lane began like any other, with a cup of coffee and the morning paper."
As Mary Alice talks, scenes of what she's describing show on the screen.

"And while Lynette read the business section and Gabrielle studied the fall collections and Bree searched for decorating ideas, Susan scanned the front page, and saw something that caught her eye."

Focus in on the front page of The Fairview Herald with the date, October 15, 2004, printed underneath.

Susan gets up and goes to a wall calendar. She flips the calendar to October, where there's a large Post-it? over the dates of October 15th and 16th, reading "Mary Alice dinner!"

She takes down the Post-it?.


Outside Lynette's House
Susan walks up to Lynette's house, stepping over toys on the lawn, and knocks on the door. As she waits for the door to open, she flashes back to a previous time when she had stood there knocking on Lynette's door, and Mary Alice had answered.

Mary Alice: "Well, it抯 about time!"
Susan: "Be nice, I come bearing snacks."
Mary Alice moves back to let Susan in, and the other women can be heard talking in the kitchen.

Bree: "Lynette, these cards are sticky."
Lynette: "I know. Preston used the three of diamonds to scoop jam out of a jar."
Gabrielle: "Well, we're just thankful we have 49 cards to play with."
Susan: "Hello! Sorry I'm late."
Mary Alice: "So Susan, I was just telling the girls, I want to throw a dinner party."
Susan: "Really!"
Mary Alice: "Yes. How long have we all lived on this street. We've never done a big group thing."
Bree: "I think it抯 a great idea."
Mary Alice: "Paul never likes to have people over, but to heck with him, I'm doing it."
Susan: "So, when is this shindig?"
Mary Alice: "How about a month from tonight? That would be the 16th. Good for everyone?"
Lynette: "Works for me."
Bree: "Should we all make something?"
Mary Alice: "Oh, no, no. This is my party. I've been wanting to have everyone over for years. Oh, I'm so happy we're finally doing this. It抯 going to be so much fun."
Back in present time, Lynette opens the door.

Lynette: "Hey!"
Susan holds up the yellow Post-it? note.

Lynette: "I know. Our dinner."
Later, the four women stand outside Lynette's house, talking.

Susan: "How could we have all forgotten about this?"
Lynette: "We didn't exactly forget. It抯 just usually, when the hostess dies, the party is off."
Bree: "Lynette!"
Lynette: "I'm not being flip, I'm just pointing out a reality."
Gabrielle: "Mary Alice was so excited about it. It抯 so sad."
Susan: "I think we should go through with it."
Bree: "Really? wouldn't that be in poor taste?"
Susan: "No, it抯 sort of a way to honor Mary Alice. It was so important to her."
Gabrielle: "We could all use a fun night."
Bree: "Well good, because I have some new flatware that I've just been dying to show off!"
Susan: "Lynette?"
Lynette: "I'm in."
Bree: "I'll make braised lamb shanks."
Lynette: "I'm still in."
Bree: "So how many will I be cooking for?"
Gabrielle: "Seven. Three couples and Susan. Does that sound right?"
Susan: "No, it sounds very, very wrong."
Bree: "Oh, is there somebody you would like to invite?"

Mike Delfino comes jogging by, stops, and smiles. Susan waves at him. He waves back, then continues jogging.

Susan: "I have an idea."
The women smile at each other.




Gabrielle's House

Carlos: "A dinner party. Honey, I may be working late. The Dillman proposal is a complete mess."
Gabrielle: "No, no. You promised to be home every night this week."
Carlos: "I'll try, but I can't guarantee anything. This is business!"
Gabrielle: "Says the prince as he rides off into the sunset. Boy, did the movies ever get that wrong!"
Carlos: "You know what your problem is? You're very tense. You should go to a spa or go shopping. Find a way to relax!"

He leaves and after he closes the door behind him, Gabrielle smiles and picks up the portable phone.

It rings, and John picks up the other end.

John: "Hello?"
Gabrielle: "Where are you?"
John: "Algebra."
Gabrielle: "You free at four?"
John: "I'm not sure. I've got track after school."
Gabrielle: "Well get here as fast as you can. My husband says I need to relax."
John: "You, uh, want me to keep my gym clothes on like last time?"
Gabrielle: "If you would, please."


Lynette's House
Tom and Lynette are in the kitchen.

Tom: "A dinner party?"
Lynette: "Yeah, it will be fun! Bree抯 cooking. Everyone抯 coming."
The dryer buzzes and Lynette goes over to remove the clothes in it.


Tom: "You know what, I haven't even had a chance to unpack yet, honey. I just, uh, I just need to chill out for the next few days."
Lynette: "Oh, Tom. There'll be liquor, and hors devours. And grownups without children. And, and silverware. Remember silverware?"
Tom: "Honey, can you take this in for me?"
He hands her a disposable camera.

Lynette: "Have you heard anything I just said?"
Tom: "Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm just, I'm wiped out. Three cities in six days. My head is just pounding. I'm not ready for a dinner party."
Lynette: "I already got a sitter."
Tom: "Can you cancel her?"
Lynette exhales sharply as she looks at him incredulously.

Tom: "Please? Look, let抯 just stay in tomorrow night. We can get a bottle of wine and rent a video, and I just want to hang out with my best gal." He kisses her. "That抯 all."
Lynette: "I was looking so forward to a night out."
Tom: "I know, sweetie, I'm sorry, but, I'm beat. I mean, do you remember what it抯 like to work a sixty hour week?"
He walks off with Lynette staring after him.


Bree's House
Bree packs up a lunch while Rex looks through his appointment book.

Rex: "A dinner party? Do I have to go?"
Bree: "Well, given that we're hosting it, I'd say so. By the way, you won't be drinking at this party."
Rex: "Well, why is that?"
Bree: "Because when you drink, you get chatty. No one needs to know that we're seeing Dr. Goldfine."
Rex: "You know, if you spent half as much time working on our problems as you do covering them..."
Bree: "Not a drop!"
Rex: "You know, this, this is ridiculous! This whole thing about us taking tennis lessons!"
Bree: "Well, the nurses at your office may start wondering why you're disappearing three times a week. Tennis lessons are a plausible alibi."
Rex: "So these tennis lessons we're taking. How are we doing?"
Bree: "My back hand is improving immensely, but you're still having problems with your serve."
Rex: "Of course."


Outside Susan's House
Karl and Susan talk, waiting for Julie, while Brandi stands near Karl's car.


Karl: "A dinner party?"
Susan: "It抯 tomorrow night, so if you could just keep Julie an extra day."
Karl: "Fine, but that抯 all. Brandi and I leave Sunday for a week up at the cabin."
Susan: "What cabin?"
Karl: "Brandi wanted some place where we could get away. Escrow just closed yesterday."
Susan: "You can afford a cabin but you can't scrape up child support?"
Karl: "The check is in the mail."
Susan gets upset and quickly opens up the mailbox, looking briefly inside, then closes it.

Susan: "Oh, no, it抯 not!"
Julie comes outside.

Julie: "I found my dental guard. I'm ready."
Susan and Karl become quiet and look anywhere but at each other. Julie rolls her eyes.

Julie: "Stop fighting."
Susan: "We are being as nice as we possibly can to one another."
Julie: "Like I said, stop fighting."
Susan kisses Julie, then Karl and Julie walk to his car. Brandi throws an empty soda can towards the trash can near Susan and misses.


Susan: "Excuse me, Brandi. Do you mind?"
Brandi: "Oh. Okay."
Karl: "Wait, Susan. you're right there. You could pick it up."
Susan: "I could, but she抯 the one who threw it."
Karl: "Come on, don't be petulant. Just pick up the stupid can!"
Susan: "No!"
Julie: "I could pick it up."
Susan: "Honey, stay out of this."
Karl: "Fine. This is so typical!"
He walks over to her. As he bends down to get the can, she kicks it, causing it to bounce off his leg.

Susan: "Oh, sorry, was that petulant too?"
Karl: "You know what? Pick up the damn can yourself."
Susan: "Well, you just go to hell!"

She kicks the can across the driveway and it stops at the bottom of the driveway, right next to Mike, who had stopped there while walking his dog, Bongo.

Mike: "You want me to pick it up?"
Susan, obviously embarrassed, has no words, while Mike smiles.




Paul's House
Paul and Zach sit at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. Paul looks through the newspaper.


Zach: "Mrs. Warmington said she looked for mom抯 obituary and couldn't find it. Did you put one in?"
Paul: "I've had other things on my mind, Zach."
Zach: "But how could you not do that? People are going to think we didn't care about her."
Paul: "I doubt people will give it much thought. don't worry about it."
Zach: "You never talk about her. She hasn't even been dead a month, and it抯 like you've totally forgotten she ever existed."
Paul: "It抯 a little early for this kind of talk."
Zach: "Maybe when you die, I won't put in an obituary."
Paul: "That will be your choice to make. Assuming you outlive me."


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle is on the phone.

Gabrielle: "Mom, it抯 no big deal, Carlos and I are driving in for the baptism. Problem solved."
There's a knock at the door and Gabrielle answers it, letting John in, as she continues talking on the phone.

Gabrielle: "Okay, fine, you go with Aunt Maria, and I will take Nanna to church." (whispering to John) "Take your clothes off" (returning her attention to the conversation on the phone) "Uh-huh. Okay. I gotta go, mom. Yes, right now! Okay. Uh, you can give me directions later. Bye. (to John) Hi! How was school?"
John: "I got an A minus on my biology exam."
Gabrielle: "You did!"
They kiss.

Gabrielle: "Well, let抯 see what you learned."

They kiss again when Gabrielle gasps. She looks towards the front door, where the face of a little girl is peering in.

John: "Who抯 that?"
Gabrielle: "I don't know."
She strides to the door.

Gabrielle: "Hey, you!"
The little girl runs away.


Outside Susan's House
Lynette and Susan take dry cleaning out of Susan's car.

Lynette: "So, did Mike say anything?"
Susan: "No, but God, you should have seen the look on his face!"
Lynette: "I'm sure it抯 not that bad. I mean, he抯 coming to the party, right?"
Susan: "I left three messages. No, he抯 not going to come. Big surprise. I did everything but foam at the mouth. God, I hate when I get that way. It's like every time I get within 10 feet of Karl I just become this monster."
Lynette: "You know what? It抯 not gonna change until you resolve your issues with that man."
Susan: "What, you mean forgive him? You know, I've lived with this bitterness so long I think I'd be lonely without it."
Lynette: "Honey, get a pet!"
They laugh.

Lynette: "See you."
Susan walks away and Lynette stands in the driveway, looking at recently developed photos that she had with her. She gasps.

Lynette: "Son of a..."


Lynette's House
Tom holds a photographed picture in his hand. It shows him with two male colleagues, all dressed in sombreros with huge margaritas in front of each of them. They all grin at the camera. Tom also has a cigar in his mouth.


Tom: "It抯 a business meeting!"
Lynette: "It抯 a frat party."
Tom: "Regional manager. Corporate manager. Head of sales."
Lynette: "Margarita. Cigar. Sombrero."
Tom: "Honey, what do you want me to do. Sit around the hotel all the time watching cable?"
Lynette: "No, but when I say, we've been invited to a party, don't whine about your exhausting sixty-hour week. Put on your dancing shoes and take the mother of your children out for a good time."
Tom: "Fine, you know what, you're right. Let's go to that party."
Lynette: "Can't. I already cancelled the sitter."
Tom: "Okay, we'll, we'll throw the next one."
Lynette: "Throw a dinner party? I don't even have time to wash my face."
Tom gets up and removes an individually-wrapped Jell-O? snack from the refrigerator, then goes back to the table and sits down, trying to open it.

Lynette: "No, you know what, I'm going to go to this one. You can stay home and baby sit the kids."
Tom: "Okay, I can handle that."
He struggles to open the snack as Lynette watches. Finally, she goes over to him and opens it for him.

Tom: "Thank you."


Outside Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle drives up to her house in her car.

"Gabrielle spent her morning searching for the mysterious little girl. Sadly for her..."

Gabrielle pulls into her driveway and sees the little girl standing by Carlos, who's crouched down to be at eye-level with the girl, shaking her hand.

"...the mystery was solved a bit too quickly."

Gabrielle: "Hey. What抯 going on?"
Carlos: "Have you met Ashley?"
Ashley stares up at Gabrielle while Gabrielle furrows her brow. She opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, a woman comes around the side of the house.

Mrs. Bukowski: "Found it!"
Carlos: "Babe, this is Sheila Bukowski, our new neighbor. They just moved into the Miller抯 old house."
Mrs. Bukowski: "My daughter left her ball in your yard. So sorry."
Gabrielle: "Oh, oh, no, no problem. Nice to meet you, Ashley."
Ashley stares, stone-faced, up at Gabrielle, saying nothing.

Mrs. Bukowski: "She抯 shy. She doesn't say much.""
Carlos: "Yeah, but I can see her little mind working away."
He laughs.

Mrs. Bukowski: "Nice meeting you."
Mrs. Bukowski and Carlos both turn and start to walk away, leaving Gabrielle and Ashley, who stare at each other. Mrs. Bukowski comes back and gently steers Ashley away.

Mrs. Bukowski: "Come on, Ashley."


Paul's House
Zach goes into the garage with some rags. He puts them on a shelf and pulls down a box of cleaning supplies. Behind the box, he sees a small shoe box. He opens it, and slowly pulls out a gun.


Dr. Goldfine's Office
Focus in on a tape recorder that's recording.


Bree: "Private sessions? I don't understand. Why do we need private sessions?"
Dr. Goldfine. "Private sessions allow us to work on the personal issues of both partners."
Bree: "Oh, well, I don't have any personal issues. My only issue is that my husband wants to leave me, and how can I work on that if he's not in the room?"
Rex: "There are things I need to discuss with Dr. Goldfine and I can't have you there."
Bree: "Why? I'm your wife. You can say anything in front of me. All we need is a few more sessions, and I'm sure we can--"
Rex: "Damn it, Bree, a few more sessions isn't going to fix us. This is bigger than that."
Dr. Goldfine: "Why don't we do it this way. Rex, you can take the first half hour. Bree, you can take the second."
Bree: "Fine. Oh, and doctor, if what he is about to discuss has anything to do with adultery, prostitution or Internet pornography, I would really appreciate you taking a moral hard line."
She stands up, swings a tennis racket up onto her shoulder, and walks out.


Outside the Bukowski House
Ashley is drawing on the sidewalk with colored chalk when Gabrielle comes up to her.

Gabrielle: "Hi, Ashley. Remember me? We, we met earlier."
Ashley looks up, but says nothing before going back to her drawing.


Gabrielle: "Wow. aren't you the little artist. What are those, flamingos?"
Ashley: "No."
Gabrielle: "Well, they're very pretty. It almost looks like their kissing. Funny thing, about kissing. It抯 not just for husbands and wives. Sometimes we kiss our mom or our grandpa. Sometimes we even kiss our dog. Sometimes we even kiss people who are just our friends. Kind of like a high five on the lips, right?"

She holds her hand out for Ashley to high-five it, but Ashley ignores her.

Gabrielle: "Uh...hey, Ash. I was at the mall, and I saw this and thought you might like it."
She reaches behind her and shows Ashley a doll that she brought over with her.

Gabrielle: "She抯 Hawaiian. Her name is Princess Kahalua, and I, I think it means little waterfall or big pond or something."
Ashley takes the doll and stares at it before plopping it in her lap and going back to her drawing.

Gabrielle: "Oh great, so we're good, right?"
Ashley looks up and just stares at Gabrielle for a second or two.

Gabrielle: "Okay, well, you enjoy your new little friend, and if there's anything else you need, you just let me know."
She starts walking away when Ashley speaks.

Ashley: "What I'd really like is a bike."


Paul's House
Paul walks into the darkened kitchen and goes to the refrigerator. He opens the fridge and hears something spinning. He looks across the room and sees Zach, in the dark, holding the gun, spinning the chamber. Paul turns on a light.


Paul: "Where did you find that?"
Zach: "She used this to kill herself. Why would you keep it? Why?"
Paul: "Cause I thought we might need it some day."
Zach: "For what?"
Paul: "Protection."
Zach: "I want to talk about mom."
Paul: "You need to take your medication."
Zach: "We are going to talk about mom!"
There's a knock at the door. Zach motions for his dad to be silent, then answers the door.

Bree: "Hello Zach. I hope this isn't a bad time."
Zach: "What can I do for you, Mrs. Van de Kamp?"
Bree: "Well, I wanted to invite you and your father to a dinner party tomorrow night."
Zach: "I'm not sure where he is right now."
Bree: "Oh, well I'm sorry it抯 such late notice, but, well, we weren't sure if you and your father were ready for any kind of social engagement. But we're sort of throwing it in your mother抯 honor."
Zach: "Really..."
Bree: "Yes, it抯 just going to be a casual night with the gang. We're going to eat, and tell fun stories about your mom. Zach. Are you okay?"
Paul comes to the door, standing next to Zach.


Paul: "Hello, Bree."
Bree: "Oh, hi Paul, I-I was just..."
Paul: "I heard. Thank you. We already had plans for the night."
Bree: "Oh. Well, that抯 too bad."
Hidden from Bree, Paul slowly reaches behind Zach and takes the gun from him.

Bree: "Well, I should go."
Zach: "Thank you, Mrs. Van de Kamp."
Bree: "For what, Zach?"
Zach: "For remembering my mom."
His voice trembles.

"That night Paul gave his son something to calm his nerves."



"And the next day, Gabrielle calmed her own nerves by giving something to her new best friend."

Gabrielle removes a pink bicycle from the trunk of her car and presents it to Ashley.

Gabrielle: "Here you go. It抯 top of the line, three speed, aluminum frame, handlebar ribbons, and a bell. And you'll notice, it抯 royal blue to match your pretty little eyes."
Ashley: "My eyes are green."
Gabrielle: "Yeah, well, you'll be cruising so fast on this, no one will even notice. It抯 all yours, hon. Have fun."
She starts walking back to her car and turns back slightly. She sees Ashley staring at her.

Gabrielle: "What? What抯 wrong?"
Ashley: "I don't know how to ride a bike."
Gabrielle: "What? Well then why did you ask for one?"
Ashley shrugs.

Ashley: "Why can't you show me?"
Gabrielle: "Sure. One of these days."
She turns away again and starts walking when Ashley speaks again.

Ashley: "What抯 wrong with now?"
Gabrielle stops.


Susan's House
Susan opens up her photo album.


"After her talk with Lynette, Susan decided to take a look at her old photo album."
She looks at photos of Julie with Karl and Susan and Julie with Karl, when they were still married. Every photo is lovingly placed and decorated in the album, but each photo that included Karl has his head cut out of the picture.

"And she began to see herself in a whole new light. And the picture wasn't flattering."
She picks up the phone and dials a number .

Voice Mail Message: "Yeah, you got Karl. Leave a message."
Susan: "Hey, Karl, it抯 me. I was hoping you'd be there. Um, listen, we need to talk. So maybe, when you drop Julie off tomorrow, we could have a moment. It抯 important. Give my best to...Brandi. Call me."

"Susan was proud of herself. She was finally ready to let go of her anger."
Susan looks at a cut out of Karl's head that she just removed from a photo.

"Well, almost."
She crushes it between her fingers.


Lynette's House
The twins scream in the background as Lynette, her face covered in a blue facial mask and her hair in rollers, gives directions to Tom.

Lynette: "The boys will be hungry at 5:30 so I put the fish sticks in the toaster oven at 5 o'clock."
Tom: "For a half an hour. Honey, I know. It抯 like the third time you've told me!"
Lynette: "Well, if the food抯 late, God help you!"
Tom: "Beautiful. I don't need a pamphlet. It抯 not brain surgery. They're just kids, for god's sake!"
He walks up the stairs. Lynette pauses, and then calls out to Preston.


Lynette: "Preston, would you come here?"
Preston: "Yeah?"
Lynette: "Sweetie. You know our rule about eating cookies, right?"
Preston: "Yeah. We can't have 'em after five 慶ause sugar makes us hyper."
Lynette: "Yeah. But tonight, anything goes."
She hands him a box of animal cookies.

Lynette: "Make sure you share with your brothers."
Preston: "Thanks, Mom!"


Outside, on the street
Gabrielle stumbles down the street in her high heels, as she holds onto the back of Ashley's bike while Ashley tries to ride it.


Gabrielle: "Don't look at your feet. Don't look at your feet. Look at the road. Look at the road. Good! Ow! Uh, okay, find your balance! Find your balance! Okay, it抯 all you. It抯 all you! you're doing great!"
She lets go of the bike, letting Ashley ride on her own.

Gabrielle: "Okay, stay to the right. Watch the car...watch the car...watch the car!"
Ashley: "Ah.. ahh.."
She falls to the ground.

Gabrielle: "Oh god..."
Gabrielle runs up to her.

Gabrielle: "You okay?"
Ashley: "Yeah! Let抯 go again!"
Gabrielle: "Oh honey, these heels don't have another block in them."
Ashley: "What about tomorrow?"
Gabrielle: "Well, you won't be around tomorrow because you have school."
Ashley: "I'm home schooled. I'm always around."

"It was in that moment that Gabrielle realized, this ride was far from over."


Outside Susan's House
A man pushes Susan's doorbell repeatedly.

Susan: "I'm coming!"

She opens the door, revealing that she's dressed only in a towel, and her hair is still wet from stepping out of the shower.

Susan: "Karl, what are you doing here? I asked you to come tomorrow."
Karl: "You said you wanted to talk. It sounded important."
Susan: "Tomorrow! I'm in a towel."
Karl: "We were married fourteen years. I know what抯 under there. Come on."
He pushes past her and walks inside. She rolls her eyes, but closes the door, then follows behind him into the kitchen.

Susan: "I'm not really ready for this. I was going to have a whole speech prepared."
Karl: "Brandi and I have plans tomorrow. I suggest you wing it."
Susan: "Oh. Okay. Here抯 the thing, Karl. I was thinking about what happened in the driveway yesterday, and I, I, I just don't want to, I don't want to live like that. I don't want to be that kind of person, and, and, I just thought...if, if the two of us...if we had a nice calm..."
She pauses to take a breath and Karl starts rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Susan: "...I need an apology, Karl."
Karl looks up, making eye contact.


Karl: "For what?"
Susan: "An apology. For the way you ended our marriage. You never took any responsibility for your behavior."
Karl: "I don't know what to say, Susan. The heart wants what it wants."
Susan: "What抯 that mean?"
Karl: "I fell in love."
Susan: "While you were married to someone else!"
Karl: "The heart wants what it wants."
Susan: "Yeah, well my heart wants to hurt you, but I can control myself!"
He gets up and starts walking to the door.

Karl: "I don't want to go back to that ugly place, really, and if you do, I suggest you get some help."
He opens the door and walks back to his car. Susan follows, angry.

Susan: "You know what? I don't need an apology! I don't need anything from you!"
Karl: "you're humiliating yourself!"
Susan: "No, you're the one who抯 been humiliated, Karl. Why don't you see that? You walked out on your family! People think you're scum, not me! So worry about yourself! I'm okay with me! I can walk down the street and hold my head high!"
She slams the passenger door she had opened.

Karl steps on the accelerator, driving off, pulling off the towel that Susan had accidentally got caught in the door.


Susan gasps in stark horror. She covers her chest and runs to her front door. It's locked. Desperate, she makes her way to a her front porch post and hides behind it. Seeing a potted plant next to the post, she grabs that as well to cover her up.

"As the sun slowly settled on Wisteria Lane, an unsettled Susan wracked her brain to find a way into her own house."

She takes the potted plant, and keeping it strategically placed in front of her, quickly dashes across her yard to a side porch. She tries the door there, but it, too, is locked. She puts down the plant and tries a window, which is locked. As she reaches over to try and push it open, she falls.

Susan: "Ahhh!"

"Lying naked in her shrubs, it occurred to Susan this could be the most humiliating moment of her life."
Mike walks by and sees her there.

Mike: "Susan?"

"She was wrong."

Mike (eyes averted): "Uh, whatcha doing?"
Susan: "Locked myself out. Naked."
Mike: "Oh..."
Susan: "And, then I fell. So, how are you?"
Mike: "Good. Good. I just got back. I've been gone all day, and I got your messages about dinner. And, um, I, would love to come, if that invite still stands."
Susan: "It抯 a date!"
Mike: "All right. I, uh, assume the dress is casual."
Susan: "Yeah. It抯, it's casual."
Mike: "Hmmm."
He walks away.

Susan squeals in quiet embarrassment as she grabs part of the shrub and pulls it toward her, covering herself, too late.


Outside Bree's House
It's nighttime, and Mike and Susan walk up the sidewalk to Bree's house.

Susan: "Thanks for helping me break in. Do you think it will be hard to replace that screen?"
Mike: "Well, it depends. If you nail it in yourself, you might want to wear gloves. Or pants..."
Mike knocks on the Van de Kamp door.

Mike: "Pants wouldn't hurt."
Susan: "Okay. I know what just happened is funny, in theory. But I'm nowhere near ready to laugh about it, so please, no jokes."
Mike gives a quick nod as the door opens to reveal Bree.


Bree: "Hey! Where've you two been?"
Mike: "Uh, Susan had a problem finding something to wear."
He smirks as Susan looks at him.

Mike: "Oh, was that the kind of thing you meant?"
Susan: "Pretty much."
They walk inside.

Lynette is on her cell phone, talking to Tom, as she pours herself a drink.

Lynette: "The kids are bouncing off the walls? Huh...well, I'm sure you can figure a way to put them to bed, Tom. I mean, for god sakes, Tom, they're just kids!"
Gabrielle is hobbling.

Susan: "Hey, are you okay?"
Gabrielle: "Yes. I, uh, went jogging today, and I think I just pushed myself too hard."
Susan: "Well, you're probably not wearing the right shoes."
Gabrielle: "Yeah, that thought did cross my mind."
Bree comes into the living room with a tray of appetizers. Carlos and Rex are talking in the corner of the room.

Carlos: "So Gabrielle says that you and Bree are taking lessons three times a week."
Rex: "Uh huh."
Carlos: "I'm actually thinking about playing again. I mean, it抯 such great exercise."
Rex: "Mmm. That it is."
Carlos: "And my drop shot could use a serious tune up. Think you could give me the number of your pro?"
Rex: "Yeah. I'll, uh, give it to you later."
Carlos: "Well what club does he work out of?"
Rex: "Uh. We're not really taking tennis lessons, Carlos."
Carlos: "you're not?"
Rex: "It抯 a story Bree concocted to cover the fact that we're seeing a marriage counselor."
Bree, standing less than five feet away from Rex, stares at him as she drops the platter of food into the floor.

Rex: "Bree! Bree."
Accusingly, she takes the glass of wine Rex was holding from him.

Rex: "He wouldn't stop asking about the tennis pro! (to the guests in the room): "Bree and I are in marriage counseling." (to Bree) "Everyone knows your secret now. Did, did the sky fall? Has your life come crashing down?"

Bree turns to the guests and smiles.

Bree: "If everybody would please take your seats. Dinner is served."
She shoots one last glare at Rex, and then turns away.




Paul's House
The TV is quietly playing in the living room as Zach sleeps on the couch. A glass of water is next to several prescription pill bottles on the coffee table. Paul comes into the room. He smiles and puts a blanket over the sleeping Zach.

TV Reporter: "A grisly discovery was made today in Westbrook when a chest was found in Rockwater Lake, discovered by a local area businessman and his grandson while they were fishing. Investigators recovered a wooden chest containing what appears to be human remains. Now, a police spokesman says the body was--"
Paul turns off the TV. He puts down the remote, turns off the light by the couch, and leaves the room. Once he's gone, Zach opens his eyes and stares at the dark TV.


Bree's House
Everyone is quiet around the dinner table as they eat.

Susan: "Okay, I've got to break the ice here. So you're in counseling. Big deal. You want humiliation, I'll give you humiliation. I locked myself out of my house, stark naked, and got caught by Mike."
She gives him a light shove when she says his name and he smiles ruefully.


Gabrielle: "Oh my God, when did this happen?"
Susan: "Today. Right before the party."
Mike: "What can I say? Right place, right time!"
Lynette: "I think I can top that. Try getting thrown out of Disneyland for lewd behavior."
Susan: "What? When was this?"
Lynette: "When Tom and I were first married, things got a little out of hand on Mr. Toad抯 Wild Ride."
Rex: "you're kidding."
Lynette: "No. We got perp walked down Main Street USA."
Everyone laughs, except for Bree, who watches Rex at the other end of the table as he laughs as everybody's stories.

Gabrielle: "Since we're doing true confessions, Carlos and I once broke a waterbed in Cancun."
Mike: "How'd you manage that?"
Gabrielle: "Well, he used to have a thing for spiked heels."
Carlos: "I'd just like to make it clear: she was wearing them."

Everyone laughs again and Rex, a glass of wine in his hand, laughs along with them.

Bree: "Rex cries after he ejaculates."
She stares at him smugly. The smile leaves his face. The rest of the guests don't know what to say. He wipes his mouth, then gets up and leaves. He slams the door. Bree goes back to eating and her guests follow suit.


Mike and Susan walk slowly back to Susan's house.

Mike: "Think we left too early?"
Susan: "I was thinking we left too late."
Mike: "So is, um, Rex gone for good?"
Susan: "I don't know. God, I hope not! I mean, they've always been wound a little tight, but I've never seen 'em like that. Then again, who am I to judge?"
Mike: "You mean, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw soda cans?"
Susan: "Okay, you have got to know that I only get that angry around Karl. He just treated me so badly at the end. I haven't been able to get past it."
Mike: "Well, maybe he did you a big favor."
Susan: "What do you mean?"
Mike: "Well, just look of Karl as a starter marriage. Boot camp. Preparing you for something better next time."
She smiles at him.


Susan: "Listen Mike, about the whole seeing me naked thing, I, I just want to thank you for being such a perfect gentleman."
Mike: "Oh, I wasn't a perfect gentleman, I might have snuck a peek."
Susan: "Oh! Good night!"
Mike: "And for what it抯 worth, wow!"
He strolls away, looking back at her once while Susan grins.



Lynette's House

Lynette wakes Tom, who's sleeping on the couch, by touching his face lightly with her hot pink dinner jacket.

Tom: "Hi!"
Lynette: "How was your night?"
Tom: "We are raising little terrorists. You know that, don't you?"
Lynette: "Oh! You didn't have a good time?"
Tom: "Okay. You know, drop the act! I know you gave them cookies."
Lynette: "Oh! Who cracked, anyway?"
Tom: "Porter. So how was your, uh, dinner party?"
Lynette: "Well, there was dinner, but it wasn't much of a party."
Tom: "Uh-oh. What happened?"
Lynette: "I don't know. Rex announced that he and Bree are in counseling. She retaliated with this whole revelation which I won't even go into now, and the bottom line is, he stormed out. Clearly there is trouble in paradise."
Tom: "Honestly, I'm not that surprised."
Lynette: "Why not?"
Tom: "I don't know. I just never got the idea that they were really happy."
He looks at some papers he had in his lap, and Lynette puts a juice box in the kitchen. She turns around.

Lynette: "Are we happy?"


Gabrielle's House
Carlos trims his nose hairs while Gabrielle puts lotion on herself.

Carlos: "Man, oh, man, I keep seeing that look on Rex抯 face, and then him taking off like that? Hmm. Some night. But then again, I would probably cry too if I had to have sex with that woman. I mean, you watch a man get torn down like that, it makes you wonder why he'd let her get away with it. Believe me, if a woman ever humiliated me like that in public, hmm, it would only happen once."
He walks off, leaving Gabrielle standing there, silent.


Bree's House
The next morning, Bree packs a suitcase for Rex as Rex sits on the bed.


Bree: "So, uh, where will you be going?"
Rex: "I'll be staying at the Motor Lodge."
Bree: "The hotel by the interstate has better rates, and uh, it抯 closer to your work."
Rex: "Fine."
Bree: "I'm packing your swimsuit. There抯 a pool there, and I know how swimming relaxes you."
Rex: "When our kids ask where I am, what are you gonna say?"
Bree: "Um, I could tell them that you went to tennis camp."
There's a pause.

Bree: "That was a joke."
Rex: "Yeah. I got it."
Bree: "There. Obviously, if you've forgotten anything, you can, um, come right back and get it."
Rex: "Well, I'll call you."
Bree: "Rex. In college, when we first started dating, people were so jealous of us. We were the golden couple. Everybody knew we were going to have this wonderful life. Why is this happening?"
Rex: "Because you can't even let me pack my own suitcase."
He walks out, leaving Bree standing there. She turns, looking like she's going to cry. She stares down at the bed and makes an effort to get herself under control as she smoothes the bedspread.


Outside Susan's House
Karl kisses Julie good bye and gets back into his car, with Brandi. Susan comes out of the house and goes to the car.

Susan: "Hey!"
Julie: "Where are you going?"
Susan: "Just a sec..."
Julie: "Mom?"
Susan: "Don't worry, I'm not packing heat!"
She opens the door to Karl's car.


Susan: "Hey, Brandi. Could you scoot a little? Just, scoot. Thank you. Hi."
Karl: "What are you doing?"
Susan: "I'll be quick. Brandi, I'm sorry for the way I treated you. It was uncalled for and childish and it won't happen again. I have built up a lot of anger towards you, both of you, and I realize now that I just can't carry that around anymore, so, apology or no apology, I'm moving on."
Susan smiles, then gets out of the car. As she walks up the sidewalk, Brandi calls to her.

Brandi: "Mrs Mayer!"
Brandi gets out of the car.

Karl: "Brandi. Brandi, get in the car."
Brandi: "Mrs. Mayer..."
Susan: "Please. Call me Susan."
Brandi: "I just wanted you to know what happened between me and Karl, things got out of hand, because I thought your marriage was over. Anyway, I just wanted you to know I'm sorry. I really am."
Susan: "Thank you."
Brandi smiles and then goes back to the car. When she gets in the car, Karl leans forward to stare at Susan questioningly.

"And though it came from an unexpected source, Susan finally got the apology she always wanted."


Lynette's House
Lynette comes into the house, with bags in both hands and a small package clutched between her teeth. Tom bounds down the stairs, wearing a sombrero.

Tom: "Hey, let me take those!"
Lynette: "You're wearing a really big hat."
Tom: "Yes, I am. Listen, the kids are watching a video which means that we've got only about 45 minutes until they actually find Nemo. So I suggest that we make the most of it."
He drops lime slices into margaritas he's made.


Lynette: "By reliving your night out with the guys?"
Tom: "Lynette? I'm trying."
He holds out a margarita for her. She takes off her glasses and takes the glass.

Lynette: "You look ridiculous."
Tom: "Sexy ridiculous?"
Lynette: "Maybe."
Tom: "I can live."
He takes their glasses and put them on the table, then draws her close to dance. She moans contentedly.

Lynette: "You know, it抯 going to take more than just this one night."
Tom: "I know."
They dance some more.

Tom: "Ah. It looks like we have an audience."
Lynette turns around and sees the three boys, in their pajamas, watching them from the stairs, grinning.

Lynette: "Let 慹m look. As long as they don't try and cut in."


Dr. Goldfine's Office
Dr. Goldfine puts a tape into a cabinet when there's knocking on his door. He turns around and Bree enters.

Bree: "Dr. Goldfine."
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, we're not scheduled now, are we?"
Bree: "I didn't have time to make an appointment. Rex moved out today."
Dr. Goldfine: "I'm very sorry to hear that, but unfortunately, I'm completely booked right now."
Bree takes a few steps around the desk, to stand closer.


Bree: "I don't need much time. It just seems that you have more insight into my situation than I do. And I just think that--"
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, we can't talk now."
Bree (eye to eye with Dr. Goldfine): "If you could just tell me what he told you, then I could fix the problem!"
Dr. Goldfine: "I can't do that. It抯 completely unethical."
Bree: "Well, why can't you--"
There's a sound, and they both turn to the door, where a small light flashes next to the door.

Dr. Goldfine: "That抯 my next appointment. You really need to go."
Bree: "Dr. Goldfine."
She puts her hands on his shoulders.

Bree: "Please."
Dr. Goldfine: "Hold on. I'll go and talk to my client."
He leaves her alone. She exhales, then looks around the room. She sees the open cabinet with the tapes in it. She looks behind her to make sure Dr. Goldfine hasn't come back, then opens up the cabinet.

"Bree searched for Rex抯 audio tape, hoping to find answers."
She sees Rex's name on a tape and begins to pull it out.

"She found answers all right, but to entirely different questions."
And then she finds labeled "Mary Alice Young". She removes it.

She hears a noise from the waiting room and jumps. She quickly closes the cabinet and picks up the tape she had dropped. She hides the tape underneath her sweater as Dr. Goldfine walks in.

Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, I'm sorry, he can't wait. But, I can see you first thing in the morning, eight o'clock."
Bree: "Eight o'clock. Sorry to interrupt. Bye."
She leaves.


Nighttime. Wisteria Lane
It's a quiet night on Wisteria Lane.

"Yes, I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember the most is how afraid I was."
Bree sits by her bedroom window, looking at the tape she stole.

"What a waste! You see, to live in fear, is not to live at all."
Very faintly, a rhythmic sound of something wooden being hit is heard.

In Gabrielle's house, she lies awake in bed next to Carlos, who's sleeping. As she hears the noise, she gets up to look out the window.

"I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who face their fears..."

At Susan's house, she looks at photos of her old life. When she hears the noise, she looks out the window as well.

"...and there will always be those who run away."
At Paul's house, Paul stands on the sidewalk, methodically pounding a "For Sale" sign into the grass on his lawn.  


~ The End ~

马扎 4#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:34:07 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.04 - Who's That Woman?

Guest stars
"Mrs. Martha Huber" - Christine Estabrook
"Andrew Van De Kamp" - Shawn Pyfrom
"Mr. Shaw" - Richard Roundtree
"Ms. Butters" - Mary Pat Gleason
"The Cable Guy" - John Haymes Newton
"Danielle Van De Kamp" - Joy Lauren
"Yoa Ling" - Lucille Soong
"Preston Scavo" - Brent Kinsman
"Porter Scavo" - Shane Kinsman
"Cashier" - Michelle Ewin
"Businessman" - Paul Hayes
"Reporter" - Tricia Nickell
"Andrew Buddy #1" - Eric Marquette
"Andrew Buddy #2" - Adam Weisman
Written by: Tom Spezialy & Marc Cherry
Directed by: Jeff Melman


As Mary Alice does the voice over, the camera pans around a cluttered, messy house. On the coffee table are magazines, including a tabloid with Mary Alice's picture reading: "Inside the Suburban Suicide Mom!"
"When I was alive, I maintained many different identities: lover, wife, and ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people see themselves."
It's Lynette's house. She bends down and picks up some clothing, looking tired.

"Like my friend, Lynette. She used to see herself as a career woman. And a hugely successful one at that. She was known for her power lunches..."
Lynette, yawning, feeds the baby her bottle.

"...her eye catching presentations..."
Lynette slaps a magnet on a crayoned drawing she's putting on the refrigerator.

"...and her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition."
Lynette sprays a glass cleaner on some windows and scrubs furiously at the hand prints smudging it.

"Lynette gave up her career to assume a new label: incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother."
The phone rings, interrupting Lynette, who's washing dishes. She goes over to answer it.

"Scavo residence. Yes, this is me." She sighs.


Elementary School
Lynette walks down the hallway.

"But, unfortunately for Lynette, this new label frequently fell short of what was advertised."
Lynette comes upon Parker and Porter sitting outside of a classroom. They look up at her and each raise a hand in hello. Their hands and clothes are liberally splattered with blue paint. She goes inside of the classroom.
Lynette: "How in the world did they..."
Ms. Butters: "I left the door to the art supply cupboard open for five minutes. That's all."
Lynette: "Five minutes." She sits down. "The little girl. Why didn't she say anything?"
Ms. Butters: "Your boys work quickly."
Lynette: "Well, obviously, they will be punished for this. Severely."
Ms. Butters: "I hesitate bringing this up since you got so ugly about it last time."
Lynette: "They don't have attention deficit disorder. And I'm not going to drug my boys just to make your job easier. I'd rather change teachers." She stands up.
Ms. Butters: "The boys are in my class because I'm the only teacher who can handle them."
Lynette: "What if we separate the twins? Put them in different classes.

They're much calmer when they're not bouncing off one another."
Ms. Butters: "We can try that. But if it doesn't work, we may not longer be able to accommodate them."
Lynette leaves the classroom and begins walking down the hallway with the twins.

"It suddenly occurred to Lynette her label was about to change yet again. And for the next few years, she would be known as the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Axelrod blue."
A little girl completely covered in blue paint walks by with her mother. The mother stares at Lynette accusingly.




Focus on a tape recorder that's on. The four women stand around it, listening to it.

"It looked to be an interesting afternoon on Wisteria Lane. A mysterious cassette tape had been discovered by my friend, Bree. She had stolen it from her marriage counselor. A counselor I had once spoken to in strictest confidence."
On the tape, Dr. Goldfine and Mary Alice speak.

Dr. Goldfine: "So, how have you been?"
Mary Alice: "I had the nightmare again."
Gabrielle interrupts. "It's so weird to hear Mary Alice."

Dr. Goldfine: "Still the same one."
Mary Alice: "Yes. But this time, I was standing in a river, and I saw the girl under the water. She kept screaming Angela over and over again.
Dr. Goldfine: "So what do you think the significance of the name Angela is?"
Mary Alice: "Actually, that's my real name."
Gabrielle reaches over and turns off the tape recorder.

Gabrielle: "Her real name?"
Bree nods.
Gabrielle: "That doesn't make any sense. I've seen her driver's license. It did not say Angela."
Susan: "Bree, what does it say on the rest of the tape?"
Bree: "Just more about her nightmares and this girl she was afraid of."
Gabrielle: "So what the hell do we do now?"
Susan looks past her and sees Paul watering his lawn. All of the woman turn to look. He waves and they wave back.

Susan: "I think we should show Paul the note."
Lynette: "Are you sure? He's gonna freak."
Bree: "Well, it's now or never. I mean, I saw what he's asking for the place. It's gonna sell quickly."
Gabrielle: "Can I say something? I'm glad Paul's moving."
Bree: (placing a hand over her heart in shock): "Gabby!"
Gabrielle: "I'm sorry. He's just always giving me the creeps. Haven't you guys noticed? He's got this dark thing going on. There's something about him that just feels..."
Lynette: "Malignant?"
Gabrielle: "Yes."
Susan: "We've all sort of felt it."
They watch him continue watering his lawn.

Bree: "That being said, I do love what he's done with that lawn."
The women look at her.


Susan's House
Susan is standing at the kitchen sink, absent-mindedly washing a plate, while staring out the window.
Julie comes over and looks out the window to see what Susan's looking at. It's Mike, shirtless and sweaty, tending to his lawn. Julie looks at the dish that Susan's washing.

Julie: "Mom, the dish is clean."
Susan: "Huh? Oh."
Julie: "I still don't understand why you don't just ask him out on an official date date!"
Susan: "Oh, I'm trying a new strategy. I'm playing hard to get."
Julie: "How long do you think you can keep that up?"
Susan: "Oh, maybe until noon. Then I'm gonna have to run over there and beg him to love me."
Julie laughs, then looks out the window in the other direction. "Uh, mom. I don't think you're gonna be able to wait that long."
Susan follows her gaze to where Edie is washing her car, wearing very short shirts and a revealing white top.

Susan: "You've got to be kidding. She washed her car yesterday!"
As Edie washes, she glances over at Mike, who glances back. She takes the sponge she's using and squeezes the water from it over her chest and Susan can't believe it.

Susan: "Oh, no, she's not."
Mike stops working to watch.

Susan: "Yep. She's bringing out the big guns."
Julie: "You better get over there. She's wearing cotton."
She walks over to a drawer and pulls out an envelope.

Susan: "What am I supposed to say to Mike? I saw you half naked and thought I'd drop by?"
Julie hands Susan the note.
Susan: "What's that?"
Julie: "A piece of Mike's junk mail we got by mistake. I held onto it in case of an emergency."
Susan is thrilled. "God bless you!"
She kisses Julie and rushes out the door.


Susan crosses her lawn to go to Mike, looking over at Edie as she does so.

She comes up to Mike.

Susan: "Hi."
Mike: "Hey, Susan."
Susan: "I, uh, got this by mistake."
Mike"Oh, thanks." He opens it.
Susan: "I hope it's not important."
Mike"Oh, not, it's just a promotion for the Realto. They're having a film festival."
Susan: "Oh."
Edie watches them.

Susan"Well, guess I've done my good deed for the day. I'll just head back home. Bye." She turns to go and walks a few steps.
Mike: "Hey, you like old movies?"
Susan: "I love old movies."
As they talk, Edie, annoyed, throws her sponge into the bucket of water by her feet and walks off into Mrs. Huber's house, where she's staying.

Edie: "I hate Susan Mayer. Every time I see those big doe eyes of hers, 
I swear to God, I just want to go out and shoot a deer."
Mrs. Huber's eyes light up. "What has she done this time?"
Edie: "She is out there throwing herself at Mike Delfino. Again."
Mrs. Huber: "Susan likes Mike?"
Edie: "Where the hell have you been, Martha? She's been lusting after him ever since he moved in."
Edie walks away and Mrs. Huber looks thoughtfully out the window.


Elementary School
Lynette comes running down the hallway of the twins' school, ending up at the twins' teacher, who's standing outside the classroom.

Lynette: "I got your message. What's going on?"
Ms. Butters: "The boys refuse to be separated."
Lynette: "They refuse? They're six years old. Make them."
Ms. Butters: "Well, school regulations are pretty strict about me wrestling with the boys. But if you want to give it a shot, be my guest."
Lynette: "Fine."
She walks around the teacher to go inside the classroom, and then stops and turns around.

Lynette: "Oh. Which one goes and which one stays?"
Ms. Butters: "You pick."
Lynette opens the classroom door and Ms. Butters listens from outside. Screaming and shouting can be heard from within. Ms. Butters opens up the door and peeks in.

One twin is holding onto a table while Lynette grabs him by the feet, pulling. The other twin is on the other side of the table, trying to prevent Lynette from pulling it.

Ms. Butters smiles. "Ooh!"


Gabrielle's Bathroom
Gabrielle and John are in a bubble bath together. She squeezes some water over his back with a washcloth.

Gabrielle: "I love taking baths. Especially with you. It's like taking a vacation from the world."
John: "I hated taking baths when I was a kid. Course back then, the only thing I had to play with was my rubber ducky."
He leans back, turning slightly, and he leans in to kiss her. Right before they can, the doorbell rings and John gets nervous.

John: "Who's that?" He gets out of the tub and begins putting on his clothes. "It's Mr. Solis."
Gabrielle: "Relax! Carlos is at work. And he doesn't ring the doorbell."
She gets out more casually and puts on a bathrobe. She looks out the window and calls to John.
Gabrielle: "It's the cable guy. He's three hours late. Use the side entrance."
John finishes getting dressed quickly and rushes out the door.

"Gabrielle knew her vacation from the world had ended. What she didn't know was John had left behind a souvenir."
Underneath the bed, a lone sock of John's lies there.


Bree's Home
Danielle and Andrew come home.

Danielle: "I'm telling you. Dad didn't come home last night. They had a fight. A bad one."
Andrew: "How bad?"
Danielle: "Like, divorce court bad."
They hear Bree humming and through a small opening into the dining room, see her setting up dinner candles.

Danielle: "Listen to her. She always overcompensates when she's worried."
Andrew: "Dad moves out and leaves us with her...I'll lose my mind."
Bree opens the door from the dining room, smiling.

Bree: "Dinner is on the table."
Andrew: "Mom, where'd dad go last night?"
Bree: "He got a last minute call to speak at a medical conference in Philadelphia. Take your seats."
On the table is a huge fancy meal, with a freshly-cooked turkey in the middle of the table.

Danielle: "This marriage is so over."
Andrew nods. He then turns and walks out the front door.

Bree: "Andrew?"
He slams out of the door.


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle begins putting away the remnants of her bubble bath as the cable guy is there.

The Cable Guy: "Again, sorry I was late. The schedule overbooked me."
Gabrielle: "How long are you going to be?"
The Cable Guy: "Almost done. What is that scent? Is that sage and citrus?" He looks at the candle she's holding in her hands. "It's amazing."
Gabrielle: "Try to hurry. I have stuff to do."
He walks over to the wall and pulls on a cable cord, yanking at it. He suddenly loses his balance and falls on his back, having slipped on the bubble bath.

Gabrielle is shocked.

Later, the cable guy is strapped to a gurney by paramedics as Gabrielle watches. Carlos comes up to her.

Carlos: "What's happening?"
Gabrielle: "The cable guy fell. He hit his head on the tub. He may have a concussion."
Carlos: "It's almost eight."
Gabrielle: "He was late."
She walks out with Carlos looking at her. He sniffs and looks at the lit candles around the bathtub and the bubble bath in the tub.


Susan's House
Susan opens her front door to find Mrs. Huber standing there with a pie in her hands.

Susan: "Mrs. Huber!"
Mrs. Huber: "Hello, Susan. I made you a pie."
Susan: "Oh. Wow. Why?"
Mrs. Huber: "Do I need a motive to do something nice?"
Susan shrugs.

In Susan's kitchen, Mrs. Huber is delicately cutting the pie.

Mrs. Huber: "I can't wait for you to try this. It's mincemeat."
Susan: "Actually, I just had dinner."
Mrs. Huber: "That's okay. You can save it for later."
She licks some off of her fingers and chuckles to herself.

Susan: "What's so funny?"
Mrs. Huber: "I was just thinking of that expression: I'll make mincemeat out of you. Mincemeat. It used to be an entree made up of mostly chopped meat, so it was like saying 'I'll chop you up into little bits.'" She chuckles. "But that was centuries ago. Today, mincemeat is mostly made up of fruit, spices, and rum. There's no meat in it. And still people say I'll make mincemeat out of you."
Susan: "I don't know that people really say that anymore."
Mrs. Huber: "I do. So, Susan. How are you?"
Susan: "I'm fine."
Mrs. Huber: "Good. You know, I have a confession to make. I've always wished I'd have been more supportive when Carl left you."
Susan: "Oh, you don't have to apologize about Carl. Really, Carl and I are over. I've moved on."
Mrs. Huber: "Yes, I know. You've moved on to that nice Mike Delfino. 
He's quite a catch, isn't he? You like him don't you?"
Susan: "Uh, sure. As a friend."
Mrs. Huber: "Oh, Susan. Being coy is a strategy best employed by virgins at their first dance. For women of our age, it's just annoying. Are you sure you don't want pie?"
Susan: "No, thank you."
Mrs. Huber: I" hope it works out with you and Mike. You've been so desperate to land him."
Susan: "I am not desperate."
Mrs. Huber: "Oh, good Lord, Susan. You burned your rival's house down. If that isn't desperate, I don't know what is."
Susan: "Mrs. Huber, with all due respect, you're crazy."

Mrs. Huber puts down the knife she had been using to transfer the pie to a plate and reaches into her purse, pulling out the charred measuring cup she found in the ruins of Edie's burnt house.

She places it on the table in front of Susan.

Susan: "What's that?"
Mrs. Huber: "I think you recognize it. I found it in the ruins of Edie's home."
Susan: "Well, that's not ---"
Mrs. Huber: "Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. My point is this. I wasn't there for you when Carl left, but I'm here for you now. As far as I'm concerned, this is our secret. And no one ever need know. Oh, Susan. You don't know how good it feels to finally be able to help you. You look so pale. Now. I insist you try some of my pie."
She puts some on a fork and brings it near Susan, who automatically opens her mouth for Mrs. Huber to insert the pie.

Mrs. Huber: "Go on. Did I mention it's mincemeat?"

Susan swallows the pie with an audible gulp.


Bree's House
Bree stands in front of her son's door and knocks on it.

Bree: "Open the door, please."
Andrew: "Hang on."
He opens it.

Andrew: "What?"
Bree: "May I come in?"
Andrew: "No."
Bree: "Well, I want to talk to you."
Andrew: "Then, talk."
Bree: "Where were you last night?"
Andrew: "Brian's."
Bree: "I just spoke to Brian's mother. Now tell me again where you were last night and this time don't lie to me."
Andrew: "Where'd you say Dad was again? In Philadelphia?"
Bree: "Andrew, don't change the subject."
Andrew: "I'm sorry. I thought the subject was telling lies. I called Dad's cell phone. I know he moved out."
Bree: "Well, it's just temporary and...I thought it would upset you, so I was protecting you."
Andrew: "Whatever. You lied, so stop pretending like you have some sort of moral authority."
Bree: "Andrew, just because I chose not to share my marital problems with you does not give you the right to be rude."
Andrew: "How about driving my father away? Do I get to be rude then?"
He shuts the door in her face.


Gabrielle's House
Carlos is getting dressed in the bedroom by the bed while Gabrielle is in the bathroom. He drops his tie clip and gets on his hands and knees to look for it. While on the floor, he sees John's sock underneath the bed. He picks it up and stands up. As he looks at it, Gabrielle notices and quickly walks away to the laundry basket, where she grabs some clothing and rushes downstairs. She heads to the washer and throws the clothing there and rushes back. Carlos meets her at the edge of the stairs, looking suspicious.

Gabrielle: "Hi."
Carlos: "What's this?"
Gabrielle: "It's a sock."
Carlos: "It's a man's sock. I found it under our bed. It's not mine."
Gabrielle: "Oh, for God's sake, Carlos. It's Yoa Ling's.
Carlos: "Our maid wears size 13 gym socks?"
Gabrielle: "No, she dusts with them."
Carlos doesn't look convinced, so Gabrielle gestures for him to follow her and then grabs his hand, pulling him with her. She goes to the laundry closet and opens it up, where she threw the clothing before.

Gabrielle: "See? Socks instead of rags."
Carlos walks away and Gabrielle closes the laundry closet and leans against it, closing her eyes.


Grocery Store
Susan begins putting her groceries on the conveyer belt.

Mrs. Huber walks up behind her.

Mrs. Huber: "Susan! Hello!"
Susan: "Mrs. Huber."
Mrs. Huber: "Did you and Mike come together? I saw him in the fresh produce aisle."
Susan: "No, like I told you before, we're just friends. By the way, if I didn't make it clear yesterday, I absolutely did not do that thing you accused me of."
Mike comes up.

Mike: "Hey, Susan! Hey, Ms. Huber."
Mrs. Huber: "Nice to see you, Mike."
She walks out of the way.

Mike: "Hey. You like Alfred Hitchcock? They're doing a retrospective down at the Realto."
Susan looks over at Mrs. Huber, who gives her a knowing look.

Susan: "Uh, I'm not really a fan."
Mike: "Oh, c'mon. How can you not like Hitchcock?"
Susan: "I just, uh, don't."
Mike: "Oh. Okay. Well, uh, nice to see you. You, too, Ms. Huber."
He walks away.

Mrs. Huber: "You're so silly. Pretending not to like him on my account, I mean, really."
Susan: "Will you just drop it?"
Mrs. Huber: "You shouldn't be rude to me. Your secret is not an easy burden to bear. That insurance company is putting Edie through hell, and still I've said nothing."
Susan: "Well -"
Mrs. Huber: "The longer it takes for her to get payment, the longer 
she'll be staying with me, eating me out of house and home, using up my hot water."
Susan: "What exactly is it you want from me, Mrs. Huber?"
Mrs. Huber removes the plastic rod separating their grocery items in the checkout lane.

The checkout girl asks them, "Are these together?"
After a long pause, Susan says, "Ring it up."
Mrs. Huber smiles and begins putting her full load of groceries on the belt.


Lynette's House
Bree's sits at the kitchen table as Lynette pours her a cup of coffee.

Bree: "If the school and the pediatrician both think the twins could stand to be medicated, then what's the problem?"
Lynette: "I used to run a company with eighty-five people and now I can't wrangle three some boys without doping them? Talk about feeling like a failure."
Bree: "Lynette, you are a great mother, but let's face it. Your kids are...a challenge."
Lynette: "Thank you. That's the nicest way you could have said that. You know, the truth is, when they're not making me want to tear my hair out, they're actually really sweet. I'm afraid if I change the bad stuff, I'm gonna change the good stuff."
Bree: "It's a tough call."
Lynette: "Like this mug. I love this mug. If I medicate them, are they still gonna make me a mug like this?"
Bree: "You know, it's leaking."
Lynette: "Yeah. I know."
Susan and Gabrielle walk in.

Susan: "We talked to Paul. We told him we need to show him something."
Gabrielle: "He's on his way over."



Susan: "So Paul, we noticed that you're selling the house."
Paul: "Yes. Too many painful memories. I'm sure you understand."
Susan: "Well, before you move, we thought there was something you should know."
Lynette: "It seems there may be more to Mary Alice's death than you were aware of."
Paul: "Oh?"
Gabrielle: "Remember when you asked us to pack her things? Well, when we did, we found a note."
Bree: "And we think that you should have it."
Susan: "You can see from the postmark, Mary Alice probably got it the day she died."
Susan passes over the note and Paul opens it and reads it. Suddenly, he breaks down, crying. The women don't know what to do.
Susan: "Paul, are you going to be okay?"
Paul: "No."
He gets up and leaves, taking the note with him.


Gabrielle's House
Carlos comes down the stairs, and notices Yoa Ling cleaning the banister with a sock. He looks over at Gabrielle doing her yoga then turns back to Yoa Ling.

Carlos: "Have you always cleaned with socks?"
Gabrielle looks over from where she's doing her yoga.

Yoa: "Yes."
Carlos: "What, is that a Japanese thing?"
Yoa: "I am Chinese."
Carlos leaves. Gabrielle goes up the stairs.

Yoa: "I don't like lying."
Gabrielle: "Yeah? Well, I don't like your ironing. So there."


Soccer Field
John notices Gabrielle standing behind a tree. She motions him over.

John: "Mrs. Solis. What are you doing here?"
Gabrielle takes the sock out of her purse. "Carlos found this under the bed."
John: "Oh, crap."
Gabrielle: "It's okay. It was a close call, but I managed to cover. I got you these [she pulls sandals out of her bag]. So from now on, we can't let Carlos see you around the house wearing anything resembling a gym sock."
John: "You want me to mow your lawn in sandals? I could lose a toe."
Gabrielle: "Imagine what you could lose if Carlos finds out you're trimming more than the hedges."
She peeks around him to see some of John's teammates watching them.
Gabrielle: "Why are your friends staring at me? Did you tell them about us?"
John: "No! They're staring because they think you're hot."
Gabrielle: "Oh! Okay!"
She waves at them, then walks off.

Bree's House

Bree: "It's 9:30. What is your brother thinking?"
Danielle: "Want my advice? Call dad. Go tell him to kick Andrew's ass."
Bree: "I am perfectly capable of handling this without your father."
Danielle: "Sorry."
Bree: "Where's your cell phone? Call Andrew and find out where he is."
Danielle: "Mom, he's gonna know you're behind this."
Bree: "No, he won't. Just act normal."
Danielle calls.
Danielle: "Hey. It's me. Uh, what's going on?" She holds out the phone to Bree. "He knows."
Bree throws down the sponge she was cleaning with and takes the phone.

Bree: "Andrew. This is your mother. I am rapidly reaching the end of my patience with you. Where are you? Are you at a bar? Andrew! Andrew?"
Danielle: "Mom?"
Bree: "He hung up on me!"
Danielle: "What are you going to do?"
Bree stalks off to Andrews room. She tears down the "Keep Out" sign on the front of his door and tries the doorknob. It's locked. She kicks in the door and storms in.

She looks around and begins going through his clothing and bags. In a drawer, she finds a small box, inside of which is a box of matches to a place called "Topsy Turvey."


Topsy Turvey
Strippers are swinging around poles while men watch. A waitress places a beer in front of Andrew and his two friends.

The woman dancing on stage tosses an article of clothing out to the audience, and Bree catches it. Andrew's friend turns and sees Bree, choking on his drink.

Bree: "Keith. Ian. Andrew."
Andrew: "Mom, how did you even know I was here?"
Bree shows him the matchbook.

Andrew: "You went in my room?"
Bree: "You think that's bad? Tomorrow morning I'm cleaning it. Oh, by the way, Keith. I didn't get a chance to tell you. That was a lovely solo last week at church."
Keith: "Thank you. We're out of here."
Keith and Ian leave.

Bree: "I hope it wasn't something I said. Well, Andrew? Shall we?"
Andrew: "You just humiliated me in front of my friends. I'm not going anywhere with you."
Bree: "Fine."
She sits down.

Andrew: "What are you doing?"
Bree: "I'm staying for the show. I'm dying to see what all the fuss is about. Excuse me, waitress? I'll have a glass of your house chardonnay. I'm curious, Andrew. As you fantasize about this woman, do you ever stop and think how she came to be on this runway? That's someone's little girl. And that someone probably had a lot of dreams for her. 
Dreams that did not include a thong and a pole."
Andrew: "It's not gonna work. Okay? I'm not pledging."
Bree: "God only knows what she's had to deal with in her life. Abject poverty, drugs, domestic violence, maybe even molestation!"
Andrew: "Mom!"
Bree: "And now, she treats herself like other men treat her. Like an object. A piece of meat."
The man next to Bree looks exasperated.

Man: "That does it. Kid, get her out of here. She's killing it for the rest of us."
Andrew gets up and Bree follows. The man raises his glass to them leaving.


Susan's phone rings and she lets the machine get it.

Mrs. Huber: "It's Mrs. Huber, Susan. Are you there? I can see your lights are on. I hope you're not screening, that's so tacky. Listen, I need to talk to you. My water heater just burst and it's gonna cost me $600 to get a new one. And I can't afford that. I'm just beside myself. Call me as soon as you get in."
Susan sits down, disbelieving. 

She goes into Julie's room, where she's sleeping. She turns on the light and sits on the bed.

Susan: "Julie? Julie, honey, wake up. We need to talk."
Julie: "Can't this wait until morning?"
Susan: "I think I'm being blackmailed."


In their kitchen, Julie drinks from a mug as Susan paces.

Susan: "And when I realized I couldn't put out the fire, I ran. I must have dropped the measuring cup in the process."
Julie: "Why do I even let you out of the house?"
Susan: "Obviously, I can't let her get away with this. The only thing to do is go to the police and tell them what happened."
Julie: "You can't do that!"
Susan: "Julie, I don't think they'll throw me in jail. I mean, it was an accident."
Julie: "Dad won't care if it was an accident. You know he'll just use this as an excuse to reopen custody. Mom, I don't want to live with dad."
Susan: "I know."
She hugs Julie.

Outside Gabrielle's House
John mows the lawn wearing the sandals. Carlos comes up to him, motioning for him to turn off the lawn mower.

Carlos: "I need to talk to you."
John: "Cool. Sure."
Carlos: "You worked on Tuesday, right?"
John: "Yeah."
Carlos: "You remember the cable guy showing up? And you usually work until what time, five?"
John: "Yeah."
Carlos: "That means he was in the house for four hours."
John: "Wait, um, you know, now that I think about it, I might not have seen him."
Carlos: "Well, either you saw him or you didn't. Which is it?"
John: "I didn't."
Carlos: "John? Did my wife ask you to lie for her?"
John: "Mr. Solis, uh, I really don't want to get in the middle of anything."
Carlos: "Thank you. It's all I needed to know."
John sighs.


Susan's Kitchen

Susan: "Okay, let's run through it one more time."
Julie: "Mom, it's not brain surgery. You'll stand guard while I crawl through Mrs. Huber's doggy door. Once inside, I'll find the measuring cup. Simple."
Susan: "Oh, god. I hate that I'm turning you into a little thief."
Julie: "It's our measuring cup. We're just taking back what's ours."
Susan: "Hey, that's right. Ethically, we have nothing to be ashamed about. Oh, wear these. [she picks up rubber gloves] I don't want you to leave fingerprints."


Julie and Susan watch from behind a tree as Mrs. Huber drives away.

Susan: "There she goes. Okay, move."
They run out on the street, tossing a Frisbee between the two of them.
Susan: "Oh, so glad we're playing Frisbee again. Here you go. Coming at ya. Ha ha ha. All right. Back up a little more. There you go. Whoo! All right. Here we go."
She tosses the Frisbee over Mrs. Huber's roof into the backyard.
Susan: "Oh, my! Whoops! You better go get that. Yeah."
Julie runs into the backyard while Susan waits.

Mike comes jogging up.
Susan: "Mike!"
Mike: "Hey, Susan, I thought that was you."
Susan: "Uh, yeah, Julie and I are just out tossing the Frisbee around and it flew off into Mrs. Huber's back yard."
Mike: "Oh, you need some help?"
Susan: "No, no, no, no. Julie's got it."
Mike: "Okay. Actually, I'm glad I ran into you. I just wanted to make sure things were okay between us. the other day, you seemed kind of distance."
Susan is distracted and not paying full attention as she looks at Mrs. 
Huber's house.

Susan: "Distant? What do you mean?"
Mike: I mean, you're not mad at me for some reason are you?"
Susan: "No! No, no, not at all."
Mike: "Good. Cause I'm gonna take one more shot at this. I've got tickets to a Billy Wilder retrospective Wednesday night. I'd love to take you with me."
Susan: "You are so sweet. I would love to go."
Mike: "All right!"
Edie pulls up in her car.

Susan: "Edie! I thought you'd be at work."
Edie: "I'm not feeling well. I got a sunburn the other day washing my car."
Susan: "Well, don't just run off. Come and hang out with us."
Edie: "Boy, you are one sick ticket."
Susan: "What?"
Edie: "It's not bad enough I have to watch you throw yourself at him every day? And now you want to make sure that I see it up close and personal?"
Susan: "No, it's not like that."
Mike: "I've gotta take off. But I'll call you about Wednesday night, okay?"
Edie rolls her eyes and turns back to the house.

Susan: "Edie, wait! Uh... Mike and I were gonna go see the movies on Wednesday and I just thought it would be fun if you'd join us."
Edie: "You want me to come with you."
Susan: "Yeah. Yeah, that's okay, isn't it Mike?"
Mike: "Well, it's uh, a limited engagement and it's sold out. I only got two tickets."
Edie looks annoyed and walks toward her front door again.
Susan: "Edie, wait! Um, you should take my ticket."
She smiles and looks at Mike.

Edie: "Really? Is that okay with you, Mike?"
Mike: "Uh, yeah, sure."
Edie: "So, um, what time do you want to pick me up?"
Mike: "Well, um..."
As they talk, Susan looks off to the side, where Julie emerges quietly. She has the measuring cup hidden behind the Frisbee she's holding.

Susan breathes a sigh of relief as Julie walks off.


Cable Guy's House
The cable guy is in his living room, wearing an arm sling and a neck brace. Someone knocks on the door.

He calls out, "Hang on."

He opens the door. It's Carlos, who punches him immediately. The cable guy falls on the floor and Carlos kicks him.

Carlos: "You think you can have sex with anyone you want? Huh?"

"Carlos couldn't help but feel proud of himself. After all, he just defended his honor. Or had he?"

Carlos looks around, noticing on the wall a poster for the Broadway show, "Gypsy," framed pictures of half-naked men and, on the coffee table, a framed picture of the cable guy in the arms of another man.
Carlos: "Are you gay?"
The Cable Guy: "Yes. Is that why you're doing this?"
Carlos: "Uh, yeah."
Carlos leaves, slamming the door behind him.


Lynette and Gabrielle are coming slowly down the sidewalk from Lynette's house when Paul stops them.

Paul: "Ladies."
Lynette: "Hey, Paul. What's up?"
Paul: "I wanted to apologize for my outburst yesterday."
Lynette: "Don't worry about it. We unloaded a lot on you."
Paul: "I suppose you're wondering why I reacted so violently to that note."
Gabrielle: "It did cross our minds."
Paul: "Well, the truth is, Mary Alice was not a well person. She was very troubled."
Lynette: "Troubled?"
Paul: "At first, it was harmless. She would leave herself notes. Reminders like pick up the milk, or Zach has a dentist appointment. But over time, the notes became ugly. Hateful messages began showing up. Mary Alice was writing them, to me, to Zach, to herself."
Gabrielle: "Really?"
Paul: "That's why I lost it. I was reminded of what Zach and I had been through."
Lynette: "Paul, I'm so sorry."
Gabrielle: "We had no idea."
Lynette: "No."
Paul: "Well, anyway. I'd appreciate it if you kept it to yourselves."
Lynette: "Yeah."
Paul: "For Zach's sake."
Lynette: "Of course. Of course."
He walks off.

Gabrielle: "Wow."
Lynette: "Yeah."
Gabrielle: "I think he's lying."
Lynette: "So do I."


Lynette's House
Focus on various framed newspaper articles. The headlines read: "Scavo Promoted to Vice President," "What's Next for Whiz Kid Lynette Scavo?" and "Scavo Awarded Woman of the Year."

Lynette is looking at them as she hears her twins playing. They run around the house with toy airplanes. Lynette gets up and calls the boys into the kitchen. One of the twins complains that the other broke his plane. The other twin denies it.
Lynette: "We'll talk about that later. Right now, I need you to take some medicine."
Twin: "Are we sick?"
Lynette: "Not exactly. This is a special kind of medicine. It's, it's like a vitamin and you'll take it everyday, okay?"
She tries to open the vial of pills and they spill out everywhere. She tells the boys to stay right there and she bends down to pick them up. When she straightens, they're gone. She hears giggling, and looks underneath the table, where the boys are sitting there.

Lynette: "Now open up."
Twin: "Mmm mm."
Lynette: "Here you -- guys!"

She holds the pill out in front of each of the boys' mouths, but they refuse to take it. She gives up and smiles.
"In that moment, Lynette made a decision. When it came to dealing with her children, medication was no longer an option."

Lynette puts the pills back in the vial and hugs the boys. Later, as she watches them jump from the couch onto a pile of pillows, she sits at the table, drinking from a bottle of wine.

"Of course, given her continuing level of frustration, Lynette also felt a little self medication couldn't hurt."


Bree's House - Andrew's Room
Bree is cleaning Andrew's room while he lies on his bed.

Bree: "So what's your strategy? You're just never gonna speak to me again?"
Andrew: "Something like that."
Bree: "I suppose I do owe you an apology."
Andrew: "Careful. I wouldn't want you to strain yourself."
Bree: "I shouldn't have lied to you about your father. You and sister are old enough to handle the truth and I'm sorry."
Andrew: "Keep going. I'm mad at you for about seven thousand other things."
Bree: "If you think I'm going to apologize for taking you out of a strip club, you're wrong. I consider it one of my finest moments."
He snorts.

Bree: "Oh, Andrew. I know you blame me for what's happening with your father, but it's not entirely my fault and I need you to understand that."
Andrew: "I do. I just don't want him to leave."
Bree: "Neither do I."
Andrew: "Mom?"
Bree: "Yeah."
Andrew: "When can I have my door back."
Bree: "Three months."
He groans.


Gabrielle's Bathroom
On the TV, a news reporter stands in front of the cable guy's house.  The headline on the screen reads: "Gay Rights Advocate Victim of Hate Crime"

Reporter: "Royal Oaks was the scene of a hate crime today when Jonathan Lithgow, local gay activist and part-time female impersonator was brutally attacked in his home. Lithgow speculated the attack was in response to his efforts to secure same-sex partner insurance coverage from his employer, Clifside Cable.
Carlos and Gabrielle are in a bubble bath together, watching the news. As Carlos plays with her hair, Gabrielle begins to get suspicious.

Reporter: "Police are circulating this sketch of the assailant."
The Cable Guy: "I have to say uh, you know, circumstances speak for themselves. I've taken a strong stance with my company."
As he talks, Gabrielle looks shocked.

Carlos: "Is there something you want to ask me?"
Gabrielle: "No."


Outside, nighttime
That evening, Mrs. Huber walks up to Susan, who's sitting on her own front porch.

Mrs. Huber: "You took it, didn't you?"
Susan: "Good evening, Mrs. Huber."
Mrs. Huber: "It's my own fault for not hiding the cup. Obviously, if you're capable of arson, I should have known you'd be capable of breaking and entering."
Susan: "I don't know what you're talking about Mrs. Huber."
Mrs. Huber: "I suppose you destroyed it."
Susan: "Again, I don't know what you're talking about, but yeah. I did."
Mrs. Huber: "I was going to keep your secret. It's a shame you couldn't trust me."
Susan: "You're a piece of work. You know that?"
Mrs. Huber: "Oh, Susan. Let's not be unpleasant. We can go back to the same friendly relationship we've always had."
Susan: "I will keep my lawn looking nice. And I will make sure that my music isn't played too loud, and if I get some of your mail, heck, I'll run it right over. Cause that's what good neighbors do. But from now on, when I run into you in the street and I say good morning, Mrs. Huber, or how are you, Mrs. Huber, just know, that inside, I am quietly, but decidedly hating your guts."
Mrs. Huber: "Careful, dear. Let's not say things we'll live to regret."
Susan: "Good evening, Mrs. Huber."
Mrs. Huber turns and leaves with Susan watching.


The four woman are seated around a table.

Susan: "He actually said Mary Alice was crazy?"
Lynette: "Not in so many words. But everything Paul said certainly made it seem like she was schizophrenic."
Gabrielle: "I think he's hiding something. I know it."
Bree: "Wait. What about the tape? I mean, she did say that her name was Angela."
Lynette: "Mary Alice was not crazy."
Bree: "Well, my father was a prosecutor and he always said that the simplest explanation was usually the right one."
Susan: "But remember what the note said? I know what you did. It makes me sick and I'm going to tell. That's not the kind of thing someone writes to themselves. It's a message. Sent by an enemy."


Paul's House
In a darkened house, a detective sits at a table and looks at the note that Paul had. Paul walks slowly to the window to look out.

Detective: "So, exactly what is it you hired me to do?"
Paul: "It's very simple, really. Someone sent that note to my wife. And I need to know who."

"What type of person would send such a note? Was it an enemy? Of course. But what kind? An acquaintance? A stranger? Or how about a neighbor that lives a few feet away."

~ The End ~

草席 5#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:34:29 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.05 - Come In, Stranger
Guest stars
"Tom Scavo" - Doug Savant
"Mama Solis" - Lupe Ontiveros
"Man" - Bob Gunton
"Officer Rick Thompson" - Steven Eckholdt
"Mr. Lenz  - Harry S. Murphy
"Preston Scavo" - Brent Kinsman
"Porter Scavo" - Shane Kinsman
"Shonda" - Shania Accius
"Patrolman" - Mark Brady
"Ida Greenberg" - Pat Crawford Brown
"Saleswoman" - Laura Milby
"Mrs. Frome" - Betty Murphy
"Helen Vale" - Lorna Scott
"Bob Fisk" - Cheyenne Wilbur
Written by: Alexandra Cunningham
Directed by: Arlene Sanford


A woman walks to her mailbox, smiling at a passing bicylist.

"Every neighborhood has a woman like Alberta Frome. And every woman like Mrs. Frome has a cat. When she traveled, Mrs. From would arrange for friends to look after her beloved cat. This time however, she was forced to ask her neighbor, Susan Mayer. Mrs. Frome liked Susan. But it was common knowledge on Wisteria Lane: where Susan Mayer went, bad luck was sure to follow. Her misfortunes ranged from the commonplace..."
Susan backs up her car, knocking down the trashcan.
"to the unusual..."
Susan is at party, talking, when she leans against a table. It collapses, and she with it, landing face first in the cake that was on the table.

"to the truly bizarre."
Susan puts birdseed in a bird feeder in her front lawn and a bird starts flying around her hair, refusing to leave.
"As she waved good bye, she worried that Susan's streak of bad luck would continue. For that matter, so did her cat."
At night, Susan and Julie enter Mrs. Frome's house.

Susan: "Mr. Whiskers!"
Julie: "Kitty"
Susan: "Dinnertime!"
Julie: "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!"
Susan walks around the kitchen counter and notices that drawers are open.

Susan: "That's weird. Cats can't open drawers can they?"
Julie: "Are you sure you didn't leave them open this morning?"
Susan: "No, why?"
Julie: "Wow. Do you think somebody broke in?"
At the same time, they both notice a screwdriver lying on the counter. They stare at it, then start calling the cat's name frantically.
As they walk off, a door off to the kitchen opens, and a man walks out. His face is in the shadows. He slips out the front door quietly, with Mr. Whiskers following him. A few seconds later, the door opens again and Mr. Whiskers is placed back inside of the house.

"Though she didn't know it at the time, Susan's luck had finally started to change."




"News that an intruder had breached the security of Wisteria Lane had spread like wildfire. At a neighborhood watch meeting the next night, residents voiced their concerns over the increasing dangers their community faced.
Mrs. Ida Greenberg announced someone was looking through her bathroom window whenever she took a shower. Bob Fisk warned those present that an unnamed government agency was listening in on their phone conversations. Helen Vale spoke of a ruthless local teenage gang that had egged her minivan."

A handsome policeman stands in front of a group of neighbors, giving safety advice.

"The evening concluded with Officer Thompson offering safety tips and a plan of action."
As Office Thompson speaks, Susan turns in her chair to find Mike. She sees him and waves. He nods back, stone-faced. She turns back around.
Officer Thompson: "But opportunity, you have some control over. So you can sign up for either daily or nightly patrols. I know that might seem like overkill, but I guarantee, regular surveillance will deter even the most determined criminal. Are there any other questions? All right, then. Let's be careful out there."
Everyone claps.

Susan goes up to Office Thompson. 

Susan: "Actually, I do have a question. Do you have a second?"
Office Thompson: "Sure. How can I help?"
Susan: "Um, I'm the one who discovered the break-in and I think I found some evidence."
Office Thompson: "Evidence?"
Susan: "I think this is a screwdriver left behind by the burgeler."
She hands him the screwdriver in a plastic bag.

Susan: "And I didn't touch it."
Office Thompson: "Why didn't you give this to the investigating officers?"
Susan: "I tried and they sort of laughed at me because apparently nothing was taken from Mrs. Frome's house."
Office Thompson: "Well, I apologize for that. That was totally unprofessional."
Susan: "Thank you. So you think it should be dusted for prints?"
Office Thompson: "Yes. And I'll make sure it gets done."
Susan: "Great."
Mike looks over at them as they talk, not happy.

Susan leaves and Officer Thompson watches her go, with a smile on his face.

Later, the women help clean up as Lynette sees the last neighbor out. Her twins are hitting each other with pillows on the couch.

Lynette: "Boys, stop it. Go to bed."
Twin: "But we're not tired."
Lynette: "Well, at least go upstairs!"
Twin: "We wanna play!"
Lynette: "Hey, look!"
She takes a bag of chips and dangles it in front of them. They grab for it and she throws it up the stairs.

Lynette: "Go! Go, go!"
Lynette turns around to find Bree staring at her. Bree raises her hands in surrender and turns away.

In the kitchen, Gabrielle and Susan are putting away food.

Gabrielle: "So why weren't you sitting with Mike tonight? I thought you two were becoming an item."
Susan: "I sort of thought so, too. I'm getting a lot of mixed signals."
Gabrielle: "I'll tell you who wasn't giving mixed signals was that sexy Officer Thompson. He was staring at you all night."
Susan: "You noticed that?"
Gabrielle: "Honey, trust me. When they're not staring at me, I notice."
In the living room...

Lynette: "I really do appreciate you guys staying and helping."
Bree: "Oh, please. I would have hosted it myself, but the kids are going to the mountains tomorrow and there's camping equipment everywhere."
Lynette: "It's nice of you and since we're talking, there's something else nice I'd like you to do. Your kids both went to Barcliff Academy, didn't they?"
Bree: "Yes."
Lynette: "We need you to recommend Porter and Preston. We can't even get an interview."
Bree: "Oh, you, um, want me to recommend the twins?"
Lynette: "Yes. You can tell them how beautifully behaved the boys are."
Bree: "So you want me to lie."
Lynette: "Yeah. I thought that was understood."
Bree: "Well, it's just that I'm very well respected at Barcliff and um, my word won't be good there anymore."
Lynette: "Yes, but by the time they realize their mistake, we'll be in. You're not having any more kids. What do you care?"
Bree: "Well, I had hoped someday to get my grandchildren into Barcliff, but I suppose that doesn't matter to you, does it?"
Lynette: "It really doesn't."
As Susan and Gabrielle open the front door to take out the trash, they hear yelling coming from Zach and Paul's house. All four women stand in the doorway to listen.

Gabrielle: "Paul and Zach are fighting again."
Lynette: "It's the second time this week. They never used to fight like that when Mary Alice was alive."
Susan: "It's a shame. They used to be such a happy family."
Bree: "Just because you didn't hear them fighting doesn't mean they were happy."
The women turn to look at her.


"The next day, as residents began to patrol Wisteria Lane in the hopes of foiling potential burgelers, Gabrielle was about to experience a home invasion of her own."
A cab pulls up into the Solis's driveway as Gabrielle comes down the walk. An older woman gets out of the cab.

Gabrielle: "Mama Solis! What, what are you doing here?"
Mama Solis: "I came to visit my son and daughter-in-law. What does it look like?"
Gabrielle: "Does Carlos know you're coming?"
Mama Solis: "No. He likes to be surprised." She opens her arms for a hug. "Now, come. Gabrielle."
They hug.

Mama Solis: "Family should always hug. [whispers into Gabrielle's ear]
Regardless of how they feel about each other."
She walks away, leaving Gabrielle to deal with the luggage.


Barcliff Academy
Mr. Lance opens up a file on Preston Scavo. As he looks it over, Lynette and Tom sit nervously in front of his desk. Tom notices that the man has a lot of pictures of his boat on his desk..

Tom: "Wow. Uh, she's a beauty. A thirty-footer?"
Mr. Lance: "Thirty-two."
Tom: "Sweet. I sail. How about that. I got a flying scott."
Mr. Lance: "Well, we have several yachting enthusiasts at Barcliff Academy. I'd be happy to introduce them to you."
Lynette: "Oh, that sounds great."
Tom: "Wonderful."
Mr. Lance: "If we decide to enroll your children. To be honest, Mr. and Mrs. Scavo, your children's educational background is a bit more common than we would prefer. But Mrs. Van De Kamp mentioned that they were identical twins?"
Lynette: "Yes. Completely identical. You can't tell them apart. They're like bookends."
Mr. Lance: "We do strive for diversity here at Barcliff. Identical twins could make for an interesting addition."
Lynette: "The boys are fascinating. They even have their own twin secret language, don't they Tom?"
Tom: "Yeah, yeah, it's pretty scary."
Lynette: "Not, not really so much scary as highly developed."
Tom: "Yeah, they, they, they, bark and growl at each other."
Lynette: "Mr. Lance was trying to say something. Go ahead, Mr. Lance."
Mr. Lance: "I'd love to meet these twins of yours. I tell you what. I'm going to put them on our must-meet list."
Tom: "Terrific."
Lynette: "Thank you so much. What is a must-meet list?"
Mr. Lance: "We bring them in for observation."
Lynette: "Observation?"
Mr. Lance: "Mmm hmm. To see how they play with the other children. How they respond to authority. That sort of thing."
Tom: "Great."
Lynette: "That sounds wonderful."
They nod to each other.


Bree's House
Bree is fixing lunch in the kitchen when Rex walks in.

Rex: "Hey."
Bree: "Hi."
Rex: "Kids ready?"
Bree: "Almost. Thanks again for driving them to the bus."
Rex: "Happy to do it. I miss 'em."
Bree: "Did you hear there was a break in at Mrs. Frome's the other night?"
Rex: "Yeah. I heard they didn't take anything."
Bree: "Well, that doesn't make it any less frightening. I mean, he could have been a sexual predator."
Rex: "And he ended up at Mrs. Frome's? That would have been a lose-lose situation."
Bree: "Rex. That's not the point. The point is, I don't feel safe. And I was wondering if you could spend the night."
Rex: "You're in the NRA. You own, like, four guns. If someone broke in, I'd expect you to protect me."
Bree: "Rex. The truth is, with the kids gone, I'll be all by myself in this house for the first time in seventeen years."
Rex: "Honey, I know it's hard to hear, but the marriage counseling might not work out. You need to get used to being alone."
Bree: "You're right. That was hard to hear."
He takes a sandwich and Bree grabs it out of his hand.

Rex: "What are you doing?"
Bree: "That is for the kids trip."
Rex: "Oh, come on. I'm, I'm staying at a motel. I haven't had a decent meal in weeks."
Bree: "Honey! The marriage counseling might not work out. You need to get used to bad cooking."
She walks out.


Outside Susan's House
Susan is watering her lawn when a cop car slows down and stops.

Officer Thompson: "Hey. Screwdriver girl. I just came by to tell you that I took your evidence into the lab for fingerprints."
Susan: "Oh, really? That's great."
Officer Thompson: "So I'll call you if I hear something."
Susan: "Okay."
She accidentally sprays him on the feet with the hose.
Susan: "Ooh! Sorry.
Officer Thompson: "Thanks. Um, actually, I'd like to call you anyway, if -- if that's okay."
Susan: "Oh. You seem like a really sweet guy in an interesting line of work, but I am not really available."
Officer Thompson: "Oh. Oh. You have a boyfriend?"
Susan: "Yeah, sort of."
Officer Thompson: "Sort of."
Susan: "It's hard to explain...even to myself."
Woman on Radio: "Unit 23, we have a 907a in progress at Stone and Maple. Please respond."
Officer Thompson: "10-4. I'm on my way. I've got to go. Apparently, there’s a hostage situation."
Susan: "Oh, wow."
Officer Thompson: "So you're really turning me down. Boy, my self-esteem can't take this."
Susan: "I'm sorry."
Officer Thompson: "No, it's just now my ability to help those hostages has been compromised. Still, don't, don't blame yourself for what might happen."
Susan: "Blame myself."
Officer Thompson: "Yeah, well, it's just hard to rescue folks when you don't feel good about yourself. Ah, they'll probably all die anyway."
Susan: "Okay, fine. I'll go out with you."
Officer Thompson: "Great. I'll call you."
Susan: "Now that you've gotten your date, you can tell me what that really means -- that 907a."
Officer Thompson: "Someone's TV was playing too loud."
Susan: "Well, thank God for the thin blue line."
Officer Thompson: "I'll call you."
Susan turns back to water her lawn and manages to spray herself with water.

Susan: "Ooh! Oh."


Gabrielle's House
Mama Solis and Carlos talk in the living room.

Mama Solis: "Co estami tetenchita, hmm?"
Carlos: "Esta bien."
Gabrielle walks past them to go outside.

Gabrielle: "I'll be outside doing my yoga."
Carlos: "Mama, sietate. I'll be right back. Do you have to do that now? 
My mother's here."
Gabrielle: "Hey, I'm not going to stop my life just because she decides to show up unannounced, I might add."
Carlos: "She's family. She doesn't need an invitation."
Gabrielle: "Yeah, well, whatever. It's rude."

Carlos goes back inside to where Mama Solis is knitting.

Carlos: "That's real pretty, mama. You were always good with your hands."
Mama Solis: "So, mijo, I assume you didn't insist that I travel 2,000 miles for small talk. So why am I here?"
Carlos: "She...is unhappy."
Mama Solis: "Mm-hmm."
Carlos: "I've given her everything she ever wanted, but it doesn't seem to make a difference, and I feel her drifting further and further away. And lately I've started thinking that maybe..."
Mama Solis: "So you think she's cheating on you?"
Carlos: "I think so."
He starts crying and Mama Solis slaps him across the face.

Mama Solis: "We can talk about your problems, but I'm not going to have any of that."
Carlos: "Si."
Mama Solis: "Do you have any proof?"
Carlos: "No, it's -- It's just a feeling."
Mama Solis: "I had that feeling with your father and that whore waitress, and I was right. Always trust your feelings."
Carlos: "So what do I do?"
Mama Solis: "You don't do anything. I'll take care of it."
Carlos: "Thank you, mama."
Mama Solis: "I'm sorry I had to hit you, but we're strong people, and we don't cry about our problems. We find ways to fix them."


Lynette's House

"While the residents of Wisteria Lane kept up their patrols in an effort to prevent future break-ins, Lynette hatched a plan to break her children into Barcliff Academy."

Lynette: "Boys? Wake up. Come on. We're going to have some fun today. Come on. Yeah. Hey."
Twins: "Hi."
She puts them to work at various activities, from running, to pulling her on a sled, to digging a hole in the front yard.

Lynette: "Come on, I bet you can beat me! Come on! Go, go, go! Come on! Yes, yes -- mush, doggies, mush! Mush, mush, mush!"
Twin: "Mom, I'm tired. How long do we have to do this?"
Lynette: "Hey, if I can still see your head, the pool's not deep enough."


Barcliff Academy

Porter and Parker are seated quietly at a table, working silently on puzzles. One of the twins puts his head down on the table. Lynette and the man from the school watch the boys through a window.

Mr. Lance: "Are your boys usually so docile?"
Lynette: "They're always a little shy at first. Look at that concentration. Porter loves his puzzles."
Mr. Lance: "Hmm."

Gabrielle's House
As Gabrielle and Mama Solis sit in front of the TV, watching a soap opera, Gabrielle's cell phone chirps and she looks at the display, which reads "Meet me at the hotel."

Gabrielle: "Mama, I'll be right back. I'm going to the store."
Mama Solis: "Gabrielle. I'm coming with you. I want to make some tamales for Carlos."
Gabrielle: "No, no, Juanita, I'm not going to the supermarket. I'm going to the lingerie store."
Mama Solis: "Good. I need some bras."
Gabrielle: "I'm going to be a while. And I, I might get a facial."
Mama Solis: "I have a face."


Outside of Mike's House
Susan walks up to Mike, who's carrying things in from his SUV.

Susan: "Hey, Mike."
Mike: "Hey. How's it going?"
Susan: "Good, good. Just came by to say hello."
Mike: "Hello."
Susan: "So you remember the cop from the neighborhood watch meeting? Uh, he agreed to run a fingerprint check on the screwdriver I found at Mrs. Frome's house."
Mike: "He did? Nothing was taken."
Susan: "Still, somebody broke in. It is a crime. So the weird thing is the cop asked me out on a date."
Mike: "Oh?"
Susan: "And I sort of said yes. I was just curious what you thought about that."
Mike: "You're asking my permission to go out with him?"
Susan: "No, no, I just, uh...was wondering your opinion."
Mike: "Well, I don't really have one."
Susan: "Okay. Great. Fine. Thank you."
Mike: "Susan, wait, wait. I...look, I'm sorry. My life is just...really complicated right now."
Susan: "You don't have to explain."
Mike: "Susan."
Susan: "It's complicated. I get it."
She walks away.

Mike goes back into his garage and moves away the box he had been carrying earlier, revealing a set of screwdrivers, one of which is obviously missing.


Paul and Zach Young's House
Bree knocks on their front door, which is cracked open. She peeks her head in and sees Zach sitting on the floor with cleaning supplies, cleaning a stain on the floor.

Bree: "Paul? Paul! Oh, hi, Zachary. I'm sorry. The door was open, and..."
Zach: "It's okay. You can come in."
Bree: "Is your, uh, father here? We were scheduled to do a patrol today."
Zach: "He had to go out of town -- again."
Bree: "Oh. Well, I guess I can do it by myself. Wow. This place is just immaculate."
Zach: "My mom liked things clean."
Bree: "Zach, she would be very proud of you. [she gasps] What happened to your varnish?"
Zach: "That's where my mother died. I messed up the floor trying to get out the blood."
Bree: "Oh."
Zach: "I'll let my dad know that you stopped by."
Bree: "Okay. [she turns to go, then turns back around] Zach...do you 
have plans for dinner?"


Gabrielle and Mama Solis browse through the racks of lingerie.

Mama Solis: "So you shop a lot, huh?"
Gabrielle: "Yeah. So?"
Mama Solis: "Most women that shop a lot, it's because they don't have anything better to do."
Gabrielle: "What's your point?"
Mama Solis: "Well, if you had children..."
Gabrielle: "Here we go."
Mama Solis: "I'm just saying that children give your life a purpose. You get so busy taking care of them that you don't have any time to wonder if you're happy."
Gabrielle: "You know, Juanita, this is so like you. I invite you on a nice shopping trip, and you find ways to upset me."
Mama Solis: "Oh, you didn't invite me. I invited myself. You keep looking at your watch. Is there someplace you have to be?"
Gabrielle: "No! You know, and for the record, I am not one of those women who has a hole in her heart that can only be filled by a baby. I like my life a lot. It's very fulfilling."
She walks off. Mama Solis looks at another woman who was watching the whole thing.

Mama Solis: "Excuse my daughter-in-law. She's very fulfilled."


Lynette's Front Yard
As Susan and Lynette talk, Lynette shovels dirt into the holes that her children made earlier.

Lynette: "So, he just blew you off?"
Susan: "I told him another man asked me out. It was the perfect opportunity for Mike to be jealous, and nothing."
Lynette: "Did you bat your eyes? You know, it doesn't work if you don't bat your eyes."
Susan: "Honey, I batted everything that wasn't nailed down. I'm telling you, nothing."
She hands Lynette the bottle of water she's drinking.

Lynette: "Oh, thanks."
Susan: "So what's going on there?"
Lynette: "Mm. Gophers."
Susan: "Wow."
Lynette: "Listen, I'm sorry about Mike. I know how much you like him."
Susan: "Ah, maybe it's my fault. Maybe I just imagined an entire relationship with this man that didn't exist."
Lynette: "There has been flirting. I have seen it."
Susan: "Yeah, and the flirting made me think that he was kind and trustworthy and honest and hygienic. That's how it is with me -- a guy just smiles at me three times, and I'm picking out wedding china. I'm a mess."
Lynette: "But to be fair, that's part of your charm."
Susan: "That's what happened with Carl. I only dated him a couple of months, I filled in the blanks, I married him. It was a disaster."
Lynette: "You think Mike is a Carl in disguise?"
Susan: "I don't know. What does that mean, anyway,’ my life is complicated'?"


Children's Soccer Field
An older man sits at a park bench, watching children on the field playing soccer.

Mike comes up to him and sits down next to him.
Man: "If I wanted to sit around and wait for nothing, I could do it on the can. You're late. What's with the face?"
Mike: "I screwed up. I broke into the Frome house and almost got caught."
Man: "What's almost?"
Mike: "I accidentally left something behind with my prints on it."
Man: "Did you ever hear of gloves?"
Mike: "It's the suburbs. I didn't think it'd matter. Anyway, the police are running a check, and I'm in the system. I got to pull up stakes before they come looking for me."
They sit, watching the children yell and laugh.

Man: "That's a sweet sound -- laughter like that, huh? Pisses me off. If and when your cover is blown, you disappear. Until then, you keep fixing the neighbors' pipes."
Mike: "The more time I spend in this town, the more I think we're making a mistake. These are nice people."
Man: "My money says one of 'em isn't."
A soccer ball comes rolling up to him and he stops it with his foot. A young boy comes running up for him.

Man: "Whoa."
Boy: "Thanks." He runs off.
Man (to Mike): "No more screwups."


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle and Mama Solis are watching a soap opera. Mama Solis is very into it and Gabrielle is disgusted.

Gabrielle: "I'm getting something to drink. Do you want something?"
Mama Solis: "Shh."
Gabrielle sneaks out to a shed on her lawn. Mrs. Solis doesn't notice. John is there.

Gabrielle: "Look, don't be mad."
John: "I waited at that motel for three hours for you. I had to use a month's worth of lunch money to pay for that room."
Gabrielle: "It's not my fault. Juanita hasn't let me out of her sight since she's gotten here."
John: "Really? Well, I don't see her now."
Gabrielle: "She's watching her Mexican soap opera. The rebel's virgin daughter's about to be seduced by the escaped desperado. So until she puts out...Juanita won't even know that I'm gone. Come on. I said I was sorry."
John: "You know, just so you know, I've turned down half the pep squad for you."
Gabrielle (laughing): "You can't be serious."
John: "No. You know, I’m starting to think that maybe I should be with someone my own age."
Gabrielle: "Well, I thought teenage girls bored you, John. I thought what we had was beyond that."
John: "So did I."
Gabrielle: "So then why do you want to go back to something you don't want?"
John: "I don't know."
Gabrielle: "Maybe you're tired of me."
John: "No. I want to be with you."
Gabrielle: "Then why are we arguing?"
Juanita (calling from outside of the shed): "Gabrielle!"
Gabrielle: "Damn it! The virgin gave it up already?"
John: "I want you so bad. When can I see you again?"
Gabrielle: "Tomorrow. Meet me at the front entrance of the mall after school."
John: "What about your mother-in-law?"
Gabrielle: "Don't worry. I'll think of something."
Juanita: "Gabrielle! Gabrielle!"
Gabrielle: "Coming!"


Lynette's House

Tom: "A donation? Now Barcliff wants a donation?"
Lynette: "Apparently we're in competition with one other family. A generous donation will ensure our kids beat 'em out."
Tom: "How generous?"
Lynette: "Fifteen thousand."
Tom: "We don't have that."
Lynette: "And that's what I told them."
Tom: "So what do we do? Public school is out unless we move to a new district."
Lynette: "We're not moving."
Tom: "Maybe it's time that we look into home schooling."
Lynette: "I know you did not just say that."
Tom: "Honey, it's, it's, it's got its advantages. You know, kids in home school do better in their later years."
Lynette: "They won't make it to their later years if I have to spend all day with them."
Tom: "Honey, sometimes you just -- you got to make the sacrifice. It's probably the best thing for the kids."
Lynette: "Why don't we just put them back in me and cook 'em until they're civilized?"
Tom: "You'd be cool with that?"
They laugh.


Bree's House
Bree and Zach are sitting at the dining room table, eating dinner together.

Zach: "I've never had plum pudding before."
Bree: "I'm serving it this year for Christmas. I like to try out new recipes before the actual holiday. That way if the cookbook's gotten it wrong, I can fix it."
Zach: "You must really like Christmas. You and Mr. Van De Kamp always have the best decorations on your lawn."
Bree: "I adore the holidays. I never get depressed if there's a beautifully decorated tree to look at."
Zach: "My mom and I would always decorate our tree together. This Christmas is going to be weird."
Bree: "Zach. You know, my mother died when I was young. She was hit by a car."
Zach: "Oh."
Bree: "It was, um, right before Christmas, as a matter of fact. We were all singing carols, and the dog was howling because everybody in my family sings off-key, except for me. Anyway, it was just a terrible ruckus. So, well, no one noticed when my mother went across the street to give the neighbors a gift. And the next thing we heard were brakes screeching."
Zach: "Wow."
Bree: "Most of my family went to the hospital, but I stayed home because I was so young. When I looked out the window, I saw all of my mother's blood on the street, and nobody was doing anything about it, so I got a hose, and I washed it off, and once it was clean, I felt so much better. I never told anyone that story before."
Zach: "Those are the most interesting ones -- the stories that we never tell anyone."
Bree: "Yeah, you're probably right."
Zach: "I have one. It's more of a secret, really. I know why my mom killed herself."
Bree: "You do?"
Zach: "It was something I did -- something bad."
Bree: "What did you do, Zach? Zach, sweetheart."
Zach: "No. I should -- I, I'd better not. I shouldn't have said anything. I shouldn't -- I shouldn't have done this. I'm sorry. If my dad found out --"
Bree: "I won't tell your father. I promise."
Zach: "I-I can't get you in trouble."
Bree: "Zachary, it's all right."
Zach runs out of her house with Bree watching him go.


Outside, the next day
Susan: "I can't believe Zach said that. What else did he tell you?"
Bree: "That was it. Just that Mary Alice killed herself because of something that he had done."
Susan: "You couldn't get any more out of him?"
Bree: "Well, I tried, but he was so nervous. He actually started shaking, and then he just left."
Gabrielle: "Okay, this is getting really weird. I think we should go to the police."
Bree: "And tell them what? We don't even have the note anymore. We gave it to Paul."
Susan: "Then you're going to have to get Zach to tell you something so we have more to go on."
Bree: "Girls, you don't understand. This poor kid is scared out of his mind."
Gabrielle: "Oh, for God sakes, Bree, you're a woman. Manipulate him.

That's what we do."
Bree: "But how?"
Gabrielle: "I don't know, how did you usually manipulate Rex?"
Bree smiles.


Paul and Zach's House
Bree knocks on the door and Zach answers.

Bree: "Hello, Zachary. Are you free for dinner tonight?"
Zach: "Sure."
Bree: "Oh, good, because last night, you put me in such a holiday mood, so I'm going to make roast turkey and candied yams and eggnog. Have you ever had real old-fashioned eggnog?"
Zach: "No, I don't think so."
Bree: "Oh, you are going to love it. It has quite a kick."


Lynette watches her boys wrestle each other.

Twin: "Oh, me! Score!"
Lynette: "Boys, could you just not --"
The boys ignore her and Lynette realizes she's sitting on something. She pulls it out from underneath her and it's a model boat of Tom's.
She stares at it thoughtfully.


Gabrielle and Mama Solis are looking for clothing. Mama Solis tries on clothes in one of the fitting rooms while Gabrielle stands outside.

Mama Solis: "Gabrielle, please. You bought me enough things. You're the one that's supposed to be shopping."
Gabrielle: "Oh, mama, you're in a rut. We need to spice up your wardrobe. Ooh, here. Try this one on. Go on, try it on. Mama Solis, how you doing in there?"
Mama Solis: "Is it supposed to be so tight?"
Gabrielle: "Yes, it's form-fitting. You're going to look great."
Mama Solis: "Gabrielle, I don't think this dress is right for me. I can't breathe."
Gabrielle takes a shirt from the store that they had brought in with them and places it into Mama Solis's bag, underneath some other items.

Gabrielle: "Well, maybe I made a mistake. While you change, I'm going
to make a quick run to the bookstore."
Mama Solis: "Gabrielle, wait, wait. I'm coming with you."
Gabrielle: "No, no, no. I'll just be a minute."
Mama Solis: "Wait, wait, Gabrielle, I'm coming with you -- ay! Wait! Gabrielle, wait!"

As Mama Solis runs after Gabrielle out of the store, the store's security system begins to beep and a store employee stops her.

Woman: "Ma'am? Ma'am, sorry. I'm going to need to look in your bags, please."
Mama Solis: "Fine. Just hurry up."
Gabrielle leaves the mall and runs into John, who kisses her.

John: "Right on time."
Back in the mall, with security, Mama Solis continues arguing with security.
Mama Solis: "I'm telling you, I don't know where that blouse came from."
Woman: "Security!"
Mama Solis: "All right, keep your stupid blouse. I'm going to have to find my daughter-in-law. Don't touch me. Don't you dare touch me!"
Security: "Ma'am, you're going to have to come with us."
Mama Solis: "Get your hands off me! Gabrielle!"


Bree's House
Bree's in her kitchen, humming, when the phone rings.

Bree: "Hello."
Rex: "Hey, it's me."
Bree: "Oh, hi, Rex. How are you? Is something wrong?"
Rex: "Well, I was just about to grab dinner from the motel vending machine, and it occurred to me, what the heck? I'll go out. Would you like to have dinner with me?"

Bree walks down her front porch steps and runs into Zach.

Zach: "Mrs. Van De Kamp. Guess what -- I found all my mom's old Christmas stuff."
Bree: "Oh. Sweetie, I was just coming over to talk to you. I am so sorry, but something really important came up, and I have to cancel."
Zach: "Really?"
Bree: "We will do it again. We'll have our impromptu holiday dinner, I promise. Bye."


Susan and Officer Thompson are in his car, looking up names on his computer scanner.

Susan: "Mm, I got one -- Kelly Halsteder. In eighth grade, she used to spit in my gym shoes. "
Officer Thompson: "Kelly Halsteder. Kelly Halsteder. There, look. Two DUIs, one check kiting, and an open bench warrant."
Susan: "How tragic, by which I mean yay."
Officer Thompson: "Yeah, you've been a really good sport, coming along on my shift with me."
Susan: "Well, time flies when you're on a stakeout in crack town. So when does our official date begin?"
Officer Thompson: "Well, taxpayers say twnety minutes, but I say now."


Lynette's House
Tom comes down the stairs into the living room, where Lynette is. He just finished putting the kids to bed.

Tom: "They're down."
Lynette: "Oh, thank you, hon."
Tom: "Honey, you -- did you read up on homeschooling?"
Lynette: "Yeah. Gave me some good ideas -- well, one, anyway."
Tom: "Great. What -- what have you got?"
Lynette: "Well, you know how we both agree that one of us needs to stay home and parent the kids and one of us needs to go off and make a living."
Tom: "Uh-huh."
Lynette: "And then I suddenly remembered that when I was working, I made a little more than you."
Tom: "W-what are you doing?"
Lynette: "You tossed out that little sacrifice comment a while ago, and it occurred to me I've made sacrifices over the past six years. I gave up my career. If another sacrifice has to be made, I think it's your turn on the merry-go-round."
Tom: "Lynette --"
Lynette: "So if I went back to work, then you could stay home and take care of the kids."
Tom: "I-I can't be with the kids all day. I'd -- I'd lose my mind."
Lynette: "Aha."
Tom: "Hey, okay, I get it. Hey -- homeschooling is out. Out. But how are we going to scrape together fifteen grand for this endowment?"
Lynette: "Mm. How, how, how?"

"Lynette was desperate to avoid homeschooling, but she saw no options on the horizon until a solution sailed into view."

Lynette looks at photos of Tom's boat on the mantel.

Tom: "Oh, no."
Lynette: "Aye-aye."


Susan's Date
Susan stands outside of the Officer Thompson's car as he changes into more appropriate clothing taken from his trunk.

Officer Thompson: "So the restaurant's run by this little old guy named Daranello. He will propose to you. Don't say yes, because he's dead serious."
Susan: "But what if I like him?"
She looks in his trunk and sees the screwdriver she had given him.

Susan: "Hey. I thought this went to the lab."
Officer Thompson: "All right. You got me."
Susan: "And that means what?"
Officer Thompson: "Look, Susan, no one would authorize lab time or a computer search for a case like this. It's -- it's just not a priority."
Susan: "So why couldn't you just tell me that?"
Officer Thompson: "Well, I thought we were clicking? Does this need to be a big deal?"
Susan: "Well, if you'd only lied to me about it once, it wouldn't be."
Officer Thompson: "All right, I get it. You want me to beg. Okay, look at me. I'm begging. Come on. Don't be such a girl about this."
Susan: "I know who you are. You're a Carl in disguise. I'm done with you -- all of you."
Officer Thompson: "Oh, come on, drama queen."

Susan gathers up her things, including the screwdriver, and starts to walk away.

Officer Thompson: "What are you doing? Where are you going? It's not safe."
Susan: "I'd rather take my chances on the street, thank you very much."
Officer Thompson: "Oh, why do I always pick the psychos?"


An unknown somebody wearing jeans walks towards Bree's house, ax in hand.

It's Zach, and he uses the ax to smash open a window.


Street Corner
Once Susan had left Officer Thompson, she comes across a prostitute on the corner.

Susan: "Excuse me. I'm a little lost."
Prostitute: "Oh, you best be lost. This here's my corner."
Susan: "Oh, uh, yes, and -- and a lovely corner it is, and I hate to bother you while you're...working. I just was wondering if you could point me in the direction of a pay phone. Oh, and if you had some change, uh, for this five, preferably quarters..."
Prostitute: "Honey, if I got paid in quarters, I'd be doing something very wrong."
Susan: "Right. Okay. Thank you."
She turns away.

Prostitute: "Hey. You want to use my cell? I have weekend minutes."
Susan: "Oh, thank you so much. You're saving my life."
A horn honks as a car pulls up and the prostitute turns towards it.

Prostitute: "Oh, excuse me, honey."
Susan: "Oh, yes, you -- you do what you've got to do. Oh, please answer. Come on, pick up, Julie. Oh, thank god. Okay, don't ask any questions. Just get somebody down here to pick me up at the corner of ninth and Foster."
A car pulls up and a man calls out to her.

Man: "Hey, babe."
Susan: "Thank you, no. I'm on a break. Hurry, please."


Bree's House
Bree and Rex come rushing home. There are police cars outside of their house with their lights flashing.

"Excuse me. We got a call. Something about a break-in."
Cop: "One of your neighbors reported seeing someone forcing his way into your home. We sent some guys out to investigate, and, uh..."
Bree: "W-what is it?"
Cop: "I got to tell you, ma'am, I thought I'd seen a lot on the job, but, uh, this is something else."

He opens up their front door and Rex and Bree walk inside. Their house is completely decorated for Christmas, including stockings on the mantle, for Paul, Zach, and Mary Alice.

Rex: "So -- so let me get this straight. He chopped down one of our pine trees?"
Cop: "I'm afraid so."
Zach is led into the room, in handcuffs, by another cop.

Bree: "Zach, why did you do this?"
Zach: "I don't know."
Bree: "Take off those handcuffs, please."
Cop: "Ma'am, he confessed to breaking in."
Bree: "This is not up for discussion."
Behind Bree, Rex nods. One cop tells the other to "go ahead" and Paul's handcuffs are removed.
Paul suddenly opens their front door to come in. The cop tries to stop him.

Paul: "Zach."
Standing next to Bree, Zach quietly reaches out and takes her hand.

Street Corner
Susan stands uncomfortably on the street corner when an SUV pulls up. It slows down and Mike leans across the seat to call out to her.

Mike: "You okay?"
Susan: "Yeah."
Mike: "Then how much for a trip around the world?"
Susan (sighing): "I cannot believe Julie sent you. She is soon gonna be dead."
Mike: "Come on. Get in."
Susan gets in the car and tosses the screwdriver on the dashboard.

Mike: "Wasn't that sent in for prints?"
Susan: "No, the cop lied to me. I don't want to talk about it."
Mike: "Just asking."
He drives off.


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle is on the phone with Carlos. Mama Solis sits on the couch, knitting.

Gabrielle: "Yes, apparently, they found a blouse in her bag. Oh, I don't know, Carlos. At some point, older people start to get confused. She probably thought she paid for it. No, no charges. Everything's fine. Okay, I'll tell her. Bye. Mama Solis, Carlos is going to be late for dinner. It's just the two of us. What would you like to eat?"
Mama Solis: "Oh, I'm not hungry."
Gabrielle: "Okay, suit yourself."
Mama Solis: "Don't go yet. I need to talk to you. It's important. Please."
Gabrielle sits down.

Mama Solis: "I married Diego Solis when I was 16 years old. A few months into our marriage, he started to beat me. I was so young and stupid, I didn't know what to do."
Gabrielle: "Juanita, I had no idea."
Mama Solis: "It got so bad that I started praying to God to let me die, but God, in his infinite wisdom, gave me a reason to live."
Gabrielle: "Carlos."
Mama Solis: "Ah, he was a beautiful baby. But my husband wasn't much of a father. He never held him. He would yell and scream at him for no reason at all. One night when Carlos was four, Diego Solis came home drunk, and he beat my Carlos. Something inside me snapped, and at that moment, I found a way to be strong, so I made sure that Diego Solis never hurt my son or me ever again."
Gabrielle watches Mama Solis knit. Her brow furrows.

Gabrielle: "What'd you do?"
Mama Solis: "Well, if you pray hard enough, God gives you the tools to your salvation."
Gabrielle: "Carlos said that his father left for a waitress in El Paso."
Mama Solis: "Mm-hmm. That's what he was told. All mothers know they have to protect their children, but some of us take our job more seriously than others."
Gabrielle: "I don't know why you're telling me this."
Mama Solis stops knitting to look at Gabrielle.

Mama Solis: "I think you do."


Mike's Car
Mike pulls the car up to Susan's house and stops, but neither makes any move to get out.

Mike: "Look, okay, I know you're mad at me, and I'm sorry I didn't stop you from going out with that guy."
Susan: "I'm not mad at you. I mean, I'm not just mad at you. I'm mostly mad at myself."
Mike: "Okay."
Susan: "I'm mad that I like you so much without really knowing anything about you."
Mike: "Oh. What do you want to know?"
Susan: "What's your favorite food?"
Mike: "Mexican."
Susan: "What's your favorite sport?"
Mike: "Football."
Susan: "Favorite band?"
Mike: "Elvis Costello."
Susan: "That's a guy, not a band."
Mike: "It's a guy with a band."
Susan: "What do you think of me?"
After pausing, he leans over and kisses her.

Susan: "I'm sorry.Could you repeat that?"
They kiss again.


Paul and Zach's House
Bree walks up to their house and hears arguing inside. She starts to turn away.

Paul: "Why?"
Zach: "I don't want to talk about it."
Paul: "Do you realize how insane this looks?"
Zach: "Do you even care about me at all? Did you even care about mom?!"
Paul: "You will not talk to me that way."
Zach: "I think I just did."
A smack and then a shouted "Ow!" is heard. Outside, Bree changes her mind and knocks on their front door. Zach opens it up.

Zach: "Mrs. Van De Kamp."
Bree: "Hi, Zach. I just, uh, wanted to see if everything was all right."
Zach: "Everything's fine."
Bree: "Are you sure?"
Zach: "Yes."
Bree: "Well, okay. I'll see you tomorrow, then."
Zach: "I'm sure that you will."
He closes the door on Bree, and then walks past his father, who's lying on the floor, with a split lip that's bleeding.


"People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders..."
The man from Barcliff Academy walks out of a doorway and nearly gets run over by Porter and Parker, who rush past him. Shocked, he looks at Lynette, who just smiles.

"...trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives..."
Gabrielle walks out onto the porch to do her yoga and sees Mama Solis sitting there, knitting. Annoyed, she stays in the house.
"...just as there will be those we invite in."

Susan and Julie open up their front door to let in Mike, who's brought a pizza.

"But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in... the ones we never truly get to know."

Bree steps out of her house with her gardening supplies and sees, next door, Paul and Zach getting into a car and driving away.

~ The End ~


地板 6#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:34:52 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.06 - Running to Stand Still
Guest stars
"Maisy Gibbons" - Sharon Lawrence
"Dr. Albert Goldfine" - Sam Lloyd
"Juanita Solis" - Lupe Ontiveros
"Jordana Geist" - Stacey Travis
"Dr. Sicher" - Gregg Daniel
"Danielle" - Joy Lauren
"Mrs. Truesdale" - Shannon O'Hurley
"Yoa Lin" - Lucille Soong
"Porter Scavo" - Shane Kinsman
"Preston Scavo" - Brent Kinsman
"Ida Greenberg" - Pat Crawford Brown
"Waiter" - Paul Denniston
"Nurse"- Cindy Lu
"Receptionist" - Kathy McGraw
Written by: Tracey Stern
Directed by: Fred Gerber

Mary Alice begins speaking as the camera pans over to Gabrielle and Carlos's house, and then inside the house, where the two of them and Mama Solis eat breakfast.

"Suburbia is a battleground, an arena for all forms of domestic combat. Husbands clash with wives, parents cross swords with children, but the bloodiest battles often involve women and their mothers-in-law. The war for control of Carlos began the night he proposed, and Gabrielle had been losing ground to Juanita ever since. From the prenuptial agreement which she reluctantly signed, to the selection of wedding music she despised, the color of the house paint she hadn’t wanted ... Gabrielle had suffered one defeat after another. And now that Juanita suspected her daughter-in-law of having an affair, it had became increasingly apparent that in this war..."

Yoa Lin: "Mrs. Solis, I’ll be at the market."
"...no prisoners would be taken."

Gabrielle: "Thank you, Yoa Lin."
Mama Solis: "I don’t see why you have her."
Gabrielle: "It’s a big house. I need help."
Mama Solis: "It’s only called help when you do some of the work yourself."
Gabrielle: "I supervise."
Mama Solis: "You pay her $300 a week. That’s $15,000 a year. Carlos, you always say how you’re not putting away enough for retirement!"
Carlos: "You know, baby, it would be a good idea if we cut back on expenses."
Gabrielle: "You expect me to take care of this place all by myself?"
Carlos: "Other women manage..."
He gets up from the table and Gabrielle looks at Mama Solis, who smiles triumphantly.


Gabrielle's Bedroom
Carlos lies on the bed, reading, when Gabrielle glides into the room in a revealing outfit of bra and underwear. She clears her throat, crawls on the bed, and straddles Carlos. She kisses him, and then sighs.
Carlos: "Mmmm... that’s nice.."
Gabrielle: "You like that?"
Carlos: "Oh yeah."
Gabrielle: "God, I’m gonna miss this, Carlos."
Carlos: "What do you mean?"
Gabrielle: "Well, since, I’m gonna have to be doing the cooking, and the cleaning, and all the shopping, like the other wives..."
Carlos: "Mmm hmm..."
Gabrielle: "...I’m going to be exhausted at night--just like all the other wives ... till I build up my stamina, of course, but that might take a couple years..."
She kisses Carlos down his body as he frowns.


The Next Morning

"Sadly for Juanita, she had ignored the first rule of war..."
Carlos comes down the stairs.

Mama Solis: "Good morning, Carlos."
Carlos (emphatically): "The maid stays."
He leaves.

"Never underestimate your enemy!"
Mama Solis looks up to the staircase where Gabrielle stands, triumphant.


Outside of Paul Young's House; Yard Sale” Of the many suburban rituals, none is quite so cherished as the neighborhood yard sale. The shoppers come to sift through the discarded belongings of someone they don’t really know, in hopes of finding bargains they don’t really need, each so determined to save a few pennies, they often miss hidden treasures..."
Paul puts things in a box and closes the top, revealing that the box is labeled "Baby Stuff."
Susan walks up to him.

Susan: "Hey, Paul."
Paul: "Hi, Susan."
Susan: "I got to say, I was a little surprised to see Mary Alice’s award for sale. She got it for doing charity work, from the Chamber of Commerce.:"
Paul: "Zach and I are moving. We don’t need to carry any more with us than is absolutely necessary."
Susan: "That makes sense. Still, I just want to make sure you didn’t want to keep it, for Zach, something to remember his mother by."
Paul: "Zach doesn’t need a piece of glass to remember his mother. I’m out of newspaper." He picks up a yellow/green blanket to wrap the glass. "Here, let’s call it ten bucks for everything."
Susan: "Great. Speaking of Zach, I haven’t seen him around lately."
Paul: "He’s been a bit depressed. I thought he could use a change of scenery, so I sent him to stay with relatives."
Susan: "Oh, which ones?"
Paul: "You don’t know them."
Susan: "So, how are you get the fat lip?"
Paul: "The usual way. Asking too many questions."
Paul walks away and Susan picks up the box and walks over to where Gabrielle is.

Gabrielle: "Did you find out where Zach is?"
Susan: "No, but I can tell you this much. He’s not staying with relatives."
Carlos and Mama Solis stand off in a corner. Mama Solis looks at a record album while Carlos surveys the crowd.

Carlos: "It’s driving me crazy, mama. It could be any one of these guys she’s having the affair with."
Mama Solis: "Don’t worry about it. I’m not letting her out of my sight."
Carlos: "Now, who the hell is that? And look at the way she’s touching him. You think that’s the guy she’s having the affair with? "
Mama Solis: "Carlos, don’t be stupid. A guy she talks to in public isn’t someone you’re gonna worry about."
Carlos: "So it’s someone that she doesn’t talk to. What do I have to do? Beat up every guy in town?"
Mama Solis: "Marriage takes work!"
They walk away, passing by John, who looks after them. Lynette, Bree, and Susan stand talking to each other. Gabrielle joins them soon after.

Lynette: "I’m not surprised that he’s playing it close to the vest. Paul knows we’re on to him."
Bree: "Zach said Mary Alice killed herself because of something that he had done, something bad. Is there anyone else who'd know what he was talking about?"
Susan: "No. That’s why we have to find him. It’s the only way we’ll know the truth."
Bree: "It just doesn’t make any sense. Zach is such a sweet kid. I can‘t imagine him doing anything that terrible."
Gabrielle: "Well, he did break into your house. I mean, the kid is obviously troubled in some way."
Bree sighs.


Silvercrest Juvenile Rehabilitation Center
Inside, Paul and a doctor stare through the window on the door of Zach's room. He sits on his bed, his head bowed as he eats from a tray of food.

Dr. Sicher: "Severe depression. Borderline personality disorder. Zach is a deeply troubled young man."
Paul: "I’m aware of that. What are you giving him?"
Dr. Sicher: "Some antidepressants and a mood stabilizer."
Paul: "Good."
Dr. Sicher: "I’m also recommending extensive psychotherapy, to help unearth any repressed -"
Paul: "I don’t think so."
Dr. Sicher: "Mr. Young, I can’t just medicate him indefinitely."
Paul: "Forget the Freud and stick with the drugs. No new treatments without my permission."
He walks away.


School Gym
Lynette is seated with a group of women gathered near a stage.

Ms. Truesdale: "I think this is going to be a great version of Little Red Riding Hood, and it is your involvement that make the plays here at Barcliffe Academy so special. Thank you." (clapping) "And now, I would like to turn over the next part of our meeting to our parent coordinator, the amazing Maisy Gibbons."
Maisy: "Thank you, Ms. Truesdale. Now, before everyone leaves, we have new copies of the script up here. Tilda and Francis and I went to the rehearsal yesterday, and we were a little troubled by the ending. Killing the wolf. It says the wrong message to our kids. And we believe that animals should only be euphemized as a last resort."
Lynette laughs.

Maisy: "Do you find something amusing?"
Lynette: "I’m sorry, I thought you were kidding."
Maisy: "No."
Lynette: "Oh, okay."
Maisy: "So in our version, the wolf is aggressive because he has a thorn in his paw. And the woodsman will take out the thorn, and send Mr. Wolf on his way."
Lynette: "I’m sorry, aren’t we doing Little Red Riding Hood?"
Maisy: "Yes."
Lynette: "So then you are aware that the wolf is a bad guy. He eats Little Red’s grandma. If you let him go, he’s just going to chow down on another defenseless old lady."
Maisy: "I’m sorry, and you are?"
Lynette: "I’m Lynette Scavo. My twins just joined. They’re playing oak trees."
Maisy: "Oh, of course. Lynette. Let’s see, you are ... signed up to take tickets the night of the show, is that right?"
Lynette: "Yeah."
Maisy: "Well, with all due respect, let’s leave the creative suggestions to the mothers who have assumed the heavy lifting, shall we?"
Lynette: "Sure. Whatever."


Bree's House
Gabrielle and Mama Solis sit at Bree's kitchen table, drinking coffee Bree pours for them.

Bree: "I must say, I’m jealous of how much time you two spend together.
My mother-in-law would never want to hang out with me all day."
Gabrielle: "She sounds nice."
Danielle walks into the house with John.

Danielle: "Hey!"
Bree: "Oh, hey there, you two!"
Gabrielle: "Hi, John."
John: "Mrs. Solis."
Gabrielle: "I wasn’t aware you two were friends."
John: "Yeah, we go to the same school."
Gabrielle: "Of course you do."
Danielle: "Mom, if you need anything, we’ll be upstairs in my room studying."
Bree: "Have fun."
Danielle and John leave.

Gabrielle: "Doesn’t it make you nervous, a boy alone upstairs with Danielle?"
Bree: "Oh no, I don’t worry about John. Both he and Danielle are in the abstinence club."
Gabrielle chokes and spews out coffee.

Gabrielle: "The coffee is a little hot."


Outside Susan's House
Susan opens up her mailbox and takes out her mail. When she turns around, she sees Paul getting into his car across the street.
"Susan was infuriated by Paul’s evasive answers."
Susan stares at Paul across the street.

Paul: "Hey!"
He waves at her.

"She was convinced he was deliberately hiding Zach, and hiding the truth. She hoped that finding one would lead to the other. To succeed, Susan would have to be evasive herself."


Mrs. Greenberg's House
Susan rings the doorbell of Mrs. Greenberg's house, holding a package of eggs.

Mrs. Greenberg: "Susan. Long time, no see."
Susan: "Mrs. Greenberg. Do you remember those two eggs I let you borrow last Christmas?"
She opens up her carton eggs and motions to the two empty spaces in the container.

Susan: "I need those back."
Mrs. Greenberg: "Well gosh, honey, I’m fresh out, but if you want, I could run to the store."
Susan: "Oh, forget about it, it’s not that important, but since I’m here, do you still have that old hatchback sitting in your garage? Can I borrow it tomorrow?"
Mrs. Greenberg: "You want to borrow my car?"
Susan: "Just for a couple of hours."
Mrs. Greenberg: "Well, I’m not sure. Do you know how to drive a stick?"
Susan: "Yes, I think so. I learned in college. It’s like riding a bike, right?"
Mrs. Greenberg: "I’m not sure, dear."
Susan: "It’s not big deal. It’s just for a couple of hours. I let you borrow my eggs for a whole year."


Dr. Goldfine's Office

Dr. Goldfine: "First off, I’m very pleased with the work we’re done in our sessions thus far. We’re making excellent progress."
Bree: "Thank you, I feel really good about it."
Dr. Goldfine: "But there are a few areas of your marriage we haven’t covered yet."
Bree: "Oh, really. Like what?"
Rex: "Um, I’re told Dr. Goldfine in our private sessions that I’m not happy with our sex life."
Dr. Goldfine: "And Rex feels when you two have intercourse, you’re not as connected as you could be."
Bree: "Connected?"
Rex: "Well yeah, it’s like you’re thinking about other things. Is your hair getting messed up? Did you remember to buy the toothpaste? You’re just not there."
Dr. Goldfine: "This kind of disconnect is often a symptom of a deeper problem."
Rex: "So, we were talking, and the idea of a sexual surrogate came up."
Dr. Goldfine: "This is a licensed professional who'd work with you as a couple on solving whatever sexual problems you may be having. I have an excellent referral."
Bree: "And what would this sexual surrogate person do?"
Rex: "Well, she would coach us."
Bree: "She!"
Dr. Goldfine: "She’s very discrete. You’ll hardly notice she's there."
Bree: "Oh. So she would be in the room with us, while we make love?"
Rex: "Yes, helping us to achieve maximum sexual potential."
Dr. Goldfine: "Do you have any questions?"
Bree: "Just one. How much longer is your midlife crisis going to last, because it is really starting to tick me off!"
She gets up and walks out.


Lynette's House
The four women are seated around the dining room table, cards in front of them. Mama Solis is sitting off to the side, knitting.

Lynette: "All right. I think everyone is down for a nap. We’re got no more than an hour. Let’s get cracking. Five car draw, nothing wild."
Bree: "So how is it going with Mike, Susan?"
Susan: "It’s going, finally. We have our first official date next week. 
I think he’s taking me to see a play or something."
Lynette: "Might I suggest the Barcliffe Academy production of Little Red Riding Hood?"
Susan: "Oh, that’s right, the twins? stage debut!"
Gabrielle: "Are they having fun?"
Lynette: "Sure, they get to play oak trees. I’m the one who has to deal with all the drama behind the scenes."
Bree: "Oh, I take it you’re met Maisy Gibbons."
Lynette: "She’s a total nightmare. I guess I shouldn’t have challenged her."
Bree: "Oh, dear."
Lynette: "Because now no one on the play committee even wants to talk to me."
Bree: "Oh, Maisy does love to rule her little kingdom."
Susan: "It hasn’t really changed since Girl Scouts. Girls smile at you to your face, and then behind your back, they make fun of you because you’re the only one not shaving your legs yet."
Gabrielle gets up and goes to the living room where chips and dip are on a platter. She takes some as the women talk.
Lynette: "That would have never happened in Boy Scouts. When I worked, mostly with men, I preferred the way they fought. A guy takes his opponent on, face to face, and once he’s won, he’s top dog. It’s primitive, but it’s fair."
Susan: "And a lot less sneaky."
Gabrielle: "Isn’t it sexist of us to generalize like this?"
Gabrielle goes to the window and peeks outside, seeing John working outside across the street.

Lynette: "It’s science, Gabrielle. Sociologists have documented this stuff."
Gabrielle: "Well, who am I to argue with sociologists? (pauses) Wow this, uh, this guacamole has got a kick. I’m going to run to the little girls room. You guys go ahead, I might be a while."
Lynette: "I hate playing three handed poker. Let’s take a break."
Mama Solis: "I’ll play!"
Bree: "You play poker?"
Mama Solis: "I used to play a little with my grandfather."
Susan: "Pull up a chair."
Mama Solis: "Oh, I notice you were just playing for chips, huh. My grandfather used to say, it’s always more fun to play for money."
Lynette: "Why not? Fifty cents a bet?"
Mama Solis: "Make it a buck." She pulls a wad of cash out of her brassiere. "Three raise limit. Twenty dollar buy in."


Gabrielle closes the door to the bathroom and checks her appearance in the mirror. Then she opens the window and peers down. Climbing over the windowsill, she falls outside, landing with a shriek. She looks over the fence to where John is mowing the lawn. She climbs over the fence by stepping on stacked wood, knocking them over. Once over the top of the fence, she falls. John rushes over.

John: "Mrs. Solis! What are you doing?"
Gabrielle: "Why haven’t you returned any of my phone calls?"
John: "I’re been busy."
Gabrielle: "Yeah, I’re seen who you’re been busy with."
John: "Danielle? Come on, I mean, she’s just a friend."
Gabrielle: "Well, before you get any friendlier, let me remind you, I can do things to you she can’t even pronounce"
John: "Well, a lot of good it does me with your mother-in-law following you around all the time. Look, maybe we should just cool it for awhile."
Gabrielle: "Oh, no, John, please don’t say that. I have everything under control."
They kiss.

Gabrielle: "Now give me a boost."
He helps her climb back over the fence.
Lynette's House
Gabrielle walks back into the dining room.

Gabrielle: "Hey! So what did I miss?"
Mama Solis: "Not much, just a few friendly hands of poker with the girls."
There is a huge stack of money in front of Mama Solis as she pulls it all towards her. The other women look stunned.


Play Rehearsal

Maisy: "I'm sorry I'm late. As I’m sure you have all heard, Celia Bond broke her wrist playing tennis, which means we are now in desperate need of someone to do the costumes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed here. Are there any volunteers?"
Lynette (standing up): "I’ll do it."
Maisy: "Really, that’s a ... do you know how to sew?"
Lynette (sits down): "Absolutely."
Maisy: "Well, great, uh, thank you, Lynette!" (clapping)
Lynette (stands up again): "Okay. So, now that I’m going to do some, heavy lifting, I believe I have a right to talk about the changes made to the script?"
She pauses. Nobody says anything, so she rushes forward to stand next to Maisy and address the group.

Lynette: "Um, ladies. We all grew up with Little Red Riding Hood, and we survived it, scary stuff and all, so I say, to hell with political correctness, let our kids experience this classic like it was meant to be enjoyed. Let’s kill the damn wolf, and just put on the best show we can." (clapping)
Maisy: "Thank you, Lynette, for that impassioned speech, but I believe that ship has sailed."
Jordana: "No, it hasn’t. We still have time to change the ending back." Ms. Truesdale: "And you know, Maisy, it is just a fairy tale - I don’t think it will upset the children."
Maisy: "Well, I think you are wrong."
Lynette: "Well, that’s what’s so great about being in a democracy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Also, everyone has a right to vote. So all in favor of the woodsman going medieval on the big bad wolf’s ass..."
She raises her hand. And slowly, the others follow, except for Maisy, who glares at Lynette.


Outside of Paul's House
Sitting in her borrowed car, hidden mostly from view, Susan puts on a pair of sunglasses and watches Paul get into his SUV and drive away.
Then she follows him - after a lurching start.

Susan: "Oh!"
He pulls into a parking lot and gets out. Susan slows down and looks at the sign stating "Silvercrest Juvenile Rehabilitation Center."


Bree is sitting alone at her table when she notices Dr. Goldfine sit down at another table, also alone, with a book. Bree takes a sip of wine, then gets up and goes to his table.

Bree: "Dr. Goldfine."
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree."
Bree: "You’re dining alone?"
Dr. Goldfine: "Actually, I am."
Bree: "Well, what a coincidence. So am I. It seems a shame for us to eat by ourselves. Shall I, pull up a chair?"
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, it’s nothing personal, but I never socialize with clients."
Bree: "Oh," she pauses. "Oh, I get it. I’m so sorry, of course, it’s, it's inappropriate. It’s just that after what happened yesterday, there’s so much I need to say because..." she pauses. "I suppose it can wait."
She walks back over to her table and sits down, taking a sip from her glass of wine. Then they take turns looking at each other. And finally he waves her to come back over and sit across from him. Bree breathes a sigh of relief and gets up to join him.


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle is on the phone.

Gabrielle: "No, Lynette, I’m sorry, Juanita’s taking a bath. Well, how much did she win from you? Geez," She laughs. "Yeah, I guess she’ll take a check. Okay. All right. Bye."
Carlos: "What was that about?"
Gabrielle: "It turns out your mother is quite the card shark."
Carlos: "You let her play cards? How long did she play?"
Gabrielle: "Not that long, why?"
Carlos walks away from her.

"Carlos, what is it?"
Carlos: "I never told you this, but my mother had a serious gambling problem."
Gabrielle: "Was this before we were married?"
Carlos: "Yeah. It was bad. She went into debt. She dipped into her savings, started hocking jewelry..."
Gabrielle: "Honey, it was only a small neighborhood game."
Carlos: "But it doesn’t take much for her to fall off the wagon. I know she seems like a very strong woman, but..."
Gabrielle: "She has a major weakness. Honey, oh," she embraces him. "It's okay. You were right to tell me this."
She smiles.



Dr. Goldfine. "And you understand I have to treat this as a session."
Bree: "Of course, that's fine. Shall I include the meal?"
Dr. Goldfine: "Oh no. We’ll split that."
Bree writes a check for $180.00 payable to Dr. Albert Goldfine and hands it over.

Dr. Goldfine: "So, let’s talk about yesterday. You think there might have been some truth in what Rex said?"
Bree: "No, I don’t."
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, you know, it’s not uncommon for people experiencing sexual repression to distance themselves from the act."
Bree: "Is that how you see me? As some sort of prude who just lays there like a cold fish? I love sex."
Dr. Goldfine: "All right."
Bree: "I love everything about it. The sensations, the smells. I especially love the feel of a man. All that muscle and sinew pressed against my body. And then, when you add friction. Mmm ... The tactile sensation of running my tongue over a man’s nipple ever so gently. And then there’s the act itself - two bodies becoming one in that final eruption of pleasure. To be honest, the only thing I don’t like about sex is the scrotum. I mean, obviously it has its practical applications, but I’m just not a fan."
Waiter: "Can I get you something?"
Dr. Goldfine: "Uh, just the check, please."
Waiter: "Sir, you haven’t ordered yet."
Dr. Goldfine: "Oh."


Gabrielle's Car
Gabrielle and Mama Solis drive up to "The Torch Lake Casino."

Mama Solis: "We’re not shopping?"
Gabrielle: "Oh, I thought we would stop here for lunch first. This place has the best buffet in town. All you can eat crab legs. Oh no!"
Mama Solis: "What’s wrong? Let’s go!" Mama is already out of the car.
Gabrielle: "I didn’t realize how late it was. They’re only holding the suede mini for me until two. If we stay, I’ll never make it. We’ll just have lunch at the mall."
Mama Solis: "Wait, uh, I’m really in the mood for crab legs. Why don’t you just drop me off, and you can come back."
Gabrielle: "Well, if the mall is crowded, it might take over an hour."
Mama Solis: "It’s a buffet. There’s no rush!"
Mama Solis rushes inside. Gabrielle picks up her cell phone and calls somebody as she drives away.

Gabrielle: "Hi John. Motel. Ten minutes. Be there."


Play Rehearsal

Lynette (to a child in a costume): "All right. Off you go. Thanks."
Maisy: "Ooh, Lynette. I couldn’t help but notice, you forgot the coonskin on that hunter’s coonskin cap."
Lynette: "Oh, yeah, huh, it was a creative call. Look, I’m in the middle of a costume crisis, and if I don’t take a few shortcuts, I’ll never finish."
Maisy: "Well, Jordana Guist manages to get her work done. She runs the consessions, paints the sets, and still has time to take care of her three kids and a husband. Now, we can’t have the students suffer just because you don’t understand the concept of time management."
Lynettte: "I hardly think the kids are going to suffer without a clump of fur on their heads."
Maisy: "Okay, I’ll make a creative call. We’ll cut the oak trees. That forest is looking a little dense, anyway."
Lynette: "My boys are the oak trees."
Maisy: "Are they? Well, I wouldn’t worry. We’ll find something for them to do back stage. That’s where the real action is."
Lynette: "I’ll finish the costumes."
Maisy: "Well, crisis averted."


Susan's House
Julie: "You have lost your mind."
Susan: "I checked up on this Silvercrest place. It’s a treatment center for troubled kids. Who’s gonna notice one more? I create the distraction. You blend in and find Zach."
Julie: "How am I supposed to blend in with a bunch of messed up teenagers?"
Susan: "I don’t know, Julie. You pretend to be bulimic. Gag a little. Come on, work with me here!"
Julie: "Mom, when this is over, we need to talk about your parenting skills."
Susan: "Okay, fine, if you don’t want to help me, I’m not going to force you."
Julie: "It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just, why does this mean so much to you?"
Susan: "Because Mary Alice was a wonderful person, and now all anybody thinks about her is that she went off the deep end and did this terrible selfish thing, and I think there is more to it than that. She was my friend, Julie, and I owe it to her to find out the truth."


Outside of the Casino
Mama Solis is sitting on a park bench, as stoic as the large wooden Indian statue next to her as Gabrielle pulls up in her car.
Gabrielle: "Juanita, what’s wrong?"
Mama Solis doesn't say anything. Gabrielle puts the car in park and goes over to sit by her mother-in-law.

Gabrielle: "Juanita!"
Mama Solis: "I didn’t go to the buffet. I went gambling instead, and I lost."
Gabrielle: "Well, how much did you have on you? It couldn’t have been much."
Mama Solis: "I used Carlos? credit card."
Gabrielle: "Okay, well, how much did you charge?"
Mama Solis: "I don’t know, it stopped working."
Gabrielle: "What do you mean, it stopped working. That thing has, like, a $15,000 credit limit."
They both look at each other with shocked expressions.
Gabrielle: "Oh."


Hotel Room
Rex takes a bite of food, standing up, when there's a knock on the door. Rex, with food in hand, walks over to open it. Outside the door is Bree, covered in a full-length fur coat.
Bree: "The man at the desk said there were no vacant rooms. Mind if I bunk with you?"
Rex: "Bree, what are you doing here?"
Bree: "It’s a little chilly out here, do you mind if we discuss this inside?"
Rex: "C'mon in."
Rex moves aside and Bree walks in.
Bree: "It sure is nice and toasty in here."
She unwraps the fur, revealing that she is only wearing a lacy red bra and panties.

Rex: "You look amazing."
Bree: "Thanks. I was hoping you抎 notice." She walks around. "Well, it certainly isn’t the Ritz, but it has all the essentials."
She gets on the bed and Rex tosses the burrito on the nightstand and joins her on the bed.

Rex: "I don’t know what to say."
Bree: "Then perhaps you shouldn’t say anything."
They begin kissing passionately, with Rex on top. He yanks his shirt off, down to his white undershirt and kisses her down his body.
Bree looks over and sees the burrito about to spill from the dresser to the floor.
Bree: "Oh Rex, oh baby, stop, I just need a minute."
Rex: "Oh, sweetie. Just leave it. Just leave it!"
Bree tries to take his advice, but her eyes keep going back to the burrito, about to fall. Suddenly, she reaches over and saves the burrito from the spill. She turns to him, and runs her hand over him.

Bree: "Okay, baby, where were we?"
Rex gets up angrily: "I told you to leave it."
Bree: "Sorry. I just - ah, come on, are you going to make a big deal about this?"
Rex: "You know, to tell you the truth..."
He walks over and opens up the door.

Rex: "...now is not really a good time for me."
Bree (angrily): "Well it’s obvious you’re never had to remove a cheese stain. Hmph!"
She leaves.


Play Rehearsal
Lynette and Jordana are the only ones left in the gym. Lynette is on the phone as she sews costumes.

Lynette: "Bree, I totally understand. Yeah, I already tried Susan. And Gabby can't sew to save her life but seriously, I’m going to be fine. But thanks anyway. Bye!"
Jordana: "Well, I’m a little ahead with my painting Do you need some help?"
Lynette: "Oh Jordana, you are really a lifesaver, thank you. Here, these pieces need trim."
Jordana: "I’ll help for as long as I can, but I have a lot on my plate tonight. I have to make twenty-five mini quiches for my book club."
Lynette: "You’re not human, are you! You were sent by aliens to make the human race feel inadequate."
They laugh.

Lynette: "Seriously, how, how do you cram it all in?"
Jordana: "Can you keep a secret?"
Lynette: "Um, sure."
Jordana gets a bottle of pills from her purse.

Lynette: "That’s ADD medication. My kids take this, or they almost did. I thought it was supposed to calm you down?"
Jordana: "Um, it has the opposite effect if you don’t have attention deficit disorder. Ever chug a pot of turkish coffee?"
Lynette: "Seriously, you’re taking your kids medication?"
Jordana: "Once in a while. Do you want a couple?"
Lynette: "Oh, that’s very kind of you, but I just smoked some crack a little while ago, so I better not mix."


Gabrielle's House

Gabrielle: "This is what we’ll do. I’ll sell some old jewelry, pay off the credit card, and Carlos will never find out!"
Mama Solis: "You would do that for me?"
Gabrielle: "Of course I would, why wouldn’t I?"
Mama Solis: "Well, for starters, you hate me."
Gabrielle: "Oh, that is overstating it ... a little. The bottom line is, no matter how much I dislike you, I love Carlos more. If Carlos finds out about the money, he’ll be devastated. I don’t want to see him hurt. You don’t have to believe I’m a good person, but at least believe I care about my husband."
Mama Solis just stares at her.

Gabrielle: "Fine, to heck with it. I’m not gonna risk my neck to protect you. I’m calling Carlos."
"Juanita might have been the gambler of the family."
Mama Solis: "Wait, I believe you."
"But Gabrielle was the one who knew how to bluff."


Silvercrest Juvenile Rehabilitation Center.Susan and Julie start to walk into the Center. A nurse, sitting at a desk with her back to them, is working. Susan motions for Julie to stay back, and then walks up to the nurse.
Susan: "Hi, I’m Susan Mayer. I have an appointment to see Dr. Sicher."
Nurse: "Yes, yes, he’s expecting you, let me get him for you."
Once the nurse walks away, Susan motions to Julie and Julie walks quickly in. Susan mimes that Julie should stick a finger down her throat and Julie grins as she rushes off. The doctor walks in.
Dr. Sicher: "Hi, I’m Dr. Sicher. So you're here doing research for a children’s book."
Susan: "I sure am."
Julie finds Zach lying on a bed in his room and she opens the door.

Julie: "Zach?"
Zach: "Oh hi, Julie."
Julie: "What’s wrong with you?"
Zach: "It’s just all these pills they make me take. They kind of make me sleepy. What are you doing here?"
Julie: "I came to see how you were, and to ask you something. Look, I don’t have much time."
Zach: "What is it?"
Julie: "Last week you told Mrs. Van de Kamp that your mom killed herself because of something you did, something bad. What were you talking about?"
Zach: "After my mom died, I started remembering things that happened when I was little. What happened to Dana."
Julie: "Dana, who’s Dana?"
A nurse walks into the room.

Nurse: "What are you doing here?"
Julie: "I was just - visiting my friend."
Nurse: "This patient is not allowed visitors."
Julie: "I guess I have to go. I am so sorry, Zach."
She puts her hand on his for a moment, then gets up to leave.

Bree's House
Bree is sitting at the kitchen table, quietly repairing a mug, when Rex walks in.

Rex: "Hi. I don’t want to disturb you, I just left some important papers here. What are you doing?"
Bree: "I’m repairing a chipped mug."
Rex: "Why don’t you just buy a new one?"
Bree: "Because I think it is better to fix what you already have."
Rex: "Listen, um, about what happened today..."
Bree: "You humiliated me, Rex. For no good reason."
Rex: "I’m sorry."
Bree: "I was there. I was willing. Normal men don’t say no to that."
Rex: "You, you upset me."
Bree: "See, but I don’t think that’s the reason. After I left the motel, I um, did some thinking about us and our sex life, and I realized there has been a disconnect, but it’s coming from you. "
Rex: "That’s ridiculous."
Bree: "How many years have we been making love, and you've started to ask me something, but then you stop?"
Rex: "I, I don’t know what you’re talking about."
Bree: "You are unhappy with our sex life because you’re not getting something from me, but you’re simply too afraid to ask."
Rex: "My problem with our sex life is that you can’t stop thinking about the house work."
Bree: "Well, then, if that is the case, then take me, right here, right now. The house is spotless. There aren’t any burritos lying around to pull my focus..."
Rex: "I’m not in the mood."
Bree: "Why not? We haven’t had sex for months, Rex. Most normal, red-blooded men would be climbing the walls by now."
Rex: "Please, don’t do this."
Bree: "Rex, whatever you want, I'll go there with you. I will go there with you, you just have to say it out loud. Tell me, what do you want? What do you need?"
Rex: "I need for you to stop talking like this."
Bree: "Why?"
Rex: "Because you sound like a whore."
Bree: "No I don’t. I sound like a woman whose husband won’t touch her. Rex, after Mary Alice killed herself, it all hit me. We all have our secrets, and I think it’s time for you to tell me yours."

Rex stares at her for a long moment before shaking his head.

Rex: "I’m going."
He leaves.


Nighttime, Lynette's House

"That night, while most of Wisteria Lane dreamt the night away, Lynette was in the middle of her own personal nightmare. Determined her boys would not miss their fairy tale debut, Lynette stayed up 18 hours staright, sewing. But she began to fear her story would not have a happy ending."
She begins to cry.

"Luckily for Lynette, she had a magic potion handy."
Lynette goes up to the bathroom and opens the cabinet above the sink. She takes down her children's ADD medication, and takes two pills.

"And once she had taken it...the magic kept working...."
Lynette uses the sewing machine to sew.

"...and working..."
Lynette uses the glue gun to put the costumes together.

"...and working."

The next morning, Lynette has completely cleaned the house until it looks spotless and is currently using a Q-tip to clean parts of the kitchen cabinets.

"It wasn't until noon that lynette finally took a break. And the realizty of what she had done began to sink in."
Lynette walks briskly to the bathroom where she stares at herself in the mirror. She brushes some hair away from her face and says softly,
"My, what big eyes you have."
She brushes at some stains on her shirt, shrugs, then turns away.


Gabrielle's House
Carlos gives Mama Solis, who's sitting on the couch, a drink. Gabrielle calls out to her.

Gabrielle: "Mama Juanita, I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?"
Mama Solis: "I'm fine, thank you."
Carlos: "So what's been going on with her? Have you found anything out yet?"
Mama Solis: "Actually, Carlos, the more I watch her, the more I think she's probably not stepping out on you."
Carlos: "Really?"
Mama Solis: "Yeah. She's not perfect, Lord knows, but she loves you. I can tell."
Carlos kisses her cheek.
Carlos: "Mama. You don't know what a relief it is to hear that. You know, it's funny. I really think she loves you, too."
Mama Solis: "Oh?"
Carlos: "I got concerend when I heard you played poker with her friends. So I told her about your little problem."
Mama Solis: "You told her about my gambling problem?"
Carlos: "Don't be mad, mama. I just didn't want you slipping into old habits. And Gabrielle was very concerned about you."
Mama Solis: "She knew."


Susan's House
Susan looks through one of Julie's yearbooks.

Susan: "I don't get it. I've gone through all your yearbooks and you and Zach never went to school with anybody named Dana."
Julie: "He didn't say it was somebody we went to school with."
Susan: "Did it sound like a relative?"
Julie: "He said Dana. It sounded like Dana. Unless he was using a code, that's all I've got."
Susan gets up from the table and joins Julie at the sink. As they talk, she looks out the window, watching as Paul, across the street, mows his lawn.

Susan: "Okay, gimme a break here. I'm just grasping at straws."
Julie: "I'm sorry. It's...I'm worried about Zach. It's really creepy in there. Can't we get him out?"
Susan: "Honey, it's up to his father."
Julie: "Then I at least want to visit again."
Paul stops mowing and looks straight at them.

Susan: "I don't think that's a good idea either."
Julie: "Why?"
Susan: "I just have a feeling."

Gabrielle's House
Mama Solis is sitting on the porch, knitting. She watches Gabrielle drive up.

"Juanita was now more convinced than ever that her treacherous daughter-in-law was having an affair. But the question remained, with whom?"
Gabrielle gets out of her car, checks the mail, then continues up the walk, past John, who's working on the yard, without saying anything to him. "

~The End~

站票 7#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:35:15 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.07 - Anything You Can Do
Guest stars
"Tom Scavo" - Doug Savant
"Martha Huber" - Christine Estabrook
"Andrew Van De Kamp" - Shawn Pyfrom
"Mr. Shaw" - Richard Roundtree
"Alberta Holstein" - Lee Garlington
"Mama Solis" - Lupe Ontiveros
"Kendra" - Heather Stephens
"Jordana Geist" - Stacey Travis
"Jim Peterson" - Edward Edwards
"Danielle Van De Kamp" - Joy Lauren
"Bartender" - Blake Adams
"Cowgirl Waitress" - Sara Astin
"Parker Scavo" - Zane Huett
"Preston Scavo" - Brent Kinsman
"Porter Scavo" - Shane Kinsman
"Middle Aged Man" - Jimm Giannini
"Man" - Will Greenberg
"Janie Peterson" - Elizabeth Storm
"Principal Stark" - Trisha Simmons
"Cab Driver" - Gene Wolande
Written by: John Pardee & Joey Murphy
Directed by: Larry Shaw

An middle-aged man is jogging in Wisteria Lane. As he runs, a younger, more fit man runs past him easily.

"Competition. It means different things to different people. In Suburbia, it means keeping up with the Jones's. On Wisteria Lane, that means keeping up with Bree Van de Kamp. Everyone knew Bree had the nicest lawn in the neighborhood. And no one begrudged her this. No one, that is, except Martha Huber, whose own lawn paled in comparison. No matter how carefully she trimmed...
...or how lovingly she watered...
...or how generously she fertilized...
...the grass was always greener on the other side of the fence."

Mrs. Huber throws down some fertilizer she had been holding, and notices the middle-aged man jog up to her place. He stops in front of
Mrs. Huber.
Mrs. Huber: "Hello, Victor, how are you today? Out jogging again?"
Victor: "I can't catch my breath."
Mrs. Huber: "Would you like a slurp from my hose?"
He nods, then collapses to his knees falling on the ground.
Mrs. Huber: "Victor? Victor? Don't worry, I'm going to get an ambulance!"
She starts to go inside, then stops, looking over next door to Bree's house.

"Then one day, Mrs. Huber finally got the chance to mow down the competition."
Mrs. Huber transports Victor by red wheelbarrow to Bree’s lawn, and dumps him in the flower bed.

Mrs. Huber: "Help! Somebody help!"
Bree gasps. "What happened?"
Mrs. Huber: "He collapsed on your hydrangeas! Call 911!"
Bree runs inside.

Later, Victor is put on a stretcher and EMS workers whisk him away in an ambulance. Bree looks down at her destroyed lawn in dismay.

"Yes. Mrs. Huber understood the first rule of competition. In order to win, you have to want it more..."


Bree's House
There is a copy of Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert on a wooden table, next to a tray with crackers and garnish.

"When I was alive, my friends and I came together once a month for a meeting of the Wisteria Lane Book Club. We found the problems of literary characters so absorbing."

"...the way they dealt with adversity..."
Lynette pops some pills.

"...conducted illicit affairs..."
Gabrielle walks by John.

"...endured domestic dramas..."
Rex walks out of the house with Bree looking frustrated behind him.
"...and planned romantic conquests."
Susan circles a date in her calendar that reads "Date with Mike!"
"But since my death, my friends had lost their interest in fiction. Their own problems had become absorbing enough."


Bree's House

Woman: "So, what did everybody think?"
Lynette: "I thought the character of Madame Bovary was ... very inspirational."
She pushes her baby carriage around the room. Susan nods her agreement as she turns a page in her copy of the book.
Woman: "Inspirational? She poisons herself with arsenic."
Lynette: "Really?"
Woman: "You didn't read until the end?"
Lynette: "I stopped after page 50."
Woman: "Am I the only one who read the book?"
Susan: "I saw the movie. It was really good."
Woman: "Ladies! I'm sorry, but wh-wh-what is the point of having a book club if we don't read the book?"
Bree: "More wine? So, uh, Reba, Emma and Lori... Why don't you girls come to the kitchen and help me with the snacks?"
Woman: "Sure."
Bree: "I will be right in."

The three women walk into the kitchen and Bree closes the double doors on the three ladies, trapping them in the kitchen.

Bree: "God, I couldn't wait to get rid of them! So, Lynette said that you found Zack."
Susan: "He’s at a rehabilitation center. Julie snuck in and actually talked to him."
Lynette: "Did he say anything about his mother's suicide?"
Susan: There wasn't enough time. He did say one thing that was kind of mysterious. He said something happened to someone named Dana, and that he could never ever talk about it."
Gabrielle: "Who the hell's Dana?"
Lynette: "That's the mystery part."
Susan: "I figure Dana has something to do with what Mary Alice was trying to hide."
Lynette: "So somebody found out Mary Alice’s secret..."
Bree: "...and sent the note."
Gabrielle: "So who the hell is that?"
Susan shrugs.


The detective lays a copy of the purple stationary next to Mary Alice's note in front of Paul.

Detective: "The stationary is particle #17, 100% cotton. It is made by Cyprus Office Products. In stores in twelve cities, including yours. We traced that postmark back to your local post office."
Paul: "Meaning?"
Detective: "Meaning that the blackmailer is probably someone you know. A neighbor, milkman, pool boy, soccer mom..."
Paul: "Soccer mom?"
Detective: "Mr. Young, sometimes evil drives a mini van. I had this gig once, tracking down this PTA mom, was hell-bent on landing her daughter a spot on the parade float. Fed anti-freeze to half the homecoming committee."
Paul: "Did you catch her?"
Detective: "Mr. Young, the people who hired me didn't hire me to catch her."


Lynette's House
Lynette puts away a book as Tom comes down the stairs. Lynette scurries around the kitchen, cleaning.

Tom: "Wow, honey, look, this place looks spotless!"
Lynette: Thanks."
Tom: Listen, I have come up with this killer idea for the Spotless Scrub campaign."
Lynette: "Great! You wanna run it by me?"
Tom: "No. I'm good. But, thanks."
Lynette: "Okay." She smiles and turns away.
Tom: "Well, that's the thing. You know how whenever I pitch in the boardroom at work, how Kennesey always tears my ideas down in front of the partners?"
Lynette: "Yeah?"
Tom: "I invited the partners and their wives over so I could pitch to them here. And I thought we could make a formal dinner for six. We could sit, we could..."
Lynette: "And when exactly would this formal dinner take place?"
Tom: "Uh ... day after tomorrow!"
Lynette: "Tom!
Tom: "Yeah, I know, I know, I know, I know I know it's short notice."
Lynette: "You think? How am I supposed to pull off a formal dinner with no warning?"
Tom: "I don't know. Bree Van de Kamp does this kind of thing all the time..."
Lynette stops what she's doing to stare at him.
Lynette: "What did you say?"
Tom: "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. That's - you know what, forget it. I'll call and I'll cancel. Don't worry about it."
Lynette: "No, no. Let’s, let's do it.
Tom: "Really?"
Lynette: "Yeah, it’s good for your career. I'll pull it off."
Tom comes over and kisses her.

Tom: "Yes. Honey, thank you. So much. You know, what, I promise. I land you this account, and I'm gonna buy you something awful pretty."
He goes back upstairs.

"Luckily for Tom, Lynette had a recipe for success..."
She opens the drawer with the pills, but upon taking it out, realizes that it's empty.

"...unfortunately for her, she was missing the secret ingredient."


Outside Gabrielle's House
Mama Solis is sitting on the front porch, reading. John turns off the lawn mower and goes to his truck to get something. His phone rings, so he answers it.

John: "Yeah?"
It's Gabrielle. She comes out on her balcony as she talks, looking down at him.

Gabrielle: "It's me. Don't turn around, my mother-in-law can see you."
John: "I hate that she's always watching us."
Gabrielle: "So meet me at the motel in an hour? John?"
John: "Uh, I've got plans."
Gabrielle: "So cancel."
John: "They're with Danielle. We're going to the movies."
Gabrielle: "That sounds like a date."
John: "Yeah."
Gabrielle: "Well, I have a problem with you seeing other girls."
John turns around to stare up at her as he talks.
John: "Well, I have a problem with you having a husband. I guess we'll both have to learn to deal."
He hangs up on her and stalks off, with Mama Solis watching him thoughtfully. Gabrielle, furious, storms into her bedroom, where she tosses the phone on her bed before going into the bathroom. John's phone rings and he looks at the caller ID, which reads "Mrs. Solis." He answers the phone.
John: "Don't even try to make it up to me by talking dirty"
The phone goes dead.

John: "Hello?"
Upstairs, in Gabrielle's bedroom, Mama Solis closes Gabrielle's cell phone, a look of smiling comprehension on her face. She puts the phone carefully back down on the bed.


Principal's Office
In the principal's office of Andrew's school, Rex and Bree are seated. Bree is reading from Madame Bovary while Rex sits quietly. The principal walks in. Principal Stark: "Mr. and Mrs. Van de Kamp. So, your son decided to entertain some of his friends yesterday by shoving a freshman’s head into a locker."
Bree: "This was the Johnson boy?"
Principal Stark: "Yes. He broke the boy’s nose. Because of our no tolerance policy, your son may face expulsion."
Rex: "You're going to ruin his whole future over a little rough housing? "
Bree: "Rex, this was practically assault."
Rex: "Mrs. Stark, what Andrew did was clearly wrong, but in his defense, his mother and I are going through severe marital problems."
Bree: "Is that relevant?"
Rex: "Our marriage is disintegrating. Of course Andrew is acting out. He has every right to be angry."
Bree: "If Andrew is angry about you moving out of the house, then perhaps he should shove your head into a locker!"
Rex: "All I'm saying, is that we need to take some of the responsibility here."
Bree: "And so does Andrew! Blaming his actions on our problems..." Bree turns to Principal Stark, "...which are not so serious..." she turns back to Rex, "...does not help him."
Rex: "Our problems are serious!"
Bree: "Mrs. Stark, you handle this however you see fit."
Rex: "Bree, I've gone to an attorney. You're gonna to be served with divorce papers later today."
Bree: "You went to an attorney?"
Rex: "Yeah! And a good one too!"
Bree: "Well he better be good, because when I'm finished with you, you won't have a cent to your name!"
Rex: "Bring it on!"
Principal Stark: "Perhaps detention is the way to go."


Susan's Bedroom
Susan gets dressed for her date with Mike.

Julie: "Mom, you're getting too dressed up."
Susan: "I know, but I wanna look really sexy."
Julie: "I told Mike I expect him to have you home by eleven."
Susan: "Hmm. How about midnight?"
Julie: "All right, but no later. You know how I worry. So, you, uh, got protection?"
Susan: "Oh my god. We are so not having this conversation."
Julie: "We are because I enjoy being an only child."
Susan: "Are you finished?"
Julie: "Almost. You know, I always assumed I would have sex for the first time before you would have it again."
Susan: "Okay, you can leave now."
She pushes Julie out of her bedroom, smiling, as she closes the door behind her.


Mike's House
Mike finishes getting dressed in a suit, and looks at himself in a mirror. He turns to Bongo, who's lying on the floor watching him.

Mike: "What do you think? Trying too hard? Well, what do you know, it’s 80 degrees outside and you're wearing fur."
He hears a knock on his front door, so he grabs his keys and opens the door. Standing there is a beautiful woman.

Kendra: "Hey, Mike."


Susan crosses the street in her dress to Mike's house. She sees Edie outside of Paul Young's house, putting up a For Sale sign, and stops to talk.

Susan: "Hey, Edie!"
Edie: "Wow! Get a load of you! You look so pretty. I hardly recognize you."
Susan: "Oh this?" Susan laughs. "Well, I have a date. Right now. With Mike. We kissed. FYI."
She walks up to Mike's house and knocks on the door. He opens it, looking uncomfortable. He steps out onto the porch with Susan, closing he door behind him.

Susan: "Ooo, love that jacket. Good choice."
Mike: "Um, look, Susan, I'm really sorry, but I've got to cancel. I had an -unexpected house guest."
The door opens from the inside, revealing Kendra.
Kendra: "Coming through! Oh, sorry. Hi, I'm Kendra."
Susan: "Susan."
Kendra: "I'm gonna run to the car and get my stuff."
Susan walks to the edge of the porch, looking at Kendra.
Mike: "I know how this looks, but there is nothing between us. Kendra is just an old friend."
Susan: "Old friend?"
Mike: "Yeah, you know..."
Susan: "Yeah. Yeah. No, actually no, I don't know. So, by old friend, do you mean college pal, bowling buddy, saved you from drowning?"
Mike: "It’s hard to explain."
Susan: "Could you give it a shot?"
Kendra returns.
Kendra: "Mike, I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower."
She goes inside.

Mike: "I promise, I'll make this up to you. And you look ... amazing."
Kendra (calling from inside): "Mike, where are the towels?" He turns and leaves.
Susan: "Thanks."

Susan is walking back to her house, hiding her face with her purse as she passes by Edie.

Edie: "Hey, how was your big date?"
Susan: "Mike had to reschedule."
Edie: "Oh. Because of the hot girl? With the suitcase? Over there? Gosh, how devastating for you. FYI."


Paul's House
Paul and Edie walk into the kitchen.

Paul: "Look, I just want to move this place fast. I'll do whatever we have to do."
Edie: "Well, that's good to know. You do realize that you're going to have to disclose the fact that your wife killed herself in the house.
Paul: "I am?"
Edie: "Oh, yeah. Legal crap. You know, people get really freaked out by suicides. You can't blame 'em. Hell, I get the willies just standing here."
Paul: "Is there any way to get around it?"
Edie: "Off the record? You could say that she shot herself in the living room, and then crawled out back to die. Well, I'm just saying! Oh, I've gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow."
She leaves. Paul sees that she's left behind some of her stuff and calls out to her.
Paul: "Edie, wait."

He notices that sticking out the leather folder is a piece of light purple stationary. He pulls it out to stare at it.

"Paul had always known Edie Brit was capable of doing anything to close a deal."
Paul opens up the container he was keeping Mary Alice's note in. He compares the two pieces of paper.
"But now he realized she was capable of so much more."


Gabrielle is jogging when she runs into Danielle, who was being dropped off by some friends. She stops to talk.

Gabrielle: "Hey, Danielle."
Danielle: "Hey, Mrs. Solis."
Gabrielle: "Oh, Danielle, remember when you said you wanted to be a model?"
Danielle: "You remember that? That was, like, last summer!"
Gabrielle: "Well, as it turns out, Pershing Modeling Academy has an opening for their summer program. Would you like me to sponsor you?"
Danielle: "Would I? Oh my god, that's like one of the best schools in the country! You would do that for me?"
Gabrielle: "I sure would."
Danielle: "I would so love to go to New York."
Gabrielle: "Oh, and I would so love to help you get there."


Jordana sits on a bench, watching her children play, when Lynette comes up to her.

Lynette: "Hey, Jordana!"
Jordana: "Hey Lynette, how are you? You look a little tired. Is everything okay?"
Lynette: "Actually, I'm getting ready for a dinner party tomorrow night. Six people."
Jordana: "Sounds fun."
Lynette: "Big fun. Say, you wouldn't have any of your kids ADD medication that you could spare just to get me over the hump?"
Jordana (calling to her kids): "Tina! Don't push your sister. Gosh Lynette, I'm really running low. I need all my energy I can get. My sister, Elaine, and her kids are flying in town for a week."
Lynette: "Yeah, that's exciting. I wish my sister would visit more often."
Jordana: "Yeah, sisters are great."
Lynette: "Yeah. Just three or four pills, I'm really hitting a wall here."
Jordana: "Yeah, the come down can be a real bitch. I wish I could help."
Lynette: "I'm not going to forget about this, Jordana."
Jordana: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Lynette: "It means come Girl Scout Cookie time, don't bother bringing little Tina, because we won't be home!"
She leaves.


Bree's House
Bree, Rex, Andrew, and Danielle sit at the dining room table. Danielle brushes her hair, Rex has a glass of soda in his hands, and Bree has a nearly empty wine glass in front of her.
Andrew: "What's this about?"
Rex: "You both know that your mother and I have been unhappy for quite a while. And after a lot of soul searching, we've decided it would be better if we got divorced."
Bree: "But whatever problems your father and I have, it doesn't change the fact that we love you very, very much,"
Andrew: "I've got a question."
Bree: "Go ahead sweetheart. Ask whatever you want."
Andrew: "Can I live with dad? I mean, c'mon, mom, let's face it. We drive each other crazy."

Bree sits still for a minute, then she and Rex look at each other.

Bree: "Is, is that what you would prefer, Danielle? To live with your father."
Danielle: "I don't really care, as long as I have my own bathroom."
Bree: "Um, all this, um, wine is, uh, giving me a headache."
She gets up and leaves the room. Rex looks after her.


Mike's House
Mike's maps are spread out over his kitchen table. Kendra leans over the table, looking at them.

Kendra: "Six weeks in the suburban jungle, and this is all you got?"
Mike: "There are over three hundred families in this subdivision. It will take time to check 'em all out."
Kendra: "Dad said the last time he saw you, you were ready to quit."
Mike: "Well, I changed my mind."
Kendra: "This is a gigantic waste of your time and my father’s money. "
Mike: "You afraid of the old man burning through your inheritance?"
Kendra: "That’s not funny. Mike, here’s the thing."
Mike: "What?"
Kendra: "Dad can't chase ghosts alone. If you stop, he'll have to accept it’s over. Let me have my father back."
Mike: "If I quit he'll just hire somebody else."
Kendra: "Not if you tell him there’s nothing here to find."
Mike: "Oh, I can't do that."
Kendra: "What happens when your girlfriend finds out you're not just this sweet, neighborly plumber? You're lying to her, Mike."


Susan's Garage
Susan and Lynette are looking through Susan’s garage. Susan takes a blanket from one of the boxes and tosses it to the side, pulling out something for Lynette.

Susan: "Oh, here it is."
Lynette: "Great, this will keep the crab dip warm. It took forever to shell the little buggers, but it'll be worth it."
Susan: "You shelled your own crabs? Okay, I don't want to butt in, but are you doing too much? Because you look exhausted."
Lynette: "Oh, I'm fine. I just need some coffee." Lynette kisses Susan. "Thank you."
She starts to walk away. Susan notices the blanket she put aside before.

Susan: "Oh my god, look at this embroidery."
Lynette: "'Dana.' Where did this come from?"
Susan: "Paul Young’s garage sale."
Lynette: "Dana. Wow. Dana was a baby."
Lynette rubs her fingers over the blanket.


Outside of Bree's House
Rex brings Andrew outside, with his hand over Andrew's eyes.
Rex: "Surprise!"
Andrew: "No way!"
Rex: "Yep."
Andrew: "No way!"
Rex: "Yeah, it’s all yours! Here are the keys."
Bree comes outside.

Bree: "Rex, what’s this about?"
Rex: "I went and splurged a little. Oh Danielle, here’s your present." 
He pulls a suitcase out of the back.
Danielle: "Luggage?"
Rex: "Yeah. It’s to take with you to the Pershing Modeling Academy. I'm footing the entire bill."
Danielle: "You mean that I can really go to New York?"
Bree: "Wait a minute. What's all this about a modeling academy?"
Danielle: "It’s my new career. Mrs. Solis is sponsoring me."
Bree: "Oh, is she now! And when you were planning on telling me?"
Rex: "She told me, and I think it’s a great idea."
Bree: "Don't you two see what he is doing? He’s trying to get you on his side. He’s trying to buy your love."
Rex: "Oh for God’s sake, don't be paranoid!"
Bree: "A car? A modeling academy? You should have discussed these gifts with me first. I'm sorry kids, but we cannot accept them."
Andrew: "Dad, you can't let her do this!"
Rex: "Bree, we just told the kids we're getting divorced. Isn't it time to spoil them a little?"
Bree: "I said no."
Rex: "You know what, they're my kids too, and I can give them anything I want."
He takes the keys from Bree's hands and puts them in Andrew's hand.
Rex: "There you go!"
Andrew: "Yes!"
Danielle: "Thank you Daddy!"
The kids get in the car and drive away.
Bree glares at Rex. He stands to face her, triumphant. She watches her kids drive away, passing by the Solis residence as Gabrielle pulls up in her car.

Bree storms over to where Gabrielle is removing shopping bags from her car.

Bree: "Did you offer to help Danielle get into modeling school?"
Gabrielle: "What? Uh, yes, no, um, is that how she heard it?"
Bree: "Yes. Gabrielle, did you, or did you not offer to sponsor her?"
Gabrielle: "I just wanted to help out."
Bree: "It’s in New York, for God’s sakes, why on earth would you suggest that?"
Gabrielle: "It’s her dream, and don't you want her to be happy?"
Bree: "No, and in the future I would appreciate you keeping your ridiculous ideas to yourself!"
Gabrielle: "Bree..."
Bree leaves, furious.

John, who heard the conversation, looks at Gabrielle with hostility, and then turns away.

Gabrielle: "John...John..."
Gabrielle runs after him.

John: "You're so jealous of Danielle, you try to ship her off to New York?"
Gabrielle: "I'm not jealous. I just don't like to share."
John: "Well, you know what, I quit. The yard. Us. Everything!"
Gabrielle: "Oh, don't be that way."
John: "Well, what’s the point if we can never be together? You know, an hour here, an hour there."
Gabrielle: "I don't want us to end on a bad note. Carlos has this black tie thing tonight. I could slip..."
John: "Mrs. Solis..."
Gabrielle: "John, please, what we had was so special. I think it deserves a proper goodbye."
She runs her hand down John’s tank top.
John: "We'd still be over though..."
Gabrielle: "Of course!"
Mama Solis, hiding around the corner, smiles, as she eats something.


Neighbor's House
Lynette and the neighbor watch their kids scream and play in the backyard.

Lynette: "I knew this play date was a good idea."
Woman: "Oh, yeah. Thank you for suggesting it. Your boys are the only ones I know who could tire out Timmy."
Lynette: "Yep. He's a feisty one."
The woman laughs and agrees.

Lynette: "Hey, word on the street is that you've been medicating Timmy..."
Woman: "Oh yeah, for his ADD. The pills have been a godsend."
Lynette: "I bet...can I use your bathroom?"
In the bathroom, she closes the door behind her, then quickly flushes the toilet, then turns on the water in the sink. She opens up the medicine cabinet and takes down the ADD pill container. She opens it and swallows one, then puts the container back.
"As Lynette swallowed the stolen medication of an eight-year-old child, she vowed she'd never again sink to such depths..."
Lynette takes the bottle again and pours a handful into her hand.
"... any time soon."


Paul's House
Sitting in a car, Paul and Mr. Shaw look at Mary Alice's note, comparing it with the stationary from Edie.

Mr. Shaw: "Well, looks like you've got your blackmailer. Is it time to bring in the police?"
Paul: "That’s not really an option for me. Before my wife shot herself, we lived a life that I was proud of. We loved each other. We had values. We went to church. We gave to charity. We were good people Mr. Shaw."
Mr. Shaw: "I believe you."
Paul: "That’s why it’s so incomprehensible to me that Edie Brit would try to destroy us."
Mr. Shaw: "Well, you've suffered a great loss. For your pain to heal, that’s going to take some time."
Paul: "I can't wait, I need help now."
Mr. Shaw: "For five grand she’s hurt. For ten grand she’s gone."


Outside of Bree's House
Andrew and Danielle drive up to Bree's house. Outside of the house are all of their possessions. Bree methodically adds more items to the piles on the lawn.

Danielle: "Mom, what’s going on?"
Bree: "Oh, I'm throwing you out. I've separated all your things into two sides. One side is yours, Danielle, and the other one is Andrews."
Andrew: "Okay, you've lost it."
Danielle: "Where are we supposed to live?"
Bree: "Darned if I know. Uh, Danielle, everything in the north quadrant of your side is clothes and books and such, and the south side are miscellaneous items."
Andrew: "Mom, this isn't going to work. Okay, I'm not giving up my car."
Bree: "That’s a smart idea, because you're probably going to have to sleep in it for a while."
Danielle (while picking up her items): "Mom, you can't stop us from going back inside the house."
Bree: "Oh, no? That's Mr. Conlan, the locksmith. He's been very helpful today. Of course, I could give you the new keys, which would mean you'd have to adhere to my rules, which would include giving back your father's gifts."
Danielle: "Okay, fine, you win. I won't go to New York."
Bree drops a key into Danielle's hand and then looks expectantly at Andrew. He shakes his head. Andrew: "I'm outta here."

Outside Paul Young's House
Mike and Kendra start up towards the open house that Edie is having for Paul Young's house.
Kendra: "An open house in the suburbs? This is beyond quiche."
Mike: "Behave yourself. It’s one of the houses on the street I've had a hard time getting into."
Kendra: "God, I wish you would let this go."
They pass by Edie who overhears the first part of their conversation.
Mike: "I'm taking you out for drinks tonight. There’s this cowboy bar called the Saddle Ranch, you need to see."
Kendra: "Why?"
Mike: "It’s the last place anybody ever saw your sister."
Susan walks up to the house and runs into Edie.

Edie: "Susan! What brings you here?"
Susan: "I just wanted to say goodbye to Mary Alice’s house, before somebody else moved in."
Edie: "Aw, that sounds almost plausible."
Susan: "I beg your pardon?"
Edie: "Oh, come on. We both know why you're here, and the answer is yes, they are having sex. No question."
Susan: "You don't know what you are talking about. They're just friends."
Edie: "Hmm, think so? I overheard them saying they're going to the Saddle Ranch tonight. For drinks. And dancing."
Susan: "So friends can do that."
Edie: "Oh my god, I just want to slap and shake you."
Edie walks away.

Susan sees Kendra touch Mike’s stomach playfully.
Susan: "Where did you say they were going tonight?"
Susan runs after Edie.


Saddle Ranch

Susan: "I don't know why I let you talk me into coming here. There is obviously nothing going on between them."
Edie: "Where are you going?"
Susan: "I'm going to the bathroom and I'm going home. I don't want Mike to catch me here."
Edie: "It’s only been ten minutes. She could be waiting to make her move."
In the background, a man rides a mechanical bull.
Edie: "Oh come on, you're not gonna beat a girl like that by knocking off early."
Susan: "It’s not a competition."
Edie: "The hell it isn't."
Susan: "Good night, Edie."
Edie: "Suit yourself. But for the record, I was rooting for you to land him."
Susan: "And why would you root for me?"
Edie: "Well, I figured it would be easier for me to steal Mike from you than her - she seems like fun!"


Gabrielle's Bedroom
Gabrielle lies on the bed, in a bathrobe. Carlos and Mama Solis stand by the bed.

Carlos: "Just take some antacid."
Gabrielle: "It’s not those kind of cramps."
Carlos: "This is a business dinner. It’s important."

Gabrielle groans.

Mama Solis: "Relax. You and I can go alone. Gabrielle can stay here and get better."
Carlos: "Fine. I'll see you in a couple of hours."
Gabrielle: "Okay. Take good care of Carlos."
Mama Solis: "Oh, I always do."
She closes the door behind her and Gabrielle gets off of the bed.


Saddle Ranch
Susan starts to leave when she notices Edie riding the mechanical bull in the center of the ring. She bends over to pick up the hat that Edie threw to her. When she stands up, Mike is standing there.

Susan: "Mike! What a small, small world."
Mike: "Yeah, it sure is. I caught Edie hiding in the back."
Susan: "No kidding, is she here?"
Slowly, Mike turns his head to where Edie is playing to the crowd.

Mike: "Yeah. Yeah, she said, uh, the jig is up, and then she went to ride the bull. Oh, and she said you two came together."
Susan: "Oh, well, yeah, we, we did, uh, I just thought she left."
Mike: "Are you following me?"
Susan: "What? No, no, I just came here, you know, with Edie. We, just, love to ride that bull."
Mike: "You ride the bull."
Susan: "Yeah, yeah, it’s a real rush."
Mike: "Come on, Susan, give me a break."
Susan: "No, you give me a break! I did not follow you here, and even if I had followed you here, it’s because you've been so secretive about Kendra."
Mike: "Kendra and I are friends."
Susan: "And I came here to ride the bull!"
She plops Edie's hat on her head and a nearby cowboy hears her and dings the triangle he has in his hand. He lets out a whoop and calls out "We've got another one to ride the bull!"

Susan’s eyes go wide. Mike backs away to watch. Cowboy: "Okay little doggie, you're up!"
Susan: "Oh fun. I'm a doggie."
She steps into the ring where the bull is and looks over at Mike, who smirks at her. She throws her purse to Mike, pulls up her shirt, and ties it. The crowd of mostly men catcalls at her.

"Woo, baby, woo!"

Susan: "Oh, yeah, I'm here to ride the bull. Check it out! Okay! Yeah! Woo! Baby! Woo!"
She tosses the hat into the crowd. It hits a man, who falls onto the controls for the bull. The bull starts to buck, and Susan, not yet on it, falls over, landing hard on the rubber mat.


Rex's Hotel Room

Rex: "Andrew, you promised you'd stay with your mother. That’s why I gave you the car."
Andrew: "Dad, she wants me out! She put all my stuff on the front lawn."
Rex: "This is ridiculous. I'm going to call her, and I'm going to smooth all this out. you're going home."
Rex picks up the phone. Andrew grabs it and puts it down.
Andrew: "No, Dad why? Now I can live with you without feeling guilty. It will be perfect. It will be like our own little bachelor pad."
Rex walks away.

Andrew: "What?"
Rex: "Son, that’s not gonna happen."
Andrew: "Why not?"
Rex: "Andrew, these past few months have been incredibly difficult for me. There are a lot of things that I've got to work out for myself, and I can't do that if you're living with me. I'm sorry."
Andrew: "I don't care. All right. I'm not going back there. "
Rex: "I don't think you have a choice."
Andrew: "But Dad..."
Rex: "Uh-uh."
Andrew storms out. Rex calls after him.

Rex: "Oh, come on now, don't!"


Andrew's Car
Andrew makes a call on his cell phone.

Andrew: "Keith? Yeah, it’s me. Do you still have that fake ID? Yeah, I've got to go home and kiss my mother’s ass. I am not going to it sober!"
He drives off.


Lynette's House
Tom and his guests are in the living room while Lynette works in the kitchen. As they laugh and joke, Lynette brings out a plate of desserts and sets it on the coffee table.
Woman: "Oh, the desserts are wonderful. Lynette, do you need any help?"
Lynette: "I've got it covered, no problem."
In the living room, Tom outlines his ideas to his boss.

Boss: "Okay, Scavo, you're up. Let's here this genius idea of yours."
Tom: "Okay. Uh, okay. The single greatest obstacle facing Spotless Scrub is a lack of visibility. We need to concentrate ads in places where women spend a majority of their time."
Lynette, smiling, listens from the kitchen as she prepares more dessert.

Tom: "For example, large chain grocery stores. Picture Spotless Scrub ads on the side of every mother’s shopping cart."
Boss: "Interesting."
Lynette: "Oh, you know what would be even better? Dry cleaning bags."
Tom: "What?"
Lynette: "No, really, hear me out. Put a big Spotless Scrub ad between a woman and her cashmere sweater, and I guarantee you'll get her attention."
Tom: "Honey, honey, that's great. I'm in the middle of a thing here."
Lynette (still smiling): "Oh!"
Boss's wife: "She’s got a point. And those dry cleaning bags hang in our closets forever, and so it is like constant advertising."
Lynette: "Exactly!"
Tom: "You know, maybe there's a way that we can work that in - "
Boss: "You know, this is kind of a fantastic idea. Can we go nationwide with this?"
Lynette: "Why not? Start by targeting the top chain, then branch out from there. Boom, boom, boom. Mass saturation. Oh, and you know what else would be a great idea? Here's the thing ..."

"While Lynette was commanding everyone's attention..."

Saddle Ranch

"...Susan was trying to remain inconspicuous."

Susan: "Everybody’s looking at me, aren't they?"
Mike: "Just the slapstick fans."
Susan: "Oh God, why couldn't I have just have been knocked unconscious?"
Kendra: "Beer?"
Susan: "Absolutely. Oh. Ow! Ow, ow."
Mike: "Susan, this is Kendra."
Susan: "We've been introduced."
Mike: "No, this is Kendra. We've been friends for years. She’s here on a visit. She’s leaving tomorrow. That’s it."
Kendra: "It's true. I have no designs on this man whatsoever."
Mike: "I'll be right back."
He leaves Kendra and Susan alone at their table.

Kendra: "Sorry about the misunderstanding,"
Susan: "Me, too."
Kendra: "So, how long have you two been seeing each other?"
Susan: "Well, you sort of interrupted our first date. But up until then, smoking hot tension. Sounds pathetic, I know."
Kendra: "No, I think it’s good to take it slow. you'd be smart to be careful."
Susan: "Any particular reason?"
Kendra: "Look, Mike’s a wonderful guy, really. But you should ask him why he moved to Wisteria Lane. It’s one hell of a story."
Mike: "Here, I got some ice. Here ya go."
Susan: "Thanks."
Mr. Shaw walks into the Saddle Ranch and spots Edie, who's saying good night to a group of men. He comes up to her.

Mr. Shaw: "Hey, there."
Edie: "Well, good evening! Have a seat."


Gabrielle's Bedroom
Gabrielle and John collapse on her bed, spent.

John: "I could get used to this whole closure thing,"
Gabrielle: "I love long good byes."


Outside Gabrielle's House
Mama Solis gets out of a taxi cab, talking to the driver.

"Wait around the corner. I'll be right back."
She rushes into the house and into Gabrielle's bedroom, where the light from the hallway falls onto Gabrielle and John, kissing on the bed. Mama Solis holds a camera up to her eye and looks through it, snapping a picture.

"Smile, Gabrielle."
Mama Solis leaves. John pushes Gabrielle off of him and grabs his clothing. Gabrielle gets off of the bed calmly and goes to her closet, where she begins carrying clothing to the bed, where she's placed a suitcase.

Gabrielle: "Well, that’s it then."
John: "Where are you going? he had a camera, we've got to catch her. Mrs. Solis, your husband's gonna kill us. Come on!"
He rushes downstairs.

Mama Solis: "Leave me alone!"
John: "Gimme that camera right now!"
Mama Solis: "Shut up!"
John: "I'm not kidding, old woman!"
Mama Solis: "Stay away from me! Don't touch me!"
She hits him and he falls on the floor. She rushes out of the house, running and looking behind her. A car careens around the corner. She stops in the middle of the road as it speeds towards her. Shocked, she can only stand there. As Gabrielle packs, she can hear tires screeching, and then a thud. She looks out the window and her jaw falls open. The car speeds away. Gabrielle runs out of the house. Mama Solis lies motionless in the middle of the street. John joins Gabrielle outside. He starts to head towards Mama Solis, but Gabrielle stops him.
Gabrielle: "No, no you go home. I'll take care of this. And you were never here. Go. Go."
Gabrielle runs towards Mama Solis. The taxi driver comes running.
Taxi Driver: "Did you see that? The guy came barreling around the corner and just hit her."
Gabrielle: "Do you have a cell phone?"
Taxi Driver: "Yeah."
Gabrielle: "Call 911."
He runs to his cab.
Gabrielle stares at Mama Solis, looks around, and then takes the camera lying next to her, putting it in her robe pocket. The car that hit Mama Solis pulls into a driveway. Its right front headlight is smashed in. Inside the driver's seat is Andrew, who's breathing hard. He looks behind him.



"As Juanita hovered dangerously close to the white light, Lynette and Tom were heading into a black void."
Lynette: "I was just participating."
Tom: "No, your participation was supposed to be limited to making dinner, not making my ideas look bad."
Lynette: "Well, maybe you need better ideas. I'm sorry-I’m sorry, I didn't mean that."
Tom: "No, no no no no. We both know that your career was going so much better than mine before we had kids. You never let me forget that."
Lynette: "That is not fair!"
Tom: "You are always competing with me, and judging by tonight, you know what, you still are!"
Lynette: "Tom, I am sorry about tonight. Truly, but these days, if I'm competing with anyone, it’s the Bree Van de Kamps of the world with their spotless kitchens, and their perfect kids, who throw fabulous parties where nothing ever goes wrong. I try so hard to keep up, but I can't."
Tom: "Lynette, that’s not my expectation."
Lynette: "And when you work on a pitch, or you bring the partners over, I am reminded of a world I left behind where I was the winner, and people tried to keep up with me! I can't go back. I can't win where I am. I'm stuck in the middle, and it is really starting to get to me."
Tom: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. For your information, I thought you threw an amazing dinner party tonight. I was thrilled! I don't know how you pulled it all together."
They look at each other.

Lynette: "Yeah, well."
Tom: "And whether you believe it or not, everyone who knows you thinks that you are a great wife and mother."
Lynette: "No, they don't."
Tom: "Yes they do - especially me."
Lynette: "Thanks."
He pauses.
Tom: "What’s wrong with your eyes?"
Lynette: "Nothing, I'm tired."
Tom: "Turn around, I want to look at you."
Lynette: "I'm fine, really...what’s going on outside?"


EMS technicians rush to Mama Solis's side while neighbors watch. Gabrielle sits on the steps to her house, watching. Lynette and Tom rush up to Bree.

Bree: "Oh my god, thank god you're here. Will you go take care of Gabrielle? I have to go home for a minute."


Bree's House
Bree rushes into her house. Andrew is standing there, leaning against a counter, looking shaken.

Bree: "Oh Andrew, thank god you're back. I need your help, honey. There‘s been an accident. Andrew?"
Andrew (crying): "Mama."
Bree: "Andrew..."
Bree is on the phone.

Bree: "Rex, you need to come home. Something's happened, and we need you."
Danielle and Andrew hold each other's hands.


"Competition, it means different things to different people. But whether it’s a friendly rivalry..."
At the Saddle Ranch, Susan watches Mike and Kendra head towards the door.

"...or a fight to the death,"
Edie and Mr. Shaw drink together.

"the end result is the same. There will be winners -"
Gabrielle watches Mama Solis taken away on a stretcher.
"and there will be losers."
Lynette, drawn and tired-looking, looks at herself in the mirror. She looks at the pills in her hand.

"Of course, the trick is to know which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without a price."

Quietly, Rex drives Andrew's car into a small garage. Bree stands at the entrance and looks around, and once he gets out of the car, the two of them close the garage door.

~ The End ~

蹲票 8#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:35:38 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.08 - Guilty

Guest stars
"Martha Huber" - Christine Estabrook
"Andrew Van De Kamp" - Shawn Pyfrom
"Mr. Shaw" - Richard Roundtree
"Mama Solis" - Lupe Ontiveros
"Danielle Van De Kamp" - Joy Lauren
"Dr. Chang" - Freda Foh Shen
"Father Crowley" - Jeff Doucette
"Parker Scavo" - Zane Huett
"Porter Scavo" - Shane Kinsman
"Preston Scavo" - Brent Kinsman
"Lori Jean" - Dayna Devon
"Phil the Tile Guy" - Tony Winters
"Nurse" - Roz Witt
Written by: Kevin Murphy
Directed by: Fred Gerber

Focus in on a Bible being opened.
Mary Alice begins speaking.

"There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do."

Pull out to see that Bree opened the Bible and is reading from it. "But Bree Van de Kamp did. In fact, Bree had spent most of her life, feeling guilty."
Flashbacks showing the images of what Mary Alice is speaking of. "As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight A’s...
...As a teenager, she felt guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base...
...As a newlywed, she felt guilty about taking three weeks to get out her thank you cards...
...she knew the transgressions of her past were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit."
The Van de Kamp family is all in the living room. Danielle and Rex are seated while Andrew paces, and Bree looks through the Bible.
Danielle: "Couldn't we just go to the police and tell them it was an accident?"
Rex: "This wasn't some simple DUI. Not only was your brother drinking, Andrew left the scene of the crime. That makes it a hit and run."
Andrew: "Maybe I could go to Canada, you know, until the statute of limitations is up."
Danielle: "Do you really think mom and dad are going to foot the bill while you go moose hunting for seven years?"
Rex: "If Carlos?mother dies, there is no statute of limitations."
Danielle: "Right. Because then it’s murder."
Andrew: "Shut up!"
Danielle: "You shut up!"
Andrew: "How could it be murder, it was an accident!"
Bree: "We have to get rid of the car. But we can't sell it. The police might find it, and there could be DNA. We take the car to a bad part of town. We'll leave the keys in the ignition and the doors unlocked. If the police don't find it, we'll get the insurance money, and if they do, it wasn't in our possession. Anyone could have hit Mrs. Solis."
Andrew: "That sounds good!"
Rex: "Bree, are you sure?"
Bree: "Our son could spent the rest of his life in jail. I won't allow that."
Bree stands up and puts the Bible away.
"Bree knew what she was about to do was wrong, but like most sinners, she would worry about her guilt tomorrow."
Bree: "Well everybody should, uh, go wash up. We're having pancakes for breakfast."


"Not since my own suicide had violence intruded upon the serenity of life on Wisteria Lane in such a conspicuous fashion. And needless to say, my friends attacked the problem head on."
Lynette, Susan, and Bree are all in the middle of the street, trying to clean off the skid marks on the road.

"Lynette brought the broom. Susan brought the trash bags. And Bree brought the industrial strength solvent."

Lynette: "Woo. That stuff is strong!"
Bree: "It has to be, I don't want Gabrielle and Carlos coming home to this ugly reminder in front of their house."
Lynette: "So, has anyone been over there?"
Susan: "Julie and I went over this morning."
Bree: "How is Juanita doing?"
Susan: "She’s been in a coma ever since she came out of ER. Nobody knows when or even if she'll wake up."
Lynette: "This is awful. Carlos must be just devastated."
Susan: "I hope she wakes soon. Maybe she can tell us who was driving that car."
Bree: "We can only hope."
A red car zips around the corner and speeds past the women. Lynette stands up, shouting after the car.

Lynette: "Slow down, you jerk, this is a residential neighborhood."
She throws her sponge at the car and it bounces off of the car's hood.

Susan: "Wow, that’s quite a pitching arm you've got there."
Lynette: "It pisses me off. I've got four kids, you know. I was up all night reading statistics online. One out of every four traffic accidents happens on residential streets. I hope whoever hit Juanita gets put away for life."
Bree: "don't you think that’s a little bit extreme?"
Lynette: "An innocent woman gets hit by a car and the driver just takes off? I don't think it’s extreme."


Carlos and Gabrielle are in Mama Solis's hospital room. Carlos sits by the bed and Gabrielle checks her nails as she sits on the dresser. Gabrielle: "You should go home and get some rest, eat something. You have a ton of messages from work--Tanaka called; said it was urgent. Carlos, I can stay here with your mother."
Carlos: "I need to be here if she wakes up."
Gabrielle: "You can't go on like this. You have to take care of yourself."
Carlos: "And what if she dies? People slip into comas all the time and never come out."
Gabrielle: "Don't say that! We need to stay positive."
The door opens and John sticks his head in.

John: "Mr. and Mrs. Solis?"
Gabrielle: "John!"
John: "Is it okay if I come in?"
Carlos: "Of course."
John: "Mr. Solis, I'm so sorry this happened."
Carlos: "It means a lot that you came."
They embrace.

Carlos: "Look, I think I'm gonna to go down to the chapel and pray. You want to come?"
Gabrielle: "Um, no, I think I will stay here with mama."
John: "Is it all right if I come?"
Carlos: "Of course, we need all the prayers we can get."
John leaves the flowers he had brought for Mama Solis on the table by her bed, then leaves with Carlos. Gabrielle is annoyed. A nurse comes in with a bucket of water.

Nurse: "Mrs. Solis, it’s time for her sponge bath."
Gabrielle: "Come again?"
Nurse: "Sometimes family members prefer to administer sponge baths themselves."
Gabrielle: "I think I'll pass."


Mrs. Huber's House
Mrs. Huber is neatly packing luggage on the kitchen table when her front door opens and Edie comes in.

Edie: "Martha. Where’s your purse?"
Martha: "Over there, why?"
Edie walks over to the purse without saying a word and opens it.

Martha: "What are you doing?"
Edie: "I am taking back the $40 that you stole out of my purse."
Martha: "Edie!"
Edie: "We both know you did it, now hand it over!"
Martha: "I have taken nothing from your purse, and if you're missing money, I'd ask one of those strange men you parade through here at all hours."
She grabs the purse from Edie and walks away.

Edie: "I am not going to apologize for having a healthy sex life!"
Martha: "Healthy? I'm going to have to burn every sheet you've touched."
Edie: "I want my money."
Martha: "And I want those non-fat peach yogurts. They didn't just walk out of that fridge by themselves."
Edie: "Well you can deduct it from the $40 that you're going to give me, now!"
Martha: "You're my best friend, why would I steal from you?"
Edie: "It’s no secret that you've been having financial problems. I hear you bitching on the phone to your bank."
Martha: "That’s it! I can put up with your debauchery and your food theft, but I will not tolerate spying. I want you out."
Edie: "You don't mean that."
Martha: "Oh yes I do. I'm leaving tomorrow to visit my sister for a few days. I want you gone by the time I get back."
Edie: "I'll do one better. I will leave today."
She takes her purse and leaves. Once she's gone, Mrs. Huber reaches into her blouse and removes some money, which she then puts into her purse.


Dr. Chang's Office
Lynette is lying on a table while Dr. Chang, an acupuncturist, places needles into her forehead.

Lynette: I hope this works. My sleep cycle is totally out of whack. I'm up all night, I'm dozing off during the day."
Dr. Chang: "Trust me, this will do the trick. In fact, you should be feeling more relaxed already."
Lynette: "You know, you're right."
Faintly, from outside of the room, calls and shouts from Lynette's kids can be heard.

Lynette: "Boys, I can hear you out there. Now be quiet. Just sit there and color."
Dr. Chang: "Now is not a good time to be moving."
Lynette: "Oh, yeah. Sorry."
Dr. Chang: "Just block everything out, and let it go. Imagine that you're in a forest. There’s a babbling brook nearby, and the wind is just coming through the trees..."
Parker comes through the door, dragging a plastic tree.

Parker: "Mommy."
Lynette: "Parker! I don't know --ow!--what you think that you're doing, but put that back where it belongs!"
Lynette: "I'm sorry. You were saying something about wind?"
Dr. Chang: "I was just creating a soothing image."
Lynette: "Oh, for the love of God!"
She gets off the table and opens up the door to where her boys are waiting.

Lynette: "Knock it off, you little monsters."
Dr. Chang: "Mrs. Scavo, please lie down. we need to finish this."
Lynette: "Look, I'm on my last nerves, so I'm going to level with you. I've screwed up my entire system by taking my system by taking my  kids? ADD medication. Yeah, that’s right, you heard me. I plan to stop, but right now I need to sleep, and I need more than a few, crappy, needles, so whattya got?"
Dr. Chang: "I'm not licensed to write prescriptions."
Lynette: "I know you're not."
The acupuncturist goes to her cabinet and removes a small bag of herbs. She turns to Lynette.

Dr. Chang: "This will put you right to sleep. It’s a very powerful herbal remedy. Now promise me you're going to use it judiciously?"
Lynette: "Sure. Whatever."


Mike's House
Susan knocks on Mike's screen door.

Susan: "Knock, knock!"
Mike: "Hey! Come on in!"
Susan: "you're a mess."
Mike: "Ah, yeah, I'm tearing out these leaky pipes in the upstairs 
bathroom. Wall to wall rotten wood."
Susan: "Sounds like a job. So, Julie said that you came by before?"
Mike: "Um.. Yeah. Uh... yeah, I was thinking about driving up to the Girmany vineyard tomorrow for this wine tasting, and, um.."
Susan: "What time do you want me to be ready?"
Mike: "How about six?"
Susan: "Six is good."
Mike: "All right. I thought maybe afterwards, we could have a little dinner, maybe some dancing."
Susan: "Sounds great. Um, you do know that it’s like a two-hour drive up there. And isn't that kind of late to be coming back?"
Mike: "I thought if, you know, worse came to worse, we could grab a room..."
Susan: "Oh? Like a hotel room?"
Mike: "Yeah, as a last resort."
Susan: "Of course, of course, yes. So, maybe we should make reservations, you know, just in case."
Mike: "Yeah, I found some hotels online. Let me get a printout."

She laughs and he goes upstairs. Bongo, who had been off in the corner, comes towards Susan.

Susan: "Hey, Bongo, come here. You want a treat? Hey Mike, where do you keep the dog biscuits?"
Mike: "I'm sorry, what?"
Susan: "Oh, never mind! We'll just find them ourselves. We'll go find them ourselves."
She opens up one of Mike's cabinets and, in plain view, are stacks of money and a gun. Susan takes out a couple of stacks of money and looks at them.

Mike comes down the stairs.

Mike: "I'm sorry Susan. I couldn't hear you. What did you say?"
Susan: "Nothing. It’s not important."
She quickly puts the money back and closes the cabinet. The phone rings.

Mike: "It’s my tile guy. Here, see what looks good."
He hands her the printout of hotels and answers the phone.

Mike: "Hey Phil. Um, no. No. Tomorrow morning I'm making a lumber run. It’s no good. Uh, no, I'll be gone tomorrow night, too."
Susan: "I could let him in."
Mike: "No, that’s okay."
Susan: "No, it’s fine, just give me the key. I'll be around all day."
Mike: "All right. Thanks. Phil, I'll give the key to my neighbor. 
She'll be here to let you in."


A car drives down the street of an old, worn-out neighborhood.

"Like every city, Fairview had a neighborhood that was less than desirable. It was an accepted fact: anyone who lingered there after midnight was usually up to no good. Rex and Bree Van de Kamp were no exception."
The car stops and Bree gets out. In a nonchalant manner, she walks around the car and heads towards Rex, who's parked in his own car in a darkened alleyway, with a perfect view of the car Bree had driven. 

She gets into the car with Rex.

Rex: "You really think this is gonna work?"
Bree: "This is the most impoverished neighborhood in the city. Trust me, somebody will steal the car."
Rex: "How can you be so sure?"
Bree: "Because I have faith in the poor."


Paul's House
On the television is a home video of Mary Alice wearing a party hat. As the video plays, Paul watches it as he talks.

Paul: "She’s so beautiful. I shot this last year on her birthday. How you going to do it?"
Mr. Shaw: "I made contact with her at a bar. She thinks I'm a real estate developer."
Paul: "Is she going to suffer?"
Mr. Shaw: "No. Edie Britt will disappear, and you'll go back to your life."
Paul: "Before you do it, do you think you should ask her why she sent this note to my wife?"
Mr. Shaw: "You can't think like that, Mr. Young. You can't give in to your curiosity. Curiosity leads to guilt. Guilt leads to talking. You still have questions?"
Paul sighs and shakes his head no.

Mr. Shaw: "I want to be clear about something. When I walk away with this cash, it’s done. No refunds. No buyer's remorse."
Paul: "I get it."
Mr. Shaw: "We won't talk again so I'll ask one more time: are you sure you want this?"
Paul: "My wife is dead because of Edie Britt. I absolutely want this."
He touches her face on the TV screen.


Rex's Car
Rex and Bree sit relaxed in the car, watching the car Bree left behind.

Rex: "you've been awfully quiet."
Bree: "I had just been...thinking about the kids. They sure grew up quickly, didn't they?"
Rex: "They sure did."
Bree: "I remember telling them when they were babies that they weren't allowed to get any bigger because they were so adorable. And we were so happy."
Rex: "Yeah, well..."
Bree: "They sure didn't turn out like we expected them to."
Rex: "No, they didn't."
Bree: "We could have been better parents."
Rex: "We weren't that bad."
Bree: "We still have so much to teach them. For starters, we need to get across to Andrew the enormity of what he’s done."
Rex: "I don't - I suppose we could punish them."
Bree: "All right, then what’s the appropriate punishment for a child who drives over a woman?"
Rex: "I...I don't know."
Bree: "You know, no matter how the kids turn out, I still love them. "
Rex: "Of course, you do."
Bree: "But I'll never forgive them for growing up so quickly."
Rex: "Hey, look."
A man stands by the car on the street, looks around, then quickly gets into the car and drives away.

Susan's House
Susan packs as she talks with Julie.
Susan: "And then I opened the cabinet and there was all this money in it. I mean, there was wads of it."
Julie: "That’s why you're freaking out? A few stacks of cash? Come on."
Susan: "Well what? Realistically, I've known this guy a few weeks. I mean, he could be a hit man for the mob!"
Julie: "If you really think that, why are going on a trip with him?"
Susan: "I never get out of the house."
Julie: "Mom, if you really need something to freak out about, just remember that you're going to spend the night with Mike in a hotel. No man has seen you naked in years, except your doctor."
Susan: "Yeah, and he retired. I try not to take that personally."
She puts on a sweater.

Julie: "You look old in that."
Susan: "Maybe I am being silly, but going to a hotel with a man is a big deal to me. What if Mike is hiding something?"
Julie: "Like what?"
Susan: "I don't know."
A horn honks outside.

Julie: "That’s Dad. I gotta go. Now, listen to me. No more freaking out. I need this weekend to go well."
Susan: "Why do you care so much?"
Julie: "Because I'm gonna have a husband of my own someday, and I really don't want you living with us."


Gabrielle's House
The four Van de Kamps are visiting Carlos and Gabrielle.
Bree: "Are the lady fingers okay?"
Gabrielle: "Oh, they're terrific. We just appreciate you all stopping by."
Bree: "We just want you to know how much we care."
Rex: "So, have the police come up with any leads?"
Gabrielle: "Not really. They'll be able to determine the make and model of the car, but without any eye witnesses, no one seems very optimistic."
Bree: "Well, more importantly, is there any good news about Juanita?"
Gabrielle: "No change. All we can do is wait and hope for the best."
Danielle: "We put her on our prayer list at church."
Gabrielle: "Oh, that’s very sweet, Danielle, thank you."
Carlos: "It must really help during times like these--having kids."
Rex: "Yeah, they're a blessing."
Carlos: "Children make everything worthwhile. You guys are the future. Legacy."
Andrew: "Thanks."
Carlos: "After we're all dead, you'll be the only ones left to carry on. Gabrielle and I are about to start a family."
Rex: "Oh, hey, that--that’s great."
Bree: "Well, when did you decide this?"
Gabrielle: "It’s a fairly recent development."
She stares pointedly at Carlos, who bows his head in slight acknowledgement.

Bree: "I see."
Gabrielle: "We'll talk about this later."
Carlos: "Face it. We're shallow people. I mean, can our lives have any meaning if all we ever do is buy stuff?"
Gabrielle: "That depends on what we buy."
Carlos: "I want a child."
Gabrielle: "In case you've forgotten, before we got married, we made a deal. No kids."
Carlos: "Yeah, well, deals were meant to be renegotiated."
Gabrielle: "Well, we're not negotiating my uterus."
Bree: "We should probably be going."
Rex: "Yeah."
Bree: "Thank you so much."
The Van de Kamps leave the Solis's house and walk back to their house.

Danielle: "That was weird."
Bree: "I feel awful for Carlos. That talk about children was obviously coming from his grief."
Andrew: "Whatever. I'm off the hook."
He and Danielle touch fists and walk off. Bree stops walking and stares after him.


Lynette's House

"A weary Lynette drank her potent tea in hopes of finally finding the sleep that had eluded her. Unfortunately for Lynette, there would be no rest for the weary."
Lynette lies down on the couch and covers herself up with blankets when the doorbell rings.

Lynette: "Go to hell."
The doorbell rings several more times.

Lynette: "Go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell."

She stomps to the door and opens it. A stream of boy scouts with a scout mother rush inside. Scout mother: "Sorry we're late,
Kenny Lipman couldn't find his handkerchief. Come on guys!"
Lynette: "The scout meeting is today?"
The boys run all over the house, being noisy, as Lynette stares at them. Later, the boys are separate into groups, with the other scout mother monitoring the boys at the table and Lynette on the floor with her three boys and one other boy. They have books on rope tying in front of them. Lynette leans against the couch, sleeping sitting up.

Parker: "Mommy!"
Lynette: "What? Oh...right! Okay, boys. This knot is called the bowline. It is a remarkably useful knot. Now, pick up your ropes. Okay. First we cross this end over here, and then we make a loop, and then another loop, and then you sort of pull it through, I'm guessing, and then, ready? Yank it taut."
She pulls her rope taut and it's a straight piece of rope.

Twin: "Mommy, that doesn't look like the picture."
Lynette: "You're never going to be a sailor, what do you care? Okay everybody, let’s just take a break!"
She gets up.

Lynette: "Thanks!"
She walks away and the boys on the floor start hitting each other with the rope.
Lynette goes to the bathroom and takes out some pills, which she swallows. She pauses, then swallows some more.

Mike's House
Phil: "Okay, it’s all up there. Can I get a signature?"
Susan: "Oh, of course."
Phil: "Thank you very much."
Susan: "Here you go. Have a nice weekend."
Phil: "You too, lady."

She closes the door behind him, then heads for the kitchen, where she removes all of the money and the gun. Later, she sits on the living room couch, counting out the money. She hears a car door slam and when she looks out the window, see Phil getting out of his truck. Quickly, she gathers up all of the money and the gun and rushes up the stairs.

Phil: "Hey ma'am, you still here? I forgot to give you a receipt! Ma'am?"

Susan heads into Mike's bathroom and dumps everything into the sink. She climbs on the toilet to look out the window and sees Phil driving away. She lets out a sigh of relief. She then jumps down, falling through the floor, where she stays there, trapped.
Susan: "Hello! I need help, I'm up here, I'm trapped in the floor, hello?!"
Bongo comes running in to stare at her.

Susan: "If you came in here to judge me, you can just leave!"
Bongo looks behind him to the door.

Susan: "Wait! Wait! No! Wait, don't, don't go! Wait, I have an idea. Here! Here! Here! Here, grab the towel, Bongo! Come on, grab the other end! Come on, boy! That’s it! Get the other end! Come on, Bongo! Pull the other end! Come on, Bongo! What are you doing? Bongo, over here!"
He goes over and starts drinking out of the toilet.

Susan: "Bongo? Oh, oh! don't do that! Bongo!"
She grimaces.


John's House
Gabrielle walks up the path to John's house, past John, himself, who's working on the yard.<

"While Susan was hopelessly stuck, Gabrielle was moving to confront the issue of her young lover’s restless conscience."
John: "Nobody’s home."
Gabrielle: "I know, I've been watching. I came to talk to you."

She turns slightly and sees that he's stopped working.

"Although she would need to be discrete."

Gabrielle: "Keep working! What were you thinking, showing up at the hospital?"
John: "I had to see if she was okay."
Gabrielle: "You need to keep a low profile right now."
John: "Look, you and I are finished. From now on, I'm sticking with Danielle."
Gabrielle: "Why would you say that?"
Gabrielle rings the doorbell again.

John: "I hate myself for what we did! Okay? I can't sleep at night! I've got to make a clean break."
Gabrielle: "We weren't driving the car. We didn't chase Juanita into the street!"
John: "Well, she wouldn't have been there if we weren't having an affair."
Gabrielle turns away from the door to face John.

Gabrielle: "Oh, for God’s sakes, between you and Carlos! Listen to me carefully, you didn't do anything wrong."
She rings the doorbell again.

John: "That’s not what Father Crowley thinks."
Gabrielle: "What?"
John: "I went to confession."
Gabrielle turns around and walks over to him.

Gabrielle: "Have you lost your mind? What did you tell him?"
She leans over to smell the rose.

John: "Everything."
Gabrielle: "Including in the alley? Behind the truck stop?"
John: "Everything."
Gabrielle: "Damn you!"
She storms off.


Mike's House

Bongo comes into the bathroom again where Susan is still stuck.

Susan: "What is wrong with you? Lassie would have had a fire truck here by now! Stupid dog."
Bongo turns and rushes off.

Susan: "Good boy, Bongo! Run, Bongo, run, go get help!"
Bongo returns and drops a dead crow in front of her.

Susan: "Ooooeeewwwoooohhh..."

Bree's House
Bree and Andrew are both in the kitchen.

Bree: "Andrew, um, I know the last few days have been stressful, and, uh, you know, if you ever need to talk to anybody..."
Andrew: "I know, I know. You and Dad are here for me."
Bree: "Actually, I was thinking we could arrange for you to talk to a professional."
Andrew: "A shrink? You think I'm crazy?"
Bree: "Of course not. It’s just that the accident probably stirred up a lot of emotions, and it would be normal for you to be feeling confused or depressed or ashamed..."
Andrew: "I'm cool, mom. Really."
Bree: "Honey, you put a woman into a coma. Surely that arouses some kind of emotion!"
Andrew: "Yeah, well, it doesn't. Now if you'll excuse me..."
Bree: "No, I won't, not until you tell me."
Andrew: "Why do you care?"
Bree: "Because I need to know that you're not a monster!"
Andrew: "You want to know how I feel?"
Bree: "Yeah."
Andrew: "Okay, here it goes. I feel bad that she got hurt. But I also feel bad that my car got dinged because somebody didn't have enough sense to look both ways before she crossed the street. And I also feel bad that now I'm gonna have to ride my bike to school."
Bree: "Andrew, you almost killed another human being."
Andrew: "She’s an old lady. Okay? She’s lived her life. I have my whole life ahead of me, and now it might be screwed up! That’s what you should be worried about!"
Bree: "What I'm worried about, Andrew, is that you don't seem to have a soul. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police!"
Andrew: "Because I'm your son. That would make you the monster."
He walks out.


Mike's House
Mike opens up the front door and Bongo comes rushing down the stairs to greet him.

Mike: "Hey, buddy!"
He goes into the kitchen and sees the remains of the bathroom floor scattered on the kitchen. He looks up and sees Susan's legs dangling from the ceiling.

Mike: "Susan, is that you?"
Susan: "Mike? I'm upstairs. Sorta."
Mike (laughing): "Hang on, I'll be right up."
When he gets to the bathroom, he stops, and leans against the door frame.

Mike: "What happened?"
Susan: "Well, you see, this bird, um, flew in your bathroom window, and, I, tried to save it, but, uh, it died."
Mike: "I don't think that’s what happened."
Susan: "I don't think so, either."
Mike: "Come on..."
He lifts her out and puts her to the side.

Susan: "Thank you, oh, you have no idea what that was like..."
Mike looks in the sink and notices the money and gun Susan left there.

Mike: "You went through my cabinets."
Susan: "What? Oh, I can explain."
Mike: "Get out of my house."
Susan: "Mike..."
Mike: "Get out!"
She leaves.

Mr. Shaw gets out of his car and goes to the trunk. He opens it. Inside are shovels. He takes out a gun and hides it in the back of his paints, underneath his jacket.
Edie pulls up in her car and gets out. Mr. Shaw closes the trunk.

Edie: "Hello there!"
Mr. Shaw: "Good afternoon."
Edie: "Ooh, well isn't this just as pretty as a picture book!"
Mr. Shaw: "Well, the plan is to put in a small condo."
Edie: "You want to make some money, or you want to pussyfoot around?"
Mr. Shaw: "What do you suggest?"
Edie: "I'm thinking strip mall. I've run some numbers."
She pulls out a sheet of the purple stationary with numbers written on it and hands it to him.

Mr. Shaw: "Nice stationary."
Edie: "Oh, it’s stolen."
Mr. Shaw: "What do you mean?"
Edie: "After my house burned down, I was staying with this neighbor,
Martha Huber. That is, until the old troll threw me out. Anyway, I'd steal her stuff, she'd steal mine. Circle of life."
Mr. Shaw: "So this paper is hers?"
Edie: "Oh, God, yes."


Lynette's House
Parker plays with the radio, switching stations and turning it louder. The twins bang on pots, The house is a mess, with food and toys everywhere.

Lynette comes into the kitchen, talking on the phone.
Lynette: "No, Tom, you can't do this to me. Because, I need you at home. Boys, stop it, I am on the phone. Well, yeah, I realize it’s not your fault that the meeting got postponed, but you promised you'd be back tonight. I, I, I gotta go. The kids are... Yeah, I know... you're sorry, just, will you try to get back as soon as you can? Okay, bye."

She hangs up the phone.

Lynette: "Boys, would you please, please, stop it. Really, really, mommy’s got a headache. Okay? Just, uh..."
Radio: and drowsy and ready to sleep, let the morning time drop all its petals on me... life I love you, all is groovy...
Lynette: "Turn that damn thing off."
Lynette starts screaming at the boys as everything happens in slow motion. She throws pans on the floor and throws a can through the window. Facing the window, she sees Mary Alice appear. Mary Alice smiles, looks down at her hands, and then hands Lynette a gun. Slowly, Lynette takes the gun, looks at it, and then holds it up to her own head. She closes her eyes. A loud crash wakes up Lynette, who had been sleeping with her head on the kitchen table. She looks at her boys, who are ignoring her, doing their own thing, and she sighs.

Outside Mike's House
Susan rings Mike's doorbell. He answers the door, unfriendly.

Mike: "What?"
Susan: "I just came over to say I'm sorry, and I'll pay for all the damage."
Mike: "don't worry about it."
He starts to close the door.

Susan: "Well, so, in your mind, is the date off?"
Mike: "Well, you snooped around my house, and went through my stuff. Uh, yeah, in my book, that’s pretty much a deal breaker."
Susan opens the screens and enters the house.

Susan: "Hold on a minute, now. I started snooping around because I found all that money by accident. And, and then, I found a gun. Are you a drug dealer or something?"
Mike: "Is that what you think?"
Susan: "Well, I wouldn't know because you never let me in. You know, there’s this whole part of your life that you keep completely walled off."
Mike: "I have a gun for protection, I keep cash for emergencies. I'm a good guy, Susan, and you should know that. I'm, I'm not obligated to share every little detail of my life with you."
Susan: "Well, every little detail is one thing. You know, weird creepy secrets, that’s another."
Mike: "You know what, I don't want to be with someone who doesn't trust me."
Susan: "Well, maybe we shouldn't be dating."
Mike: "Maybe we shouldn't."
Susan: "Do you mean that?"
Mike: "Yeah."
Susan: "Well, I hope that, your, you know, little secret keeps you warm at night because you're throwing something really great away to protect it!"
She walks off and he closes the door. Susan walks angrily back to her house, passing by Lynette's house as she does so. Lynette, with all four children, sees her and calls out.

Lynette: "Oh, Susan, you gotta take my kids for a while."
Susan: "Lynette, it’s just, this really isn't the time..."
Lynette: "No, no, I'm sorry, I can't do this. It’s just too much. Boys, you stay with your aunt Susan."
She hands Susan the baby and the boys cheer, then rush back to the front door. Lynette goes to her car, gets in, and drives off.
Susan: "Lynette! You know, when are you coming back? Lynette! Lynette!"

Soccer field
Lynette sits against a post, slowly turning a prescription bottle in her hands. Bree and Susan slowly drive up to the field.

Bree: "There’s Lynette’s car, she’s gotta be close."
Susan: "I hope the kids aren't too much for Danielle to handle."
Bree: "she'll be fine. What do you think’s happening with Lynette?"
Susan: "I don't know, but I'm scared. Something’s very, very wrong."
Susan stops the car and the two of them get out and walk over to 

Bree: "Lynette? Honey?"
Susan: "Are you okay?"


Hospital Room
Gabrielle sits alone next to Mama Solis's hospital bed. Father Crowley walks in.

Gabrielle: "Father, I'm so glad you could come and pray for mama. Please, sit, sit."
Father Crowley: "Thank you, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Listen, since you're here, there’s something I've always wondered about. That whole thing about priests not being allowed to repeat what they hear in confessions, is that a hard rule, or just a general guideline?"
Father Crowley: "Rest assured, everyone’s secrets are safe."
Gabrielle: "That’s good to hear."
Father Crowley: "I'll keep yours, too, if you want to talk."
Gabrielle: "No, me? No, no. Confession is not really my thing."
Father Crowley: "That’s a shame,"
Gabrielle: "Okay. You can stop condemning me with your eyes. Right now. "I know you know, about the affair. But you know nothing about my life. Look, it’s not even an issue anymore. John and I are finished."
Father Crowley: "Gabrielle, the church is pretty clear on this. If you commit a mortal sin, and you die without repenting, you go to hell."
Gabrielle: "Well, aren't you just a ball of fun. So, if I confess, it'll clean the slate, right?"
Father Crowley: "Well not only that. If you want God’s forgiveness, you have to be truly sorry, and you have to promise not to commit the sin again."
Gabrielle: "So what happens if I repent, later, like, say, when I'm 75?"
Father Crowley: "I wouldn't recommend waiting. What if you die before then?"
Gabrielle: "Well, let’s say I don't die. I do yoga, I eat well. If I wait, does my repenting still count?"
Father Crowley: "If you mean it, yes."
Gabrielle: "Thank you, Father Crowley. You have been a tremendous comfort. Um, I will let you do your thing."
Father Crowley: "Gabrielle, you know, we are all responsible for the choices we make. Don't you want to be a good person?"
Gabrielle: "What I want is to be happy."
Father Crowley: "That’s the answer of a selfish child."
Gabrielle: "I know."
She turns and leaves.


Soccer Field
Lynette: "Then I started taking the pills because they gave me energy, but then I couldn't sleep at night, and I was getting so tired in the daytime. And, it totally messed me up. I love my kids so much. I'm so sorry they have me as a mother."
Bree: "Lynette, you're a great mother."
Lynette: "No, I'm not. I can't do it. I'm so tired of feeling like a failure. It’s so humiliating."
Susan: "No, it’s not! So you got addicted to your kids' ADD medication. It happens."
Bree: "you've got four kids. That’s a lot of stress. Honey, you need some help."
Lynette: "That’s what’s so humiliating. Other moms don't need help. Other moms make it look so easy. All I do is complain."
Susan: "That’s just not true. When, when Julie was a baby, I, I was out of my mind almost every day."
Bree: "I used to get so upset when Andrew and Danielle were little. I used their nap times to cry."
Lynette (crying): "Why didn't you ever tell me this?"
Bree: "Oh, baby. Nobody likes to admit that they can't handle the pressure."
Susan: "I think it's just that we think that it's easier to keep it all in."
Lynette: "Well, we shouldn't. We should tell each other this stuff."
Susan: "It helps, huh?"
Lynette: "Yeah, it really does."
Susan hugs her and Bree gently brushes the hair away from her face.


Paul's House

Paul: "So it was Martha Huber all along."
Mr. Shaw: "Seems so. Edie didn't move in with Huber until after your wife received the blackmail note."
Paul: "Thank God. We almost killed an innocent woman."
Mr. Shaw: "Like I said, I don't do refunds, but if you'd like, I'm willing to pay Mrs. Huber a visit."
Paul: "No. Just keep the money. This whole thing's been tearing me up. The nightmares, the guilt. This isn't what
And suddenly, Juanita remembered it wasn’t the men Gabrielle talked to that she had to worry about."
Gabrielle goes into the house and Mama Solis smiles.


Play Rehearsal

Lynette: "Jordana, Maisy, here are the costumes, right on time."
Maisy: "Thank you, Lynette. This is a bit awkward. There has been an oversight with the programs. Celia Bond is still credited with costumes. They forgot to tell the printer."
Lynette: "Uh-huh. Ah, incidently, who is they, as in they forgot to tell the printer?"
Maisy: "That would be me. I'm sorry, but I was just so overworked this week, what with all the script changes that you demanded."
Lynette: "Well, these things happen. Oh, I will be right back."
She hands a plastic sword and a coonskin cap to Maisy. Maisy hands the coonskin cap to Jordana.

Maisy: "Would you do something with this, it looks like roadkill."
Lynette: "Okay, lady, that's it!"
Maisy: "I beg your pardon?"
Lynette: "Maisy, we have kids the same age, which means there are years ahead of us, having to deal with each other. So instead of playing all these petty games, why don't we put an end to this right now."
Maisy: "What are you saying?"
Lynette: "Let's take it outside."
Maisy: "Let's take what outside?"
Lynette: "Your sorry ass. We are throwing down."
Maisy: "You are crazy!"
Lynette: "Just being practical. Isn't it better to settle this once and for all, rather than endure all this alpha mom crap until our kids graduate? Hmmm? Come on! I will even let you take the first shot."
There's a long pause.

Maisy: "I don't have time for this."
She walks away. Lynette calls after her. Lynette: "Yeah, I didn't think so. And just so you know, next spring when we do Bambi, his mother is going to take a slug to the heart, and you are going to like it!"
Lynette takes a deep breath and looks over at Jordana, who smiles.
The camera pans to Susan's house.

"The search for power begins when we're quite young. As children, we're taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil."
Mary Alice's glass award that Susan bought from Paul sits next to a lamp. The yellow/green blanket with the name Dana embroidered in it is slung over the back of a chair.
"But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple. 
Traces of evil always remain..."

~ The End ~


挂票 9#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:36:22 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.09 - Suspicious Minds

Guest stars
"Tom Scavo" - Doug Savant
"Andrew Van De Kamp" - Shawn Pyfrom
"Claire" - Marla Sokoloff
"Helen Rowland" - Kathryn Harrold
"Mama Solis" - Lupe Ontiveros
"Detective Burnett" - Brett Cullen
"Danielle Van De Kamp" - Joy Lauren
"Dr. Sicher" - Gregg Daniel
"Brian Linder" - Hamilton Camp
"Stagehand" - John Bisom
"Justin" - Ryan Carnes
"Bystander" - Lou George
"FBI Agent" - Nigel Gibbs
"Nurse Kelly" - Joyce Guy
"Betty" - Jill Holden
"Swimmer" - John E. Jimmo
"Detective Beckerman" - John Lacy

Written by: Jenna Bans
Directed by: Larry Shaw


Gabrielle sits in Mama Solis's hospital room, thinking. As Mary Alice speaks via voice-over, the scenes Mary Alice describes are shown.

"Gabrielle was waiting for her next great idea. Her first great idea came when she was fifteen, after her stepfather paid her a late night visit. She bought a bus ticket to New York the very next day. Her next occurred five years later when she decided to seduce a famous fashion photographer. One week later, she began her career as a runway model, which soon led to her next great idea--her decision to marry Carlos Solis.
Before she knew it, she had jumped off the runway and moved to the suburbs. Her most recent great idea was born out of her boredom with her new life. That's how she came to start an affair with her teenage gardener, which was cut short by a tragic accident. So once again, Gabrielle was in need of a great idea."

A nurse comes in and checks in on Mama Solis.
Nurse: "Mrs. Solis, I know you're worried, but it's going to take time."
Gabrielle: "Hmmm? What is?"
Nurse: "You look sad. I assume you're thinking about your mother-in-law."
Gabrielle: "Oh, no."
Nurse: "So, uh, what were you thinking about?"
Gabrielle: "My life. It hasn't turned out like I thought it would."
Nurse: "Oh, honey!"
Gabrielle: "Oh, I know I shouldn't complain. It's just there's something missing, and I don't know what it is. Do you ever feel that way?"
Nurse: "Hmmm, no. When I go home at night, I sleep like a baby, because I know I did something that day that helped people."
Gabrielle: "That must be a nice feeling.
Nurse: "Hmmm, it is. Of course, there are times I wish I didn't have to work so hard. We've got a real nursing shortage here, and they keep cutting our budget, and..."
The nurse is interrupted by an announcement over the loud speaker.

Announcement: "Attention all available personnel. Code blue, stat. Room 214."

Nurse: "Excuse me..."
She rushes out of the room as the announcement is repeated. Curious,
Gabrielle follows her.

Nurse: "Damn it, get a doctor in here, I don't have an airway. No time, I have to intubate. Mr. Getz? Mr. Getz? Listen. You're not dying on me, okay? This tube is to help you breathe. I need you to be brave now!"

"It was then that Gabrielle got her next great idea."
A nurse closes the curtains around the patient's bed.


Gabrielle's House

"She decided to throw the first annual Sacred Heart Charity Fashion Show, to raise money for more nursing staff."
Betty: "Gabby, Gabby, I can't do it. I cannot walk down a runway in one of these dresses. They all make me look so fat. Please, get someone to take my place, Please!"
Gabrielle: "Betty, listen to me."
Betty: "No, no, please."
Gabrielle: "Listen, Betty! Okay? You're not quitting on me now. We're going to find you a gown. It's going to be black, and slimming, and you're going to look great! I need you to be brave now."
Betty: "Okay."
Betty walks off and Gabrielle looks pleased with herself.

"And that night, when she went to bed, Gabrielle slept like a baby."


Gabrielle's House

"News of the fashion show spread quickly on Wisteria Lane. Though the event was for charity, Gabrielle soon discovered that when it came to the latest fashions, women are seldom charitable. No one knew this better than Edie Britt. She understood that treachery never goes out of style."
Edie finds a dress in the racks that she likes. She begins to rip off the tag that claims it's Susan's dress. As she pulls it from the rack and turns around, she runs into Susan, who was walking up.

Edie: "Susan!"
Susan: "Give me the dress."
Edie: "I gave it a shot!"
She hands the dress over.

In a different part of the room, Helen is admiring the dress she's wearing. Gabrielle comes up.

Gabrielle: "Hi, Helen!
Helen: "Hi!"
Gabrielle: "How's the dress fitting?"
Helen: "Great. Maybe it could be taken out at the shoulder a little."
Gabrielle: "Sure, no problem. There you go."
Helen: "You know, Gabrielle, I never thanked you properly."
Gabrielle: "For what?"
Helen: "For what you did for my son. It was so nice of you to hire John as your gardener."
Gabrielle: "Believe me, it's been my pleasure. How's he doing?"
Helen: "Good, good."
Gabrielle: "I hear he's dating Danielle Van de Kamp?"
Helen: "Well, for now. I think it's just a matter of time before they break up for good."
Gabrielle: "What's wrong?"
Helen: "Oh, she just seems to want much more of a relationship than he does. You remember what's it's like dating teenage boys."
Gabrielle: "Vaguely."
Helen: "Thank you."
She leaves to look at herself in the mirror again. Carlos comes down the stairs, talking on the portable phone.

Carlos: "No, you tell that son-of-a-bitch Tanaka that if he doesn't call me in an hour, I'm going to go down to his office, find him, and kick his ass."
He hangs up the phone. The women stare at him.

Carlos: "Ladies..."
He walks off.

Susan comes up to Gabrielle.

Susan: "Trouble at work?"
Gabrielle: "I don't know what his problem is. He's making money left and right. I just wish he'd relax."
Off to the side, Edie gets upset.

Edie: "Crap! Crap! Crap! I'm telling you, all of the good dresses are taken. Well, what the hell am I supposed to wear?"
Lynette: "Well, Mrs. Huber never showed up. Why don't you wear this one?"
Edie: "This is an old lady dress. You won't even be able to see my body."
Lynette: "That is so like you, Edie. You're always thinking of others."
Bree: "So, why isn't Mrs. Huber here?"
Edie: "Last I heard, she went to visit her sister. I just can't believe that Martha would agree to wear this. She always said she'd never be caught dead in black."

"Sadly for Mrs. Huber, this was no longer the case."


Outside, in the woods
A large black bag, with a human-shaped lump inside is lying on the ground. Nearby, Paul digs a hole in the ground. When he's done, he drags the bag into the hole. An arm hangs out. He throws the green blender into the hole, next to the body, and then begins shoveling in the dirt.


Susan's House
Julie is spooning ice cream into a bowl when Susan comes in with the mail.

Julie: "Hey Mom!"
Susan: "Julie, you'll never guess who you got a letter from. Zach. Isn't that weird, him writing you?"
Julie: "Yeah."
Susan: "Well open! Open, open, open! He could have said something about Dana!"
Julie: "I'll read it later."
Susan: "Later? What's wrong with now?"
Julie: "I've got tons of homework, mom."
Susan: "Julie, what's going on?"
Julie: "This isn't the first letter I've gotten from Zach. We've been writing each other the last couple of weeks. Are you mad?"
Susan: "No, it's just when I was your age, my pen pal lived on a farm in Ohio, not in a mental institution. You know, that letter is one notch above prison mail."
Julie: "Zach's not crazy. He's just upset over his mom, and his dad doesn't even seem to care. He just needs a friend."
She picks up her ice cream and leaves the kitchen.

Lynette's House
Lynette pays bills at the kitchen table while Tom, holding the baby, packs a bag.

Tom: "I packed the diapers. I'm gettin' the juice boxes and the carrot sticks..."
Lynette: "Sunscreen?"
Tom: "Got it. I'll go pick up the boys, we'll hit the park. And that should give you a good couple of hours..."
They kiss.

Tom: "Enjoy the vacation!"
Lynette leans back in her chair and gives Tom a look. Not a nasty look, just a look.

Tom: "What?"
Lynette: "While you're gone, I'll be here, paying bills and sorting laundry and cooking dinner, so what part of that sounds like a vacation?"
Tom: "Okay, right. You know what? We'll pick up dinner, and, you just take a hot bath, relax. Recharge."
Lynette smiles, her gaze continuing on Tom, and she puts her leg up on the table.

Tom: "Okay, I get it. It's gonna take more than a hot bath to recharge, but, uh, don't forget: I'm here all week!"
Lynette: "Then what?"
Tom: "Then we go back to normal?"
Lynette: "Tom, our last version of normal had me popping pills. Normal is a bad, bad plan."
Tom: "Okay, so we'll put our heads together and we'll come up with a solution."
Lynette: "I think we need to hire a nanny. Full time. "
Tom: "It's just...it's a big, big commitment."
Lynette: "I know. And I know we can't afford it. And I know everything that's happened is my fault. But, if I don't get some help, there's an excellent chance, I will lose my mind."
Tom: "Okay. Well, then we have to make it work."

Andrew's Swim Meet
Andrew horses around with his friends. Rex and Bree are in the stands, watching him.

Bree: "It's just not right."
Rex: "What?"
Bree: "A woman is in a coma, because of Andrew. And there he is, happy as a clam!"
Rex exhales. "Well, we grounded him, we took away the TV in his room. How many more ways do you want to punish him?"
Bree turns to look at Andrew, who's put his swimming cap on, gotten on the diving board, and is ready. The buzzer sounds, and he dives into the pool.

Bree: "I think we should make him quit the swim team."
Rex: "Bree, this is the one thing in his life that he's passionate about!"
Bree: "Well maybe if we take it away from him, then he'll start to understand what he did! He has not shown an ounce of remorse since the accident."
Rex: "Of course he feels bad! He's just, you know, keeping up a façade."
Bree: "Well, he's doing a fabulous job!"
Rex: "Look, if we take him off the swim team, he'll lose his shot at an athletic scholarship, and then he's never going to forgive us!"
Bree: "Well, if it insures he grows up with some trace of humanity, then that's a risk I'm willing to take!"
Rex: "Well, I'm not."
Bree: "Well, that's because you just don't love him as much as I do!"
Bree and Rex have faced off against each other, ignoring the swimming. The man in front of them glances back at them briefly before turning his attention back to the meet.

Rex: "Well, isn't that nice."
Bree: "It's just a fact. I'm his mother. He lived inside of me."
Rex: "He hung out in your womb for a few months back in the 80s. Since then, I have grown to love him just as much as you!"
The whistle blows and the audience begins to clap.

Bree (to the man in front of them): "What just happened?"
Man: "That kid you both love so much just won the race."
Bree looks at Andrew, who's slapping high-fives with other teammates, and she and Rex both start clapping.

Gabrielle's House
Preparations are being made for the fashion show when Gabrielle walks in, coming up to John.

Gabrielle: "John!"
John: "My mom said you needed volunteers, so, I'm volunteering."
Gabrielle: "Oh! Finally got the charity bug?"
John: "You sound surprised."
Gabrielle: "No, not really. You were always a giver."
John: "Would you knock it off? My mom's right over there."
Gabrielle: "Have a seat. You can start by helping us alphabetize the donation cards."
She hands them to him. He sits down and starts going through the box. She sits down across from him.

Gabrielle: "So word on the street is you and Danielle might break up."
John: "Maybe. I don't know."
Gabrielle: "Is that because of me?"
John: "Not everything is about you."
Gabrielle takes her foot out of her shoe and then puts it on John's inner thigh and pushes forward.

John (jumps): "Would you stop that!"
Gabrielle: "Have you been thinking about me?"
John: "No."
Gabrielle: "Really."
John gulps.

Gabrielle: "Could have fooled me."
Susan walks in the room and goes up to Helen, who's working at the other end of the table.

Susan: "Hey, do you need any help?"
Helen: "Please, just pull up a chair."
Helen spills papers on the floor.

Helen: "Oh, gosh."
Susan: "Oh, that's okay. I've got it."
Susan looks under the table and sees Gabrielle's foot massaging John's thigh. She bumps her head on the table.

Susan: "Ow! Oh!"
She comes out from underneath the table and looks down to where Gabrielle and John are seated, apparently oblivious to each other.

Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle comes down her stairs to answer the door. Susan is there.
Gabrielle: "Susan, hi! Do you want to help with the seating cards?"
Susan: "Sure. Do you want to tell me why you had your foot in John Rowland's crotch yesterday?"
Gabrielle: "Oh, that! Uh... He was helping me adjust the seam in my stocking, and from your angle, it must have looked a little weird."
Susan: "You're sleeping with him, aren't you?"
Gabrielle quickly comes out to join Susan on the porch, closing the door behind her.

Gabrielle: "Okay, yes, but you have to promise not to tell anybody."
Susan: "Gabrielle, he's in high school, and, it's illegal, and you're married. If Carlos found out, this would kill him."
Gabrielle: "It's just sex, it's totally harmless."
Susan: "How can you call something like this harmless? After everything you know about what I went through with Carl?"
Gabrielle: "This isn't about you."
Susan: "Yes it is. It's about me, and about every other person who was screwed over by somebody they loved. When Carl ran off with Brandy, you saw what a basket case I was. I was crying, I, I was tearing up his clothes, I couldn't get out of bed all day. You were right there. How could you do the same thing?"
Gabrielle: "Whh--How can compare me to Carl? It's not fair. You have no idea what my life is like."
Susan: "Well, why don't you enlighten me? You're beautiful, you have more money than you could spend, and you have a husband who adores you!"
Gabrielle: "No, he doesn't adore me. He adores having me."
Susan: "That's a rationalization and you know it! See you at the show."
She leaves with Gabrielle looking after her.


Outside Lynette's House
Lynette is putting Baby Scavo into her car seat. Bree stands by the car, talking with Lynette.

Bree: "How many nannies did you interview?"
Lynette: "Ten. Ten! Each one more incompetent than the last. One actually asked me--here you go (she gives the bottle to the baby)--if she was expected to change diapers."
Bree: "Oh, good nannies are so hard to find."
Lynette: "Yeah, that's why I was hoping to take advantage of your expertise."
Bree: "Oh Lord, what do you want me to do?"
Lynette: "All your rich friends have nannies. A-list nannies. I need to catch one--here you go--without their bosses."
Bree: "Why?"
Lynette: "So I can poach me one."
Bree: "Lynette..."
Lynette: "Look, at my old job, we didn't wait for good people to come 
to us. We went out and raided other companies. I don't see why it should be different when you're hiring a nanny."
Bree: "I understand that good help is hard to find, but stealing a family's nanny is so...unseemly."
Lynette: "I'm not twisting anyone's arm. If I make a better offer, why shouldn't a qualified person reap the benefits? So come on...where can I score some high grade nanny?"

John is putting supplies in his truck when Gabrielle walks up to him.

John: "Hey, Mrs. Solis. I have some awesome news."
Gabrielle: "I have some not-so-awesome news, so you go first."
John: "I broke it off with Danielle. I passed her a note during French class. So we can be together."
Gabrielle: "John, your timing is impeccable."
John: "What do you mean?"
Gabrielle: "Susan Mayer saw us last night, and she knows everything."
John sighs.

Outside of Bree's House
Bree closes the trunk to her minivan and walks to the front lawn with some fertilizer. Andrew, in his second-story bedroom, has the window open and leans outside. He catches sight of Bree. She looks up and sees him and starts inside.

"Since the accident, Bree had started to worry that her son's sense of morality was going up in smoke."
Andrew quickly pulls his head back into the room and starts cleaning up the remnants of something he was smoking.

"She was right to be concerned."
Bree knocks on the door.

Bree: "Andrew, can I come in?"
Andrew waves the air.

Andrew: "Uh, yeah, just a sec."
He opens the door.

Andrew: "Hey, what's up?"
Bree: "Why are you smiling?"
Andrew: "Ummm.. It's just a joke that I heard."
Bree: "Oh. What was it about?"
Andrew: "It's kind of dirty, Mom."
Bree: "Charming. What I was wondering was if you've bothered to spend any time reflecting on the reasons that you've been grounded, and all the pain that you've caused the Solis family."
Andrew: "Yeah, I, I totally get how actions have affected, like, everything else."
Bree: "Really?"
Andrew: "Uh-huh. Like, I mean, you know, like, when I do something, like I did. And, you know, you guys do something like you did, which is, which is, you know, cool because uh, then everything just kind of balances itself out, and, and goes all, smooth again, you know?"
Bree: "No, I don't."
She pauses and sniffs the air.
Bree: "What's that smell? Have you been smoking marijuana?"

Bree grabs his head and stares at Andrew's eyes."

Andrew: "No. Of course not."
Bree: "You are strung out!"
Andrew: "No! No, no, no, Mom"
Bree: "Excuse me,"
She storms past him out of the room, leaving Andrew standing there speechless with his hands out in front of him. She goes to the kitchen, searching in the cabinets for something. Bree returns with a plastic cup. She hands it to him.

Andrew: "What's that?"
Bree: "It's the container you'll be urinating into."
She grabs him by the ear and starts dragging him.

Andrew: "Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurts!"

Paul's House
Paul stands at the sink, scrubbing at bloody clothing in a wash basin. The blood is not coming out He throws the clothing into a garbage bag when somebody knocks at the door.

Paul: "Dr. Sicher, what are you doing here?"
Dr. Sicher: "Mr. Young, I, I didn't want to upset you by telling you over the phone."
Paul: "What is it?"
Dr. Sicher: "Zach is missing from Silvercrest. It happened yesterday evening. We think it happened during the shift change. I know this is difficult to hear. I'm sorry."
Paul: "Yeah, well, it's, uh, just been one of those days."

Outside of John's House
John and a friend are playing basketball.


Friend: "I still don't get while you're not with Danielle anymore. She looked so slutty at Ray's party."
John: "She's not my type, I guess."
Friend: "What? Oh, you still hung up on your mysterious married lady? What is it with her, besides the obvious, of course?"
John: "We talk about real stuff, you know? She doesn't treat me like some lame yard boy."
Friend: "But you are a lame yard boy."
John: "It's all messed up now, anyway. Her friend found out about us. When it gets out, her husband is going to kill me."
Friend: "But on the upside..."
Helen, John's mother, walks outside, unbeknownst to the boys, carrying the trash.

Friend: "...your social status at school is going to explode when people find out you're doing a hot housewife!"
John: "Shut up, dude!"
Helen stands there frozen.

Paul's House

Paul: "Please explain to me how he could just walk out. With the money that I pay you people, I would think you could afford a padlock."
Dr. Sicher: "With all due respect, we are not a high security facility. And you have restricted our ability to treat Zach."
Paul: "What the hell does that mean?"
Dr. Sicher: "You've insisted that we medicate him without psychotherapy. That is a recipe for disaster. Zach is a troubled young man, and he is getting progressively worse."

Susan's House

Zach looks out a window.

Julie: "Hungry?"
Zach: "Starving."
She hands him a plate.

Valley View Park

"Bree had given Lynette the low down on Valley View Park. It was a gathering place for upscale nannies and their young charges. It was Lynette's first time there, and she was determined not to go home alone."
She walks past a nanny blowing bubble gum and reading a magazine.
"Of course, Lynette had high standards, so making a connection..."
She walks past a nanny picking several French fries up off the ground, about to eat them

"...wasn't easy. Still, she was desperate to find that special someone..."
She walks past an older nanny with a popsicle in her hand, asleep on the bench, quietly snoring.

"And that's exactly who she found."
Lynette stops behind the bench of a young nanny with two children in front of her.

Claire: "Okay. All-righty. Here's one for you and one for Amy."
She gives the girl a kiss.

Claire: "All right. Have fun..." she winks, "...and I'll be right here if you need me, okay?"
The children run off.

"From the moment she saw her..."
Lynette: "Is this seat taken?"
Claire: "Nope, go ahead."

"...Lynette knew she had to have her."
Lynette: "You know, I couldn't help but notice how wonderful you are with those children."
Claire: "Thanks."
Lynette: "I'm Lynette."
Claire: "Claire."
Lynette: "Claire? I've always loved that name. So Claire..." She laughs. "Do you come here often?"

Golf Course
Rex is walking toward his golf ball on the course. A golf cart with Bree in it approaches Rex on the course. She gets out and walks toward him. She hands him a plastic container with a yellow liquid.

Rex: "What's this?"
Bree: "Your son's urine."
Rex (to his golf partner): "I'm gonna need a moment,"
Bree: "I think Andrew has been smoking marijuana, so I want you to take this and get it tested right away."
Rex: "Why?"
Bree: "Because I want you to pull him from the swim team and I don't think you'll allow it without proof."
Rex: "Proof or no proof, you're not going to take him off the team."
Bree: "Yes, I am."
Rex: "If you try, I'm going to go to the coach and tell him to ignore you. We're not gonna screw up Andrew's future just because he sparked a dooby! I mean, come on, we've all done it!"
Bree: "Not all of us! Rex, I thought you moved back home to try and straighten Andrew out! To, to teach him the consequences of his actions. I don't understand why you're fighting me on this."
Rex: "Because I disagree. Because we're still getting divorced, and I don't have to let you push me around anymore."
Bree: "I never pushed you around. We always made our decisions together."
Rex: "No, you always made decisions, and tell me I agreed. Eighteen years of smiling and taking it. What, what a liar I was! Thank God you're out of my life!"
Bree: "Rex!"
Rex: "Hmmm?"
He turns.

She throws Andrew's urine all over Rex.
Rex: "What the hell are you doing?"
Bree: "The same thing you just did to every memory I have of our marriage."
She gets back in the golf cart.

Rex: "You know what? If you were my mom, I'd smoke pot too!"


Valley View Park
Lynette: "So your boss made you return her underwear?"
Claire: "Yep. After she had already worn 'em once."
Lynette: "Couldn't you have just said no?"
Claire: "You don't say no to Alexis. If you want to keep your job."
Lynette: "She sounds awful."
Claire: "What can I do? I love the kids."
Lynette: "Well, if we had a nanny like you at my house, we would treat her like gold. Did I mention I have four very loveable kids?"
Claire: "Really."
Lynette: "Oh, yes."
Claire becomes upset suddenly and starts packing up the items around her.

Claire: "Oh no."
Lynette: "What?"
Claire: "It's Alexis. I don't want her to get the wrong idea, so you should go."
Lynette: "Are you going to be here tomorrow? I want to see you again."
Claire: "No, I'm busy."
Lynette: "I just want to talk."
Claire: "Lynette, this isn't right."
Lynette: "Claire, Claire, please."
Claire pulls a business card out of her purse and gives it to Lynette
Claire: "All right. I will be at this address until noon tomorrow. Now go!"
Lynette leaves and Claire picks up her items to meet Alexis.


Outside Susan's House
Susan is sitting on a wicker sofa on her front lawn, painting. John walks toward her.

Susan: "What are you doing here?"
John: "I know you know, and you're probably freaking out, so I just wanted to explain. What me and Mrs. Solis have -- it's deep -- you know. We've got a future, it's not just sex."
Susan: "Listen to me. There is no future for you and Gabrielle. She's not going to divorce Carlos and run away with you."
John: "Why not?"
Susan: "Because he has money. A lot of it."
John: "Look, I'm not going to be mowing lawns forever. I have big plans for my life."
Susan (stands up): "Okay. Just stop talking. John, how old are you?"
John: "Almost eighteen."
Susan: "Exactly. You are not mature enough to have a realistic perspective on this relationship. You would be so much happier with a girl your own age."
John: "She's the one I want. You know, I really love her."
Susan sighs and caresses John's face.
Across the street, Helen sits in her car, watching.


Fashion Show
As a woman walks down the runway, Tom Scavo is the runway announcer. Tom: "Please welcome Mrs. Arlene Norn. We have Arlene and her husband Norris to thank for all our folding chairs this evening. So, please remember for all your folding chair needs...rent Norn's."
In the back, Gabrielle helps Betty into a tight dress.

Tom: "Next up we have Mrs. Betty Nolan."
Gabrielle pushes Mrs. Nolan towards the stage and turns back to the rest of the back stage.

Gabrielle: "Thank god Tom could fill in at the last minute."
Bree: "Why did Carlos have to back out?"
Gabrielle: "Some work emergency. He wouldn't talk about it. Sometimes I could just kill him."
Lynette: "Well, look on the bright side, Tom's having the time of his life."
She peeks out onto the runway where Betty scampers off stage and Tom turns his head to watch her go.

Tom: "Hands off, fellas. She's all mine."
Lynette: "I guess he does have a sort of dorky charm."
Gabrielle: "Okay, you're up first, followed by Lynette, uh, and then
Edie...Edie. Where's Edie Britt?"

Edie walks in.
Edie: "Over here..."
The black dress Mrs. Huber was supposed to wear is now on Edie, but it's been cut down to reflect Edie's style.

Gabrielle: "Edie, what did you do to that dress?"
Edie: "Well, I made it audience friendly. Can you tell I'm not wearing any underwear?"
Gabrielle: "Yes!"
Edie (curtsies): "Good."
Susan: "Sorry I'm late."
Lynette: "You should never take this dress off for your entire life!"
Susan: "Really? I look okay?"
Bree: "Oh, Susan, you look so gorgeous." She turns to Edie. "Doesn't she, Edie?"
Edie: "Huh. It's a bit much."
Bree: "Gabrielle, you have to change the lineup. Susan has to go last. Nothing is going to top this."
Susan: "Oh no, isn't Helen Rowland going last?"
Lynette: "Oh, she never showed up, somebody's got to take her place."
Gabrielle: "You know, I think that's a great idea! Okay, let's go!"
The others walk away and Gabrielle steps up to Susan.

Gabrielle: "You really do look fantastic."
Gabrielle smiles at Susan, almost painfully. Susan walks away without saying a word.

Tom: "Next up, we have Mrs. Bree Van de Kamp in a pink party dress with laser-cut full skirt and silk belt. And here is another exquisite ball gown by Halston, modeled by the devastatingly sexy Lynette Scavo. Notice the fine detail, the clean lines. The dress is nice too. Next up, please welcome Edie..."
Cheers and whistles from the crowd as Tom falters.

Tom: "...Brit. Edie Britt!"
Helen walks in and hands her dress to a young man in a black t-shirt. Helen: "Please tell Gabrielle I'm sorry I backed out of the show. I'm just not in a very festive mood right now."
Susan: "Helen, Helen, you're here! Did they tell you about the change in lineup? I'm going to go last if that's okay."
Helen: "There's a special place in hell for people like you."
Susan: "I'm sorry, it wasn't my decision."
Helen slaps Susan hard.

Helen: "You're an adult, take some responsibility!"
Susan: "What is wrong with you?"
Helen shoves Susan backwards. On the runway, Edie steps forward provocatively, and eases out of the long black jacket she was wearing, revealing that the dress she's wearing doesn't cover much.

Tom: "Edie is wearing a dignified classic, perfect for a Sunday tea or Christenings."
The catfight continues backstage.

Susan: "Oh! Ow! For God's sake, Helen, this is for charity!"
On stage, Edie turns around and begins walking back.

Tom: "Edie Brit, everyone!"
Backstage, Helen reaches down and rips off the bottom of Susan's dress.

Helen: "Keep your hands off my son!"
Susan: "What?"
On stage...

Tom: "And, uh, finally, to cap off our evening..."

A guy in a black t-shirt approaches Susan.

Guy: "Come on, you're up."
He drags Susan to where she has to make her entrance.

Susan: "I thought that..."

Tom: "...please welcome, Susan Mayer!"
Susan is pushed into the spotlight. She cowers, her hands on her thighs, leaning forward ungainly.

All the ladies stare. Edie chuckles quietly.

Gabrielle: "Tom, say something!"
Tom (looks at his note cards): "A vision in white silk, chiffon..."
Susan takes small steps forward, her hands gathering the dangling part of her dress to cover her thighs. Her right shoe dangles awkwardly.

Tom: "...with gold, hand-painted French lace, and lavender..."
Susan attempts a small smile as her friends start the applause, and the audience kindly joins in.

Tom: "Susan Mayer."
Then Susan turns and hurries out.

Edie: "She's never looked better!"
She laughs.
Backstage, a very quiet Susan is putting her clothing back on. Gabrielle: "Susan, I feel awful about what happened. Susan, talk to me!"
Susan: "Okay, you want me to talk? You're going to find Helen Rowland, and you're going to tell her the truth, before everyone in this neighborhood thinks that I'm the one sleeping with an underage boy."
Gabrielle: "I can't do that!"
Susan: "Why not?"
Gabrielle: "Because she'll tell Carlos, and he'll divorce me!"
Susan: "So what? You obviously don't love him."
Gabrielle: "I do love him! I do! It's just complicated! You know, there's, there's got to be another way to fix this."
Susan: "God, you are so weak!"
Susan turns to leave.

Gabrielle: "Susan, don't be like this!"
Susan: "What did you expect-a hug?"

Outside Alexis' House
Lynette walks to the house where Claire told her to be. The house has a lot of toys in the front. Claire comes running out the front door.


Lynette: "Hey."
Claire: "Shhh.
Lynette: "...I took..."
Claire: "Alexis is still here."
Lynette: "What?"
Claire: "She was supposed to go to Pilates, but she got her period. 
You've got to go."
Lynette: "Just give me a second."
Claire: "No, she saw you at the park. okay? She knows what you're 
trying to do. You're not the first person to approach me."
Alexis: "Claire!"
Lynette: "How can you stay here after the way she treats you?"
Claire: "She can be tough, but it comes with the territory, right?"
Lynette: "I would never treat you that way."
Alexis: "Claire, what did you do with the aspirin?"
Lynette: "I will give you a 20% bump on what she is paying you, plus 
Alexis" "Damn it, Claire, where the hell are you?"
Claire: "I don't take orders from your friends, I'm not a telephone 
answering service, and I don't do laundry."
Lynette: "Dishes?"
Claire: "Only the kids'."
Lynette: "How fast can you pack?"
They shake on it. Claire goes back inside and Lynette runs back to her 
van, doing a little dance as she does so.

Lynette: "I've got a nanny..."


Susan's House
Julie empties out a wooden chest on her bed. Dollars and coins fall 

Julie: "Where are you gonna go?"
Zach: "I don't know. But I can't go home."
Julie: "Are you afraid of your dad?"
Zach: "No, it's not him, all right? It's, it's me. My life is really 
messed up. It's bad."
Julie: "What's bad? You can tell me."

She puts her hand on his arm and he flinches away.

Zach: "No, I can't! It's better that you don't know."
Julie walks to her dresser and removes the blanket with the word "Dana" 
on it. She shows it to him.

Julie: "I already know a little."
She hands the blanket to Zach. He touches the blanket, looking at the 
word "Dana." and starts to tear up.


Outside Bree's House
Bree walks outside to meet her daughter, who's coming up the walk.

Bree: "Hi, Danielle, how was school?"
Danielle. "It was okay."
Bree: "Good. Where does Andrew keep his marijuana?"


Locker Room
Bree is in the boy's locker room adjacent to the pool. She walks up to 
a locker and looks at a laminated list she's holding. It reads "Numbers 
of Relevance" and includes both Andrew's and Danielle's school locker 
combinations. She opens his locker.

"Bree had resorted to extreme measures to save her son's soul. As she 
rummaged through Andrew's private possessions..."

Bree finds the marijuana stuffed into a sock. She puts it in her purse.

"...it occurred to her that sometimes a little betrayal is good for the 
Bree puts the marijuana back where she found it.




Susan's House
Susan and Zach sit by her bed in her room.

Zach: "I was really young, like four. I heard my mom and my dad 
yelling. I heard them yell my name and hers."
Julie: "Dana?"
Zach: "Um hm. So I went down to the room, and I saw them cleaning it 
Julie: "Cleaning what up?"
Zach: "Blood."
Julie: "Was it Dana's?"
Zach: "I think so. I couldn't remember this for the longest time. And 
then my mom killed herself and I started having these dreams. I don't 
even see Dana. I just, I see, I see the blood, and my mom picking me 
up, and putting, putting me on the bed, and whispering that it's not my 
fault. But after that, every time I'd say her name, they'd get upset. I 
wasn't even allowed to say it anymore."
Julie: "I'm not sure I understand what you're saying."
Zach: "I killed my baby sister."
Julie: "Zach. Oh my god."
Zach: "And they buried her. To protect me."

Julie leans forward and hugs Zach. And then he leans forward and kisses 
her lightly on the lips.





Helen Rowland's House
Gabrielle parks her car across from the house and walks up to Helen, 
who's just come outside.

Gabrielle: "Helen! Do you have a minute?"
Helen: "Oh, Gabrielle, I didn't get a chance to tell you how sorry I 
was about what happened at the fundraiser. I didn't intend to cause a 
Gabrielle: "No, it's okay, people didn't even notice."
Helen: "Well, this is a little awkward. I know you are friends with 
Susan Mayer. But let's just say. I had my reasons."
Gabrielle: "It wasn't Susan. It was me."
Helen: "What?"
Gabrielle: "I'm the one who was sleeping with your son. I'm so sorry."
Helen: "For how long?"
Gabrielle: "Almost a year. But it's over now."
Helen: "So, when it started, he was sixteen?"
Gabrielle: "I think..."

Helen reaches into her mail box and takes out the mail.

Gabrielle: "But Helen, you have to believe me. It's over now."
Helen: "No, you're wrong. it's not even close to being over."
She turns away and walks back up to her door.





Andrew's friend: "Dude, coach wants to see you."
Andrew: "Really? Hey, I bet it's about my scholarship."
Andrew walks into the locker room. His locker is open, with the coach 
standing next to it. The bag of marijuana is in plain sight. The coach 
takes it out and waves it in front of Andrew's face.


Bree's House
Bree's arranging flowers when the phone rings.


Bree: "Hello? Yes, this is she... Marijuana in his locker? Oh, I'm 
just...horrified. There must be some sort of terrible mistake. Um, 
yeah, okay. Well, I will be right down."
Bree finishes arranging the flowers and smiles.




Lender's Shop
A man sands down a box.

"Elsewhere, another darker secret was the object of an investigation."
A man in a dark suit walks in.

Detective Beckerman (shouting): "Mr. Lender! Mr. Lender!"
Mr. Lender: "Huh?"
He turns off the saw and turns around.

Detective Beckerman: "Detective Beckerman. This is Detective Burnett. 
We were hoping for a minute of your time."


Nighttime; Outside Susan's House
Susan walks up to her house. She sees Paul talking to Julie and she 
walks hurriedly up to them.


Paul: "...if you know anything about Zach's whereabouts you need to 
tell me now."
Susan: "Honey, what's going on?"
Paul: "Zach's gone from Silvercrest. They found letters in his room. 
Letters from Julie."
Susan: "Well yes, they were writing to each other."
Paul: "I need to see those letters."
Julie: Mom, they're private."
Paul: "My son is missing."
Susan: "Julie, in the letters, did Zach say anything about running 
Julie: "No."
Susan: "There's your answer."
Paul: "Susan."
Susan: "If we hear anything, I will let you know right away. I 
understand how worried you must be."
Paul: "Obviously you don't."
Susan: "Paul, my daughter doesn't lie."
Paul walks away and Susan rubs Julie's hand reassuringly. Julie looks 
at her, worried.


Detective's Office
Mr. Lender looks through photos of the recovered box Paul threw into 
the river.

Mr. Lender: "This is a very popular design. I must have sold several 
hundred of these just like it, about ten years back."
Detective Beckerman: "You keep any kind of documentation?"
Mr. Lender: "Yeah, I have a list of customers names on file. Somewhere. 
It's been a while."
Detective Burnett: "We'll need a copy of that list."
Mr. Lender: "Oh sure. Wow, this chest looks like it's been through 
Detective Beckerman: "Yeah, we pulled it out of Rockwater Lake. You 
could say 'by way of hell', considering."
Mr. Lender: "Was there anything in the chest?"
Detective Burnett: "It had a body inside. Adult female."
Mr. Lender: "Yeah, but how do you fit a body into a chest that size?"
Detective Beckerman: "It was chopped up."

He walks away from a wall where many photographs are of the box and its 
contents. As the camera pulls away, gruesome forensic pictures of 
chopped up bones, both stuffed in the box, and laid out on a table, are 
seen in the photos.




Bree's House
Bree gets dinner on the table while Rex berates Andrew.

Rex: "Of all the stupid, boneheaded decisions. What were you thinking?"
Andrew: "I was set up. All right? The coach got an anonymous phone 
Rex: "Andrew, what does it matter. The pot was there!"
Andrew: "I was holding it for a friend!"
Rex: "You know, I can't decide which is more humiliating. The fact that 
my son got caught with pot in his locker, or that he can't even come up 
with a decent enough lie to explain it!"
He walks away. Andrew shakes his head and goes to look at his mother. 
Bree, settin the table, looks back.


Susan's House
Carlos is going through papers.

"Gabrielle believed there was an excellent chance Helen Rowland would 
inform Carlos of his wife's extramarital activities. Gabrielle knew she 
had to come clean."

Gabrielle: "Carlos."
Carlos: "Yeah."

"But coming clean..."

Gabrielle: "I uh."

"...was not one of Gabrielle's specialties."

Gabrielle: "I'm going to bed."
Carlos: "Thanks for the news flash."

Gabrielle sees police cars pull up in front of the house, lights 

She gasps.

Gabrielle (quietly): "She turned me in."
She rushes back to her husband and falls on her knees in front of him.

Gabrielle: "Carlos! Carlos! I am so sorry! I am so sorry!"
Carlos: "Sorry for what?"
Gabrielle: "Just know that whatever happens, I love you very, very 

Knocking is heard on the door.

FBI: "FBI, open the door."
Knocking is again heard on the door.

Carlos: "Oh my God..."
FBI: "FBI, if you do not open the door, I am authorized to enter the 
premises by use of force."
Carlos opens the door.

FBI: "Carlos Solis, I have a warrant for your arrest. You have the 
right to remain silent."
Gabrielle: "Huh?"
FBI: "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of 
Carlos: "Call our lawyer."
FBI: "You have the right to speak with an attorney, or have an attorney 
present during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be 
appointed for you at government expense."
One of the FBI men hands Gabrielle a piece of paper.

Gabrielle: "Carlos, wait!"
Carlos: "Gabrielle, this will all be taken care of, I promise. I'm 
innocent, I swear to God. It was Tanaka. He set me up."
He's put into the back of the police car and is driven off.

"People are complicated creatures. On the one hand, able to perform 
great acts of charity."
Remnants of the fashion show are swept up.


"On the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal."
Carlos sits quietly in a jail cell.

"It's a constant battle that ranges within all of us, between the 
better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our inner demons."
Bree walks down the hallway, holding laundry. She comes to Andrew's 
room, where she stops to look in. Andrew is sitting on his bed, 
crushing out in an ashtray something he was smoking. He gets off the 
bed and closes the door in Bree's face.

"And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness..."
Julie, lying on her bed, looks down at Zach, who's sleeping on the 

"...is to shine the light of compassion."


Outside Gabrielle's House

Gabrielle is sitting quietly on her front porch. Susan comes up to her 
and sits down.

Gabrielle: "They took him away in handcuffs."
Susan puts her arm around Gabrielle, trying to soothe her.

~ The End ~

地下 10#
 楼主| 可乐无限 发表于 07-11-26 09:36:45 | 只看该作者

Desperate Housewives - Episode 01.10 - Come Back To Me

Guest stars
"Maisy Gibbons" - Sharon Lawrence
"Claire" - Marla Sokoloff
"Mr. Hartley" - Shawn Doyle
"Judge Sullivan" - Lorna Raver
"Yao Lin" - Lucille Soong
"Preston Scavo" - Brent Kinsman
"Porter Scavo" - Shane Kinsman
"Parker Scavo" - Zane Huett
"Receptionist" - Carlease Burke
"FBI Agent" - Nigel Gibbs
"Guard" - Charles Martinez
"Repo Man" - Joe Rose
"Man" - Tom Virtue
"Ms. McCready" - Mari Weiss
Written by: Patty Lin
Directed by: Fred Gerber


Maisy Gibbons's House
A hand picks up a hairbrush. The camera pans up to show that Maisy Gibbons is sitting in front of a mirror, brushing her hair.

"To understand Maisy Gibbons, you first need to know how she spent her afternoons."
Maisy drives by in a BMW SUV, waving to Susan and Bree, who are standing outside, talking. They wave back.

"Her mornings were spent running errands for her husband. Her evenings were spent washing dishes and helping with homework."
Maisy, with rubber gloves on, loads the dishwasher, then walks over to the kitchen table, where her young daughter is doing homework. Maisy: "Okay, so nine plus one is..."

"But her afternoons, well, they were spent in the company of men."
While Mary Alice speaks, Maisy is shown opening up her front door on various days, smiling beautifully as she welcomes all types of men into her home.

"Frustrated. Misunderstood. Lonely men. Willing to pay money to feel a little less lonely. And Maisy Gibbons was willing to help them."
Maisy turns from her mirror as one of her customers speaks as he finishes getting dressed. She begins making the bed.

Customer: "Maisy, I’re always wondered, Nobody knows about your little hobby, do they?"
Maisy: "Mm-mm."
Customer: "Is it hard? Keeping a secret like this?"
Maisy: "Well maybe if it was just my secret. But the way I see it, I keep the secrets of every man who comes to me. And I find that absolutely exhilarating. A few years back, Harold lost his job, and we had to give up our membership at the country club. And then one day one of my club friends asked why she hadn’t seen me around lately, and I told her that we couldn’t afford it anymore. She waved it off like it was nothing. But I saw her...get that look in her eye, that look of...pity."
Customer: "Maybe she was just trying to be nice. Anyway, is that so bad, feeling sorry for someone?"
Maisy: "When they say something, they are being supportive. But when they say nothing, it’s because they think that you’re so far gone you’re never coming back."
Customer: "Gotcha."
Maisy: "Anyway, a couple of months later, I started my little hobby...and the most wonderful thing happened. This woman’s husband became one of my regulars."
Customer: "Wow."
The doorbell rings.

Maisy: "Oh, would you be a lamb and go out the back? It’s my next appointment."
Customer: "Sure."
Maisy: "It’s the husband of the woman I was telling you about."
Maisy opens up the front door, smiling.

Maisy: "Hello there."
Rex: "Hey, Maisy."
He steps inside, kissing her on her cheek as she closes the front door.





"Every morality play has its cast of characters. There is always an innocent victim..."
Gabrielle sits in the courtroom, looking worried.

"...a deceitful villain..."
Carlos, in an orange jail outfit, sits at a table with his lawyer.

"...a prosecutor who seeks the truth..."
A no-nonsense woman in a business suit sits at the other table in the courtroom, an open laptop in front of her.

"...a magistrate that dispenses justice..."
The judge, Judge Sullivan, takes a file someone hands her.

"...and a lawyer who charges too much."
Carlos's lawyer looks through some papers in front of him.

"This morality play was being produced at the Fairview County Courthouse. Its themes were trust and betrayal."

Judge Sullivan: "So, what’s your issue with bail in this case, Ms. McCready?
Ms. McCready: "We want bail denied, your honor. The defendant’s company imported goods manufactured by slave labor, and his business partner, Mr. Tenaka, has already fled the country. And Mr. Solis, himself, has refused to surrender his passport."
Judge Sullivan: "Dog ate your client’s passport, Mr. Hartley?"
Mr. Hartley: "It’s been temporarily misplaced, your honor, but we maintain that Akisha Tenaka set up and executed the entire operation. Mr. Solis is no business partner, but merely a hired contractor. And I'd also like to point out that my client is the sole provider of his wife, and his mother, who is hospitalized in a coma as we speak."
Judge Sullivan: "Bring me the passport, and Mr. Solis can visit his mother. Until then, your client is denied bail and remanded. What’s next?"
She bangs down her gavel, and Carlos is escorted from the courtroom by a bailiff. He looks at Gabrielle as he leaves. Gabrielle hangs her head.


Lynette's House

Lynette: "You better finish those brussel sprouts. And don’t think I can’t see them hidden under your macaroni."
Twin: "I hate brussel sprouts."
Lynette: "Yeah? Well, brussel sprouts help you grow. You don’t want to be short your whole life, do you? Here, look, you know what we’ll do? We’re gonna dip them in a little cheese. Here you go. Good, yummy!"
He spits it out. The boys get up from the table to run off.

Lynette: "Fine, fine. Be three foot eight the rest of your life. See if I care. Good luck finding girlfriends!"
Claire walks in.

Claire: "Hey, didn’t you have a lunch today?"
Lynette: "I’m going to cancel it. The boys are in rare form, and you’re still finding your way."
Claire: "Lynette. It’s been two days."
Lynette: "I...don’t want to...shock them, by suddenly disappearing. You know? Deep down, they’re very sensitive."
The two of them look at the boys who are ignoring the women as they throw their toys around.

Claire: "They’ll be fine. Now go. Get out of here."
Lynette: "You have my cell phone number. You call me if you need anything."
Claire: "I will."
Lynette: "Okay. You boys. Come here and give mamma a three-bear hug."
They come running.

Lynette: "Come on, one, two, three, get in, get in!"
Bear 1: "Bye, mom!"
Bear 2: "Bye, mom!"
Bear 3: "Bye!"
Lynette: "Okay."
She leaves.


Susan's House
Julie spoons Chinese food from a take-out container onto a plate. 
Off-camera, Mike and Susan can be heard flirting.

Mike: "Just, watch your hands..."
Julie: "Um, I’m going to eat upstairs. I’re got a ton of homework."
Susan: "What are you, storing up for winter?"
Julie: "I’m just...really hungry. Oh, I talked to Dad today, and apparently, he and Brandi might break up."
Susan: "Oh, how awful!"
Julie: "Mom, you’re smiling."
Susan: "Am I? Hmm."
Julie: "Anyway, because of all the drama, he can’t take me this weekend, so...I’ll be home after all. Good night!"
She runs upstairs with her food, leaving Mike and Susan alone.

Susan: "Oh great, our romantic weekend is off."
Mike: "We could move it to my house."
Susan: "No."
Mike: "Why not?"
Susan: "I just, I just want it to be special."
Mike: "And it can’t be special at my house."
Susan: "Okay. I know this sounds weird, but I just need to have my things around me."
Mike: "What things?"
Susan: "Perfumes and oils. And I want to pick out the outfit that you are going to tear off me. And plus, I need to be in complete control of the lighting."
Mike: "Okay, we’ll wait until next weekend."
Susan: "You are just the sweetest guy."
She leans over to kiss him, and they end up kissing for a long, extended time.

Mike: "I can’t wait 'til next weekend."
Susan: "No, me neither."
Mike: "What about tomorrow when Julie’s at school? I’re got an early job and that’s it."
Susan: "Oh, no good. My publisher's got me under the gun for something. What about Friday?"
Mike: "Mmm. I’m repiping the house."
Susan: "Damn, Karl, I’m not even married to him anymore and he’s still keeping me from having sex."
She stabs her food with her fork.


Julie's Room
Zach eats the food Julie brought him.

Julie: "I can’t hide you in my room forever, and I think we need to tell my mom. You can trust her, I promise."
Zach: "You didn’t tell her what I told you, did you?"
Julie: "No! No, no. I would never tell anyone that."
Zach gets up.

Julie: "What are you doing?
Zach: "I don’t want to cause problems for you. I’m just, I’m just going to go."
Julie: "Zach, stop. Don’t go. I won’t tell her."
Zach: "I swear, I’ll be out of here soon. I’ll think of something, okay?"


Bree's House
Bree is playing solitaire, dressed for bed. Rex comes into the house.

Bree: "Hello."
Rex: "Why are you up?"
Bree: "I could ask you the same question."
Rex: "I’m going to bed. I didn’t ask you to wait up for me. Remember, I‘m here as our children’s father, not your husband."
Bree picks up the jacket he just took off, and sniffs the collar.

Rex: "What are you doing?"
Bree: "Were you with a woman? Did you tell her that you have a wife, or does that hinder your pick-up style?"
Rex: "All right. Even if I was seeing someone, I have every right to. Exploring options is the whole point of being separated!"
Bree: "Options! I’m not a mutual fund, Rex!"
Rex: "Oh, that’s not...Bree, you should get out there. Try and meet someone."
Bree: "Meet someone. I’m raising your children."
Rex: "I am just trying to move on with my life. It is nothing to be ashamed of!"
Bree: "Oh, okay. I tell you what then. Why don’t you just call up your mystery woman and invite her over. I’ll pull out the sofa bed and you can take her right there. Andrew! Danielle! Daddy’s gonna fornicate for us!"
Rex: "Keep your voice down."
Bree: "Why, are you feeling ashamed?"
She pushes past him.


Outside Mrs. Huber's House

"The next morning started with a banging."
Edie stands on Mrs. Huber's porch, banging loudly on the door.

"No one knew where Martha Huber was, and Edie Britt was starting to worry. Edie didn’t like worrying. She felt it gave her wrinkles. So, out of concern for her face and Mrs. Huber, Edie decided to find out what was going on."


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle rifles quickly through a drawer with papers in it. Finding nothing important, she closes the drawer and finds Yao Lin.
Gabrielle: "Yao Lin, listen to me. It’s very important that we find Carlos?passport. I’re already looked through his office, so I need you to search the bedroom."
Yao Lin stares at Gabrielle.

Gabrielle: "What?"
Yao Lin: "With Mr. Solis in jail, how are you going to pay me? I have children."
Gabrielle: "Yao Lin, your kids are in their twenties. If it'll make you shut up..."
Gabrielle writes a check.

Gabrielle: "Here. Three weeks in advance."
Yao Lin: "If you don’t mind, can I call your bank?"
Gabrielle: "Yao Lin, don’t be stupid. People don’t become poor overnight."
Gabrielle looks out the window where a tow truck is hooking her car up to be towed.

Gabrielle: "Huh? That’s my car! Oh my god!"
Gabrielle runs outside.

Gabrielle: "Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Where are you taking my car?"
Tow guy: "The government is impounding it. Here's your receipt. Call that number if you have any questions."
He drives off. Gabrielle watches it leave and notices some neighbors watching.

Gabrielle: "You call this a paint job?! I don’t want to see it again until it’s perfect!"
She glances quickly at the couple watching her and then storms into the house.


Bree's House
Bree irons shirts while Lynette sits nearby.

Lynette: "I wonder what’s going on over there. I mean, Claire did okay with the kids yesterday, but that could have been beginner’s luck. Do you think I should call? I should call!"
Bree: "Lynette, for the first time in years you finally have some free time, and you’re wasting it obsessing about the kids."
Lynette: "It’s just, I don’t know this woman, I mean, not really. So she has a degree in sociology. Well big deal, who doesn’t? My boys are a lot to handle. What if she’s not up to it?"
Bree: "You know, if you really have that many doubts, you should go buy a hidden camera."
Lynette (laughing): "What, a nanny cam?"
Bree: "Yeah. People do terrible things when they think no one is watching them."
Lynette: "Yeah. I don’t really think I could videotape Claire. It would be a breach of trust."
Bree: "Trust is overrated."
Lynette: "So, how are things with you and Rex?"
Bree: "Fine. Why do you ask?"
Lynette: "Well, I’m just curious. I mean, he moves out, he moves back in. Is he back for good?"
Bree: "Uh, the situation is, um, fluid. I’m not certain what his plans are yet."
Lynette: "So if you’re not sure he’s back for good, why are you ironing his shirts?"
Bree: "Because I have faith that he’ll come back. And that he’ll do the right thing."
Lynette: "That’s good. It’s good to have faith in people."
Bree: "Yeah. But I’ll still buy that camera."


Susan's House
Susan licks an envelope and then sees Mike’s truck drive by. She gets up and watches him park in his driveway, then go into his house. She smiles.

Later, dressed in lingerie, Susan calls Mike on the phone.

Mike: "Hello."
Susan: "Mike."
Mike: "Yeah."
Susan: "My oven’s out.
Mike: "Uh huh."
Susan: Come over and help my find my pilot light."
She hangs up, then turns on the stereo to the song Here I Am (Come And Take Me). As she gets ready for Mike to come over by throwing rose petals on the bed and floor, she sings along, dancing as she sings. Susan: "Oh, candles, candles!"
She goes into Julie's room and grabs some scented candles. As she dances her way out, Zach hides behind the door, unseen by Susan. Mike heads out of his house, heading towards Susan's. Zach walks down the hallway, but the floor beneath him creaks. Susan hears it.

Susan: "Mike? Mike, is that you? I’m up here!"
Susan gets on the bed and positions herself.

Mike gets to Susan's house and finds a note taped to the front door reading "Come on in! ♥ "

He smiles and opens the door. Zach, who had just been heading down the stairs, quickly heads back upstairs. When he gets to Susan's open door, he pauses, and the floor beneath him creaks again.

Susan: "Mike?"
Nobody answers, so Susan gets off her bed and quietly goes across her room. Zach creeps back down the hallway. Susan removes a thigh master from her closet and creeps toward her door. Zach hides behind a door and Susan comes out of her room, swinging the thigh master furiously, and hitting Mike, who falls backwards.

Susan: "Oh my god!"
Mike: "What the hell!"
Susan: "I’m so sorry, I thought there was someone in the house."
Mike: "So you took your clothes off?"
Susan: "No. My clothes were already off. I was going to seduce you."
Mike: "It didn’t really work."
Susan: "Oh, I’m sorry, are you okay?"
She begins kissing his face.
Mike: "Oh..."
When he stops responding, Susan realizes that he's looking past her. She turns around and sees Zach in the doorway, looking at them.

Zach: "Please don’t be mad."


Susan's House, Later
Julie comes home from school.
Julie: "Hey, there!"
She notices Zach sitting at the kitchen table with Susan and Mike standing by it.

Julie: "Zach, what are you doing here?"


Lynette's House

"Later that day, while Claire was out getting the boys wired on ice cream, Lynette did some wiring of her own."
Lynette sets up a hidden camera in a big ceramic Mr. Toad. She holds it up to eye-level and smiles. She then places it on the refrigerator. She goes over to a small TV on the counter and turns it on. The image from the camera is shown on the TV.
Lynette takes a teddy bear and stands in front of the camera, but watches herself on the TV. Gently, she cradles the teddy bear like a baby. Then, holding it at arm's length, she shakes the bear. Then she slaps the bear several times across the face. Then she throws it off to the side, looks directly at the camera, and shrugs, satisfied.


Susan's House

Julie: "No you can’t do this, you can’t send Zach back!"
Susan: "Julie, what else can I do? He can’t stay here!"
Julie: "His father sent him to a psycho ward!"
Zach: "Actually, they call it a rehabilitation center."
Susan (to Mike): "What do you think?"
Mike: "Paul is his father. He has a right to know his son’s okay. And, he finds out you’re hiding him, you’ll get in a lot of trouble."
Susan: "He’s right. Sorry, guys!"
Julie: "Mom, please don’t do this! If you knew what Zach had been through-"
Zach: "Julie! Julie. It’s okay. I’ll be fine."
They hug.

Mike: "I’ll, uh, take him back over so you two can..."
Susan: "Listen, if Paul sees Zach and freaks out..."
Mike: "I’ll bring him right back."
Susan: "Thank you."
Mike and Zach leave.

Susan: "Young lady, we need to talk about what you did."
Julie: "I really don’t feel like talking to you right now."
She runs up the stairs.
Outside, Mike and Zach walk to Paul's house.
Mike: "Uh, listen, Zach. If things ever get really bad..." (hands Zach his business card) "It’s got my cell number on it. Give me a call. Any time."
Zach: "Thanks!"
He stays on the sidewalk as Mike goes up to the door and knocks. Paul opens the door and sees Zach.

Paul: "Oh, thank god."
He hugs Zach, then turns to Mike.

Paul: "How did you-"
Mike: "We’ll talk later." (to Zach) "Remember, any time."
He walks off and Zach and Paul go back inside.


Maisy's House
Maisy slowly removes various sexual toys from her drawer. Behind her, sitting in a chair, with his back to her, sits Rex, naked.

Maisy: "I heard you moved back home."
Rex: "Yeah, I had to. We had some problems with Andrew. I’ll move out eventually."
Maisy: "Spikes or pearls?"
Rex: "Your choice."
Maisy puts on the pearl collar.

Maisy: "You know what I think?"
Rex: "Hmmm?"
Maisy: "You don’t really want to leave her."
Rex: "Please don’t psychoanalyze me."
Maisy: "You’re still in love with her."
Rex: "I never said I wasn’t."
Maisy: "Then why divorce?"
Rex: "Oh, so now you’re rooting for us two crazy kids to work-"
He turns slightly in his chair to look at her, and she pounds her fist on the dresser. Properly rebuffed, he turns back to his original position.

Maisy: "Hey! You know me. I’m just a romantic at heart. Scarves or cuffs?"
Rex: "Up to you. Even if I could find a way to deal with Bree’s whole obsessive compulsive thing, it’s not the only problem in our marriage. As you know, I have certain needs."
Maisy: "Boots or stilettos."
Rex: "Stilettos, please."
Maisy: "Why don’t you just tell Bree what you need? Tell her what you want."
Rex: "Because she’ll say no."
Maisy: "So? I’re said no to some things you’re asked me to do."
Rex: "Yeah, that’s different. I don’t care if you reject me."
Maisy snaps her fingers and Rex drops to the floor, face down..

Maisy: "Rex, won’t you trust me on this? Sometimes, when you love somebody, you just got to make sacrifices for them."
Rex: "Love or passion? It’s an awful choice to make."
Maisy: "Yes, it is. And I have to warn you. This might hurt a little bit."
She steps onto his back, wearing the stilettos, and walks slowly on him.

Rex groans as she walks.


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle takes the receipt the tow-truck man gave her and slaps it to Carlos's lawyer's chest.

Gabrielle: "How am I supposed to live without a car?"
Lawyer: "Gabrielle, listen. Tanaka is still at large, and they’re going to want Carlos to flip on him, so this is their way of playing hardball. Now, I’m guessing that they’re not done yet."
Gabrielle: "Why? What else could they take from us?"
Lawyer: "Pretty much anything. It’s all fair game if they even think they can trace it to ill-gotten gains."
Gabrielle: "No, no, no. No! Some of this stuff is mine. When I modeled. Before I even met Carlos! See this, costa boda, bought it when I landed my first cover. This, I spent eight hours on a rock in a bikini for that painting!"
Lawyer: "I understand how you feel."
Gabrielle: "No, you don’t understand. I have dug myself up from dirt to afford these things, and no one is going to take them away from me!"
Lawyer: "Then I suggest you find yourself a good hiding place. They can‘t take what they can’t find. Oh, and if you could scare up that passport too, that would be good!"
He leaves.


Bree's House
Bree's doorbell rings. She answers the door to see Gabrielle outside. Bree: "Oh, hi Gabrielle! What have you got there?"
Gabrielle: "My china. I know how you’re always loved it, and I thought you might want to borrow it for a while."
She takes the box she's holding and hands it over to Bree.
Bree: "Oh! Well, that’s um, very thoughtful of you."
Gabrielle: "Say, um, could I store some odds and ends in your garage?"
Bree: "Sure! Why don’t you, uh, come by tomorrow?"
Gabrielle: "Sooner is better than later!"
She rushes off, leaving Bree holding the china.
For the next while, Gabrielle transfers everything of value from her place to Bree's. When she's done, Bree comes over and stands with Gabrielle to look at the garage, which is completely filled now with Gabrielle's belongings.

Gabrielle smiles at Bree, who smiles back, but she clearly doesn't know what to say.


Maisy's House
Rex and Maisy are in the throws of passionate love-making, when suddenly Rex begins to make a weird noise.
Maisy: "Rex? Rex? Rex!"
With one hand attached to Rex's via handcuffs, she tries to grab the phone, but she can't reach it. She quickly uses her other hand to make a call.

Maisy: "I need an ambulance. Right away!"


Bree's House
Bree is in the garage, looking through Gabrielle's things, when the phone rings.

Bree: "Hello. This is she. Yes, he’s my husband."


Bree rushes up to a nurse's station.

Bree: "Um, excuse me, I’m here to see Rex Van de Kamp. Apparently, he had a heart attack. I’m not sure when"
Nurse: "He’s being prepped for surgery right now. If you’ll like to wait."
Bree: "Could I at least poke my head in? I’m his wife."
Nurse: "Your his wife?"
Bree: "Yes. Why?"
Nurse: "I was thinking of a different patient. Let me get the doctor."
She walks off. Bree stares after her, then goes around the desk to look at the nurse's log. She sees Rex's name, then the person who signed Rex in: Maisy Gibbons.


Lynette's House
Claire pours some hot water into a cup of tea, then heads for the stairs, turning off the light in the kitchen.

"As Claire prepared for bed, she was unaware that somewhere else in the Scavo house, the day she had just finished, was starting all over again."
Lynette watches the tape as she lies in bed. Throughout the day, Claire sang to the kids, played puppets with the kids, and made balloon animals. The kids love her.

"Lynette was relieved to see that Claire was doing a good job. And after further viewing, it dawned on Lynette...Claire might be doing her job...a little too well."
On the videotape, Claire is seen holding her arms out to the boys and saying "Come give me a three-bear hug!" The boys all run to hug her.


Susan's House
Susan comes down the stairs to where Julie is reading a book in the living room.

Susan: "Here’s the candles I borrowed. Thanks."
Julie: "I’m trying to read, so if you don’t mind?"
Susan: "I cannot believe that after everything you did, you’re mad at me."
Julie: "I told Zach that he could trust you, and you turned him in."
Susan: "Yeah, well, someone had to be responsible, and like it or not, I’re got a birth certificate that says I’m your mother."
Julie: "Since when?"
Susan: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Julie: "Since dad left, if there’s been a mother around here, it’s been me!"
Susan: "Julie!"
Julie: "Do you remember after the divorce that you stayed in bed for a week, and I had to beg you to eat something?"
Susan: "Yeah, but..."
Julie: "And for weeks, I had to clean the house, I had to make sure that the bills were paid. I even had to schedule my own doctor’s appointment once."
Susan: "I was in bad shape back then."
Julie: "It’s still going on. And now that I need some support, you decide to play the mom card?"
Susan: "I had to send Zach back. We could have gotten in a lot of trouble."
Julie: "Yeah? Well now Zach's the one who's in trouble. You sent him back to a man who hates him."
She runs up the stairs.


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle comes down the stairs of her house and looks around at the nearly-empty house.

"As Gabrielle considered the vast emptiness of her new surroundings, she was surprised to find there was only one thing she truly missed. Her husband."
The doorbell rings. She goes to answer it.

FBI Agent: "Mrs. Solis, a warrant to enter your house and repossess any goods which we suspect may have been obtained..." (he looks around the empty house) "...illegally."
Gabrielle: "We’re not into clutter."


Lynette's House
Lynette sits on the couch with her three boys. She picks up a children's book from the coffee table and puts on her reading glasses.

Lynette: "All right."
Harvey: "The Flying Turtle? Doesn’t this look fun!"
Porter: "Where’s Claire?"
Lynette: "I gave her the afternoon off. Who wants to turn pages?"
Preston: "Is she sick?"
Lynette: "No. She’s fine. I just wanted us all to spend the day together, you know, like we used to. Here we go. Once upon a time there was a young turtle named Harvey. Every day Harvey would all tell the other turtles, no day I’m going to fly off this island and go see the world.? The other turtles laughed and said turtles can’t fly.? Oh, it‘s getting good now, huh?"
She looks at her boys, who sit there sadly.

Lynette: "Well, what’s wrong?"
Porter: "When Claire reads, she does funny voices."
Lynette: "Does she, now? Okay. Harvey didn’t like the turtles laughing, so he told them," (speaking in a different voice) " She’ll show you. One day I will fly higher than the birds!?
Preston: "That’s not funny."
Lynette: "Yeah, well, I’m just warming up. Then Bruno, the big bad turtle took Harvey up on a cliff and threw him over, and he proclaimed," (speaking in a different voice) "We’ll see if you can fly, fly or die, fly or die!"
Parker: "When’s Claire coming back?"


Gabrielle sits across a table from Carlos, who's in a bright orange prison uniform. Other inmates and their visitors sit at various other tables in the same room.

Carlos: "What happened to all your nails?"
Gabrielle: "Oh, I, I moved all our stuff, to keep it from the feds."
Carlos: "It kills me that I’m putting you through this."
They clasp hands.

Guard: "Hands on the table."
They unclasp hands and each lean back into their chairs.

Gabrielle: "It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll take care of everything until you’re back to do it yourself. And you will be soon."
Carlos: "I got to be honest. I didn’t know how you would hold up. I knew you were a strong woman, but I had no idea. You’re a good wife, Gabby. A real partner."
Gabrielle: "Oh, Carlos, I love you so much! I would give up a house full of expensive junk just to put this behind us, and have you home with me."
Carlos: "That sounds pretty good right now."
By this time, they're both leaning forward. Gabrielle calls out loudly to the guard.

Gabrielle: "I’m going to kiss my husband now!"
Guard: "Hands on the table."
They lean forward and begin kissing. After the first kiss, but still in the kissing position, Carlos begins speaking quietly.

Carlos: "There’s a false panel on the back wall of the closet. My passport is there, along with some papers. Take the passport to the lawyer, and burn the papers."
They break the kiss. Gabrielle looks at him with a puzzled expression. He motions with his head and puckers his lips so she’ll kiss him again.
She puts her lips against his.

Gabrielle: "Carlos, did you know what Tanaka was doing?"
Carlos: "Just burn the papers."
They break the kiss and Gabrielle stares at Carlos.


Outside Lynette's House
Lynette pulls into her driveway and Edie walks up to her.

Edie: "Hey Lynette, did Martha Huber happen to leave a spare key to her house with you?"
Lynette: "No."
Edie: "Oh!."
Lynette: "Where is she, by the way? I haven’t seen her in days."
Edie: "You’re got me. She kicked me out so fast that I forgot my laptop, and there’s just some stuff on there that I don’t want anyone else to see."
Lynette: "Oh. Well. Good luck with that."
Edie: "You know, you’re not looking half bad. What have you done with that little posse of yours?"
Lynette: "They’re with the new nanny."
Edie: "Wow! Your own personal nanny? Swell you!"
Lynette: "Well, trust me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. You know, our mothers were smart. They didn’t get us nannies or put us in day care, because they knew, if they did, we’ll find out - there are other women out there who were better mothers than they were!"
Edie: "You know, I had a nanny for a while, growing up. Mrs. Muntz."
Lynette: "You had a nanny?"
Edie: "Well, actually, she was more like a court-appointed social worker. My mom did a little time. She had a thing for bourbon and shoplifting."
Lynette: "Oh! Sorry."
Edie: "Oh, Muntz was a hardass. No mercy. In fact, she was such a disciplinarian, that when my mom made parole, I was actually happy to see her."
Lynette: "Really."
Edie: "Yeah. Lesser of two evils."
Lynette: "Huh."
Edie: "Anyway, I’re got to find a key. See you later."
Lynette: "Bye."
Edie walks off.


Susan's House
Mike and Susan talk.

Susan: "Thanks for your help with Zach before."
Mike: "Oh, it’s my pleasure. I hope he comes out of this okay. He’s a little squirrelly, but he seems like a good kid."
Susan: "Yeah."
He sits down at the kitchen table where Susan's sitting and hands her a cup of something to drink.

Mike: "So, how’s Julie taking all of this?"
Susan: "Not well. She accused me of not being a good mother."
Mike: "You’re a great mom."
Susan: "Well, she was sort of right. After my divorce, I really leaned on her a lot."
Mike: "Seems natural."
Susan: "And I still kinda do it. I just want somebody to talk to about all my adult stuff, and she’s right there, and she just acts so mature, I forget she’s thirteen."
Mike: "Well the good news is that from now on, if you ever want to talk to somebody about grown-up stuff, you’re got me."
Susan: "Well, I can’t talk to you about everything."
Mike: "Oh?"
Susan: "What if I want to talk about the big crush I have on the plumber that lives across the street?"
Mike: "Big crush, huh?"
Susan: "Oh, yeah."
Mike: "Well, you’ll have to tell me more."
Susan: "Well, um, he’s got a smile that’s to die for, and don’t get me started on his tattoo."
She kisses his hand.

Susan: "Thanks."


Maisy's House
The doorbell rings. Maisy opens it to find Bree on the other side.

Maisy: "Oh, Bree. What a nice surprise. Would you like to come in?"
Bree: "Well, that depends. Are you having an affair with my husband?"


Paul's House
Paul and Zach sit at the dining room table, eating dinner. Zach picks at his food.

Paul: "Would you like some more potatoes?"
Zach: "You already asked me that."
Paul: "Sorry. I’m so relieved you're safe, I’m not thinking straight."
Zach: "Does that mean you’re not going to send me back to Silvercrest?"
Paul: "You’re got to understand. Your behavior, the violence, breaking into the Van de Kamps. I just didn’t know what you were going through."
Zach: "You could have asked me."
Paul: "Well."
Zach: "I’re been remembering things. Things from when I was little."
Paul: "What kind of things?"
Zach: "Awful things."
Paul: "Zach, listen to me. Sometimes it's not good to look back in the past."
Zach: "But I can’t help it. These images just keep popping into my head."
Paul: "Well, then you’re got to find a way to push them back out again."
Zach: "Okay."
Paul: "More potatoes?"
Zach: "Yes, please."
Paul: "It sure is nice to be back to normal."


Maisy's House
Bree and Maisy sit on opposite facing couches in Maisy's living room.

Maisy: "You should know that Rex still loves you very much."
Bree: "He said that?"
Maisy: "Yes."
Bree: "Then why is he so unhappy?"
Maisy: "He has certain needs and he’s afraid to discuss them with you."
Bree: "Needs. Like, sexual needs?"
Maisy: "Yes."
Bree: "And have you fulfilled those needs?"
Maisy doesn’t answer, but instead just smiles.

Bree: "I see." (stands up) "You know, you are pretty brazen for a woman who just admitted, however tacitly, that she just slept with my husband. If I told anyone in this neighborhood, they would never speak to you again."
Maisy: "You’re not going to tell a soul. Bree, you may hate me, but you‘ll hate the humiliation a lot more."
Bree: "Oh, I don’t hate you, Maisy. I pity you."
She walks out.


Lynette's House

Lynette: "Hi."
Claire: "Oh, hey Lynette. You heading out now?"
Lynette: "Yep. Um, I’ll be home late, so just the usual routine. A nap for Penny, and-"
Claire: "I know, no sugar after five. I got it."
Lynette: "You’re the best. Oh, one more thing. Since the boys are having corn dogs for dinner, I’ll like you to make sure they get a vegetable to go with it."
She goes to the freezer and pulls out a bag of frozen vegetables.

Claire: "Brussel sprouts?"
Lynette: "They’re full of iron. Could you make sure they clean their plates?"
Claire: "Not a problem. I have this little trick I do. I cover the veggies with some cheese."
Lynette: "You sly dog."
She leaves.

" That night, Lynette settled in to watch her personal pick for feel-good movie of the year."
On the video...

Claire: "You guys, you need to eat your brussel sprouts."
Angry voice: "Brussel spouts taste yucky!"
Angry voice: "I don’t want this!"
The boys start throwing their food at Claire, who pleads with them to stop. Lynette, watching the tape while eating popcorn, smiles.


Rex awakens and sees Bree standing at the window looking out.

Rex: "Hey."
Bree: "Hey."
Rex: "I guess they operated, huh?"
Bree: "They sure did."
Rex: "How'd it go?"
Bree: "It went well. The surgeon says you’re going to be as good as new."
Rex: "You look like you’re been crying."
Bree: "I have. I was so afraid you were gonna die. There were so many things I haven’t had a chance to tell you."
Rex: "I’m sorry you were so worried."
Bree: "That’s okay. How are you now, Rex? Are you strong enough to listen to the things I need to tell you?"
Rex: "Sure, hon."
Bree sits on the edge of the bed and leans down so that she's near Rex's face.

Bree: "I know you still love me. Maisy told me."
Rex: "She did?"
Bree (whispering): "As of this moment, Rex, I am no longer your wife. I am going to go out, and find the most vindictive lawyer I can find, and together, we are going to eviscerate you. I’m going to take away your money, your family, and your dignity. Do you hear me?"
Rex: "Bree-"
Bree: "And I am so thrilled to know that you still love me. Because I want what's about to happen to you, to hurt as much is as humanly possible. I’m so glad you didn’t die before I got a chance to tell you that."
She leaves the room.


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle opens the false panel Carlos told her about and finds the passport along with papers.

"Trust is a fragile thing..."
Gabrielle opens the passport and reads it.


Lynette's House

Lynette: "Bye guys!"
The boys all call good bye to her and Lynette leaves them with Claire.

"Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom."


Bree walks down a hallway.

"But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover."
Bree stops in front of a closed door. She takes a deep breath, and goes inside. She closes the door. On the glass reads "SOLOMON, MILLER & HAAS 
Susan's House
Susan walks into Julie's room. Julie looks at her briefly, but then returns to reading without saying anything.

"Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we're closest to can betray us."


Outside Paul's House
Paul takes out the garbage, and looks over at Mrs. Huber’s house, where Edie is standing next to a police officer who is banging on the door.

Officer: "Police, open up!"
"And total strangers can come to our rescue."


Gabrielle's House
Gabrielle sits on the edge of the bed, looking at a roaring fire in the fireplace.

"In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned."
Gabrielle throws Carlos’s passport onto the fire, where it immediately starts to burn.

~ The End ~

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