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楼主 1#
Endless story

Never give up though it is useless,we live for the desirability although fate changes our lives.

After thousands of years,there are still a lot of violets,growing by the edge of the mountain.Those flowers,magical flowers, bloom in January------The season that full of longing about the future.They began to bloom in the evening,the most mysterious part of the day.When the goddess came while the darkness covered the sky,they were able to see the light that passed through the black clouds.Then, the goddess, came down to the ground and began crying in the cluster of the violet.As her tears dropped down on the bud,the flowers began to sway their bodies.After a while,they immediately opened their petals.The cloud that covered the sky moved away,as the ray of light got brighter and brighter.It means that dawn was about to come.With the first droplet shinning in the sun,the violets bloomed in succession.Then thearchy came carring musical instruments in their hands.They played wonderful music to celebrate this day.The goddess,who was crying in the cluster,joined the festival and danced with the other gods.Soon they disappeared in the fog of the first rain.
                                                                   ------- Preface
It was a long time ago.
Princess Violet was the daughter of the northern king.
The old king gave her the name to memorialize her mother,his dearest wife,Daisy.
He would never forget that day.
It was the last day of winter.
In the morning.
When the slight snow fell qietly to the roominess motherland,he was riding a horse through his garden.On the path,a flower in bright purple that he had ever seen leaped to his eyes,which bloomed harmony under the gradually snow.He could even recognise it at once,just as he recognise his forever lover, Daisy, beside the Lake of Loran.They fell in love at first sight.
Oh,Daisy,How could I forget your face.White but not pale,like the purest cloud in the sky.Your long blond hair, were scattered over your shoulders,as the wind goes by they wafted in the air.You have the most charming eyes in the world.
The king thought of his past…..
He was a prince when he met Daisy.
When things troubled him and drove him crazy,he would like to go to the Loran Lake.
There,Daisy was sitting by the side of the lake.May be she was watching her face of her shadow in the water and combing her hair or watching fish passing in the water in a daze.
It was like a picture…
He was toxicated.
She always smile to him when they saw each other.Then they might sit together and fed some fish.The prince was usually pushed by her into the water.They might also went to his garden,sometimes Daisy hide herself into the cluster,however,the king couldn’t make her out of the flowers.
“She liked to hide here if I am right.”He said to himself.
After a few years,they got married.
The wedding ceremony was held in the garden and he remembered that the sun shined brightly that day…
“I shall take it for Daisy,she will be pleased by its smell.I hope it will bless our child to come to this world safely.”
So, he jumped off the horse and pulled the flower down.
Meanwhile,a servant ran quikly into the garden and kneeled down in front of the king.
“I’m sorry to…to interupt you,Your Majesty.But,the queen was in danger when she was delivering.”He was out of breath.
After the hearing about this,the king immediately rode on the horse and rushed to the castel.
The lonely flower,was left on the ground.An old witch came out of the cluster and sweared to the leaving sight of his back, “You have pulled down my flower,you will pay for it!I promise!You will…”
She picked up the flower.
Soon she disappeared in the forest…
As soon as the king ran to the door of Daisy’s room,he heard a loud cry.He immediately opened the door and saw several handmaidens were busy working at the side of the queen’s bed.One of them was holding the baby in her arm,when she saw the king came she kept away from the bed.The other handmaidens stopped doing their jobs,they moved the appliences away and stood near the window.
“Daisy.”He said her name gently and sat down on the chair.
She looked paiful but she still struggled to hold out her hand.
The king grabbed hold of her hand at once,he could see sweat sliding down from Daisy’s forehead.He cleaned her head with a handkerchief and looked at her soulfully.
“It’s a girl.”The handmaiden passed the baby to the king and said.
He took his girl carefully,she looked so tender that even a gust of wind would bring her away from the world.The king wraped the cloth even more tight to be sure that she won’t fall to the ground.He kissed her head and brought her close to Daisy.He was excited and nervous.The queen’s face looked even more pale than before,she dauted the baby’s head and smiled.
“She looked just like you,Daisy.”
“Yes,she is.”
“How should we call her?”
The snow outside became harder.
All the things turned to white.
Daisy became out of breath and she could hardly open her eyes.
Those handmaidens who were standing at the side of the window qiuckly rushed to the queen’s bed and helpped her to sit on the bed.
The king became frightened as he ran out of the room shouted, “Where is the doctor?”
The candles in the wall was crushed out.
Echoes were resounding over and again in the castel.
Suddenly he heard that Daisy was calling his name.
He came back to the room and held her hands even more closely,he was supposed to cry.
“Promise me Daisy, that you won’t leave me.”His hands shaked ceaselessly.
Tears dropped, on her hands.
“Don’t cry.”Daisy tried to swept his tears away from his eyes.
She gradually disentwined her hands.
She closed her eyes forever…
It stopped snow outside.
Rays of light came in through the window.
She left the world serenly.

Her funeral was held in the garden where she was buried after the day she went away.
The abbe poured holy-water on her tomb and read lament.
Everyone was standing quietly around,except the baby in the handmaiden’s arm cried loudly.
The queen’s tomb was covered with flowers.

The princess has grown up a few years later with a beautiful name ‘Violet’.
Nobody knew why she had that name.

Maybe it’s just a name …

In a warm morning in spring.The princess was walking with her father in the garden.Fragrant smell came from the cluster.She felt joyful and picked some of them in her hands.The old king walked slowly behind her,he smiled when he heard her singing softly in the garden.He could hardly see things in front of him,so he relied on his audition to recognise things.Even though he was old,he still insisted on going to his wife’s tomb in spring each year.
“Violet.”The old king called out her name gently. “Had we reached your mother’s tomb?”
The girl turned back and ran to his father.
“Not yet father.”She said.
Then,Violet stopped speaking.She was amazed by a flower beside the path.
“Dad.Can I pick that flower?”
The old king looked through the direction she pointed.He could hardly see anything.
Soon he was shocked,it was the flower that he pulled down a few years ago.
How could it be there?The old king was confused.
The flower looked as fresh as he saw it last time and grew peacefully in the cluster.However, it looked more lively than before.
“Yes, of course my dear.”
“I’ll take it for mom.I’m sure she’ll like it.”
So she pulled the flower down and carefully grabbed it in her hand.
Shortly,they reached the queen’s tomb.The flowers had faded for a long time since they were left there last year.The old king sat down on a large stone and took a deep breath.It was even more difficult for him to have a long journey.
“It’s time for me to look for a new king.”He said to himself.
Violet put the flowers down near the tomb and prayed to the god.
Suddenly, a ray of light which came from the sky emblazed the place around the tomb.Violet could hardly open her eyes.
Holy music came from far and near to the tomb.An angle flew to the ground and reached out his arm.The soul of the queen came out of the tomb and starring at Violet and the old king.She looked saintly.The old king was scared when he saw the things in front of him.He immediately stood up.
Soon a lot angles appeared.They tried to persuade Daisy to go with them.Some of them pushed her and grab hold of her arms.
“Mom!”Little princess cried out.
The queen’s soul hesitated for a moment and looked at the king and violet ruthfully.She began to fly over in the air holding the angle’s hand.
Wind blew hardly and loudly,the leaves began floating into the air.They got together and detached endlessly.The god was calling up her name.
Daisy floated to the heaven with those angles.They laughed and became cheerful.
However,she was sad.She was still worring about her husband and her child.Tears came out of her eyes and dropped down on the stele.
Violet ran after them but she was left far away behind.
After a while,they disappear in the end of the world.
“Where are they going?”Little princess was curious.
“To the heaven my dear.”
“What is that?”
“That’s a place where you’ll never have pain and grief.”
“Why didn’t she come with us?”
“Because she was dead.”
The girl realised something and began to cry.
“Don’t cry my dear.”The old king cuddled her into his bosom.
“You should be happy.Because your mom will live peacefully there forever.”
The old king thought of the past when he met Daisy for the first time and looked over the sky in a daze.
“Yes,forever.”He said.

A witch suddenly jumped in front of the little princess and said, “How dare you pulled off my flower,I won’t live longer without it.I’ll turn you into a flower to replace for it.”
The witch spoke some words that they didn’t know what she was talking about.
Then,Violet became a flower just like the flower they picked before.
It bloomed in bright purple…
The witch picked up the flower and began to walk to the forest.
The old king screamed with anger as he ran after the witch and tried to snatch the flower off the witch’s hand.
At the moment he shouted, the witch pointed her finger to the king.
Soon, the old king fell down to the ground.
The flowers in the garden began to shake as they shaked much more acutely than before.
They cried like children.
The dead body of the king slowly floated to the ground.
It began to rain.
His body flew over the forest and droped on a grassplot.
It became harder and harder,finally,it became a stone.
When the rain dripted on it,it grew larger.
As the rain stopped,a mountain was seen behind the forest.

Time passed so qiuckly that I couldn’t even see its foot steps clearly…

All the people discussed about the dissappearance of the princess and the old king.

The kingdom was trapped in a chaos.

The second year,the king of the southern country decide to attack his neighbouring country.

Although the dumb millions in the nothern country resisted,the aggresors carried eveything before them.

Thousands of people was slaughtered.

After only a few days,the flags of the southern country were sticked up everywhere.

The story was still continuing.

Every year a lot of girls dissappeared unexpetively.

They all disappeared in Spring.

The new king had asked his men to investigate this thing for many times.

However,they didn’t came back.

Only the witch in the forest knew what was happening.

She had lived for thousands of years in the world.Because she had an indenture with Zeus.
Zeus promised her to live longer.But he had a request.He asked the witch to look after her flower of life carefully and to grow definite amount of flowers in the world.he would come every spring to verify her harvest.
“This flower.”he said, “will live longer if you look after it carefully.And you’ll live as long as it in the world.”
The witch was happy to hear this and carefully get the flower from zues’s hand.
However,she was brainless of growing flowers.
So she learned magic to turn people into flowers.
But it was only efficient on girls.
In the first of spring each year,she glided into the town slingkingly and read out her powerful magic.The girls when were asleep became different kinds of flowers.They were collected by the witch in the end and grew on the ground near the forest.
The beatiful place was discovered by the king before nothern coutrywas set up and he asked the workers to build a garden there.
The flower of life,was among them.

Another spring came.

“Geetings my great deity.”The witch was standing in the garden and wait for Zeus to check for work.
“It seemed that you’ve done qiute well last year by looking at your effort.I’m very glad that you’ve heard what Iasked you to do.”
“That’s absolutely right.But…But I have a request my great deity,I’m wondering I’m allowed to say.”
“I’ll try my best if it’s posible and in reason.”
“Could you let the flower of life to live longer?”
“Sure.You had made a great effort and you’ll have what you want.”
The witch opened her hands,the flower was lying quietly there.
It emited a feint balminess.
There were dewdrops around the leaves.
The colour was as purple as usual,however it was not as fresh as it used to be.
“I can feel desolation from the flower and its colour was becoming bleack.What’s wrong with it?”
“May be it was my fault.I havn’t look after it very well.”
“It shall not have heart doesn’t it?”
“And it didn’t rain today.How could there be droplets around it?”
The witch became bewilderment and kneeled down on the ground at once.
“You have cheated me,you abhorrent woman.It’s a human.”
“No it’s not.It’s just because I watered it today.”
“Tell me the truth,witch.The punishment on you will be lighter if I know the truth.”
The witch was almost lifted up by Zeus.
“O…OK,My great deity.It was the princess of the northern country,she pulled off the real flower of life two years ago,so I turn she into a replacement.”
“Where was the king?”
“I turned him into a mountain just near the forest.”
“You harmed two innocent persons just to satisfy your own desire of living.What’s your value of alive when you live longer?”
Then he turned the witch into a worm which lived underground forever till now.She served the flowers by digging the ground.

To the girls who turned into flowers Zeus grew them at the edge of the mountain.

The only hope to release from the magic was to accept a kiss from a lover.

Like the descriptions in almost every fairy stories for children…

They were all waiting.

The flowers died without the witches magic after a few month.

Violet still struggle to be alive.Although she was weaker day after day.She still thought a prince will come and desolve the magic.

Zeus came to see them everyday until the only one was alive.

He was impressed.

“I’ll call the flower Violet and it will bloomed in the first day of spring.It’ll be blessed by the goddess forever because it was bloomed with the tears of Venus.”he said.

I heard this story from an old man in the wooden house at the edge of the mountain.
He said he knew the story when he was a child.
I’m sure he’ll tell the story to his grandchild and the story will be sended forever by geberations.
That day was on the beam.I must say.
It was the first day of spring.
I ran to the grassplot where lots of Violets grow.
Sun shines brightly that day and I felt sleepy after hearing the long story.
So I lied among the flowers gave a strecth.
I closed my eyes and sleep in the balmy smell of the violet.
I dreamed about the nothern king and his daughter…
And the queen Daisy…
沙发 2#
xiaosunzi 发表于 09-6-28 00:26:25 | 只看该作者
板凳 3#
Xue落 发表于 09-6-28 10:32:24 | 只看该作者
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